
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
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289 Chs

Hail to the King(2)


Once Jacob shouted, the three Sisters halberds sliced him. It would've cut him to pieces, but instead of hitting Jacob, they hit....


The smiles on the sisters' faces literally dropped and were replaced with shock and confusion. 




The sisters started to fade away and the sisters they hit just stayed in one place looking shocked and confused before the lights around them went out as it became dark.

(A/n: It's similar to when Bruno first witnessed the power of King Crimson.)

"What is going on?!" The sister in the middle asked in confusion.

But then, they heard a voice in a cold and menacing tone that seemed to lower the temperature and send shivers to anyone present, that voice belonging to none other than Jacob's. 

"I decided to show you this as... a sort of parting gift. Since I'm gonna obliterate you three, I'll fill you in. What you three just witnessed and felt right now was you in the future. Yourselves from a few seconds from the past witnessed yourself in the future."

Appearing behind them without them noticing, Jacob spoke deeply.

"This is the power of the Stand that I have become. King Crimson. I erased time and leapt bloody past it!"

*Music Play — Golden Wind OST - Final Fight (Diavolo Theme)*

Punching a hole through the sister in the middle right in her abdomen, Jacob kicked away the other two sisters and they both crashed into a wall. The taller sister vomited a mouthful of blood as she looked at the large and thick limb penetrating her behind, deep...

(Author: Okay, I'll stop.)

"Now I do remember reading an article about you three back in the old days and what you three do.... is complete madness. And since your keter class means even if I do kill you, it won't matter. Especially to the Foundation since keter class creatures go for termination on rare occasions. Monsters like you deserve no mercy."

Removing his fist from her abdomen, the sister kneels down and looks at him. 

"Then burn in hell!!" She yelled furiously before she snapped her fingers. 




"Umm..." Confused, Jacob looks at her oddly, "Was that supposed to do something? If you're trying to Thanos snap me out of existence then let me tell you it's not working."

In absolute shock, the sister stood up and yelled out in confusion, "No! Your body should have twisted and turned inside out. Don't tell me you're immune to our reality bending?!"

"Oh! So that's what you were trying to do!" Jacob said, thankful whoever gave him this immunity which kinda gave him shivers what would happen if he doesn't have that.

Spotting the british energetic and the short kuudere sister getting up, he asked, "Now are you gonna let us leave this place."

"Don't forget..." She groaned in pain and coughs out blood, "This is a place that can be manipulated as long as we are here. You are in our domain!"

Rolling his eyes, Jacob uses Epitaph and creates a future image on his right arm to see that he was going to be struck by multiple electrical wires from the wall behind the sister.

(A/n: Since Diavolo used his hair to project future images with Epitaph, in my book he can project it on his arms or walls or on the ground.)

'I've already seen it, fools.' He thought. Jacob turns to see multiple electric wires coming from the wall behind the sister just like how the epitaph showed him. 

Watching the electrical wires heading towards him at high speeds, Jacob snorted.


Once he shouted, the world, the space, and reality around him broke apart and replaced with stars and galaxies of space. He could see the future movement and trajectory of the wires, so he casually moved away from them and started walking towards the second sister and stood behind her. 

"Now the only thing that will remain.... are the results."

At the next moment, once the world became normal and time moved freely once again, the wires struck a wall and some office equipment. 


"I was already ten seconds ahead of you!" Jacob shouted and karate chops the second sister's torso in half, causing her to vomit a massive amount of blood from her mouth. 

"Final warning. Let us go."

The third sister, the shorter one who's dialogue was always one word each, quickly snapped her fingers and opened a hole underneath Jacob's feet but Jacob erased time and the second sister had already collapsed on the floor before he was now behind the third sister. 

Before the third sister could react, Jacob grabbed her face and smashed her entire head into a wall that was on his right. 

"Now will you show me the exit?"


Snapping her fingers, the door appeared on the wall, it opened and bright sunlight was coming. 


Letting go of the third sister and walking through the door. But then he found himself in the football stadium of Area-37. Curiosity got the best of him, Jacob turned around but the door was already gone. 

"...I'm an idiot." He muttered to himself.

Looking at the stadium seats, he saw numerous red hooded figures with fireballs ready on their hands. Jacob looked at the end of the football stadium where goal posts should be and saw a concrete bunker and sitting on top of it were the three sisters, patching up their wounds.

'Open field. Death traps. Pyromancers. Shifting terrain. Yep they have quite the home field advantage here. But against time erasure and epitaph. They don't stand a chance.'

Slamming his foot on the ground, Jacob ran towards the bunker like a sports player. The pyromancers fired multiple projectiles but Jacob erased time and all of the shots missed as he continued running. He used Epitaph on the ground and saw a future image which showed he would be crushed by giant hammers. 

Spotting the two giant hammers ready to smash him just like the epitaph showed him, Jacob instantly moved to the right and then to the left, avoiding the hammers with ease and continued running. 


(Note: It was mentioned that this time was around in 2021, so it's years before Stone Ocean was released.)

The pyromancers again throwed numerous fireballs at him from left and right but again he used time erasure and they missed. Jacob saw he was getting close to the bunker and the sisters had already patched their wounds up. Using Epitaph once more, it created a future image on his left arm and saw billions of spears rain from the sky and fall onto him at lightning fast speed.

Looking up, he saw countless spears, so many that it had covered the light source and turned the area day to night, the spears, numbering billions falling from the sky just as the future image had said.

'My ability is invincible!! Although not against Golden Experience Requiem. But hey, still invincible.' 

Erasing time again, he saw the trajectory of how the spears would come and moved left and right and evaded all of them. Time moved freely again and he continued running, but then, the area around brightened and a massive shadow looming over him, looking up, he noticed the rooftop of the building was nowhere to be seen.

Not only that...

What he saw next, was a blinding orange light forming in the sky.


That wasn't a light.

A giant meteor fell from the sky, the shimmering light from the friction of its descent would be enough to blind all onlookers.

With the sole exception being Jacob.


"What the hell is that!?" 

The driver of one of the trucks belonging to the Foundation's Mobile Task Force yelled out in surprise at the sky having gone all dark all of the sudden, except for a specific part.

Stopping the armored vehicles, all of the MTF soldiers had to shield their eyes with their forearm and squint to see what was going on.

"What the hell kind of battle is taking place there?" The captain of the unit whispers as he shields his eyes from the blinding light and the intense heat they were all feeling.

To the onlookers, it looked as if the sun itself was falling from the sky, despite it being hundreds of miles away. They could still feel the shockwave and the heat of the air where they stood.

"Whatever happens there, it seems like Scp-1765, the sisters send forth a meteor which wasn't in their records before, and against the main target we were looking for." The MTF captain said, he looked at the driver and ordered, "Driver, move now!"

"Wait, are we moving towards that!?"

"Do it!"

In nervousness, the driver drives the truck towards the direction of Area-37, followed by other trucks behind them.


As the meteor ripped through the air and the shockwave destroyed all the surrounding areas, it crashed into the entire field where Jacob was.


Cutting Jacob's words off, the silence from before was now completely discarded.



The meteor exploded in a fiery light upon impact on the field, sending its intense heat and powerful shockwaves all over the landscape outside Area-37. The impact from the explosion destroyed the surrounding area and covered the sky in a white light.

Surely, all living things in the area had died out, but somehow when the meteor completely decimated the entire surrounding areas, turning into a complete wasteland, the only thing left was Area-37, which seemed to be untouched by the shockwaves that the meteor created.

Turns out, the sisters simply use their reality bending powers to make the facility withstand that destructive power that is comparable to an atomic bomb.

(Music Stops)

The Sisters looked at the wasteland they simply made and the entire thing with a huge smile on their faces, believing that they finally got rid of Jacob.

"Hahahahahaha! Pathetic fool! You really thought you could beat us. In this world, the principal, the laws, and reality itself is our play thing and we can do whatever we want with it. Now we can continue our experiments without anybody interfering with us."

All three of them started laughing like psycho anime girls being happy at the fact that they got rid of the annoyance. Oh boy they were wrong. 

"Oye gals."

They stopped laughing and turned around to see Jacob, survived and unscathed from the meteor fall.

The sisters looked at him in disbelief. But then, they now realized they made a mistake, they failed to realize what this man's power was...

The power to erase the segment of time.

"Now... I'm gonna beat the ever living shit out of all three of you."

*Music Plays — JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OST - Stardust Crusaders Music Theme*

Unleashing a barrage of punches on all of three of them, Jacob roared like a raging demon.



Giving them one last and final punch, he sends all three of them flying across the entire stadium, bloodied and beaten and they crash into the stadium seats. 

"Hail to the King, motherfuckers."

(Music Stops) 

Turns out, before the meteor crushes and vaporizes Jacob to powder, he simply uses his ability to erase time for 0.5 seconds and survive while the sisters are busy with their laughing session. He took this as an opportunity to attack them from behind. Basically they didn't see it coming. 

"Should have taken me seriously. Oh well." 

As he shrugs his shoulders, Jacob approaches the three who were lying bloodied and beaten on the stadium seats.

When he stopped in front of them, he asked, "So... gonna show me the real exit for me and the rest. Or should I give you more results." He said, cracking his knuckles as a warning shot.

Even though the three could reality bend anything to their will, but against him, they would stand no chance even if they went at their best. Since he can catch them off guard with his epitaph and time erasure, especially his immunity towards their reality bending. So they have no choice but to accept the King's demands. 

The big sister coughed, "Fine."

"Thank you for your bloody cooperation." King Crimson bowed politely before turning around and leaving.


SCP-1765, also known as "The Sisters." 

Status: Retired for the next 8 months due to various shattered bones and damaged organs. Must hold all experimentation until fully healed. 

Cause of retirement: Jacob Wilson, the one who has become King Crimson. 



Outside the perimeter walls of Area-37, Sgt. Johnson, Agent Simmons and Sophia arrived from the trucks which turned out to be them. Right now, the three alongside dozens of Mobile Task Force Units were standing next to the perimeter walls until it suddenly broke apart entirely. 

"What the hell?" Johnson alongside the rest of the soldiers raised their guns at the sudden thing.

At the next moment, Jacob and other civilians, Scp Foundation soldiers and scientists who were joyful for their freedom and escaping from the endless years of suffering had come through the hole in the wall and approached them.

"KING CRIMSON?!" Simmons exclaimed as he lay his eyes on the red figure.


"You got them all out?!" Sophia asked.


"And 1765?" Johnson asked.

"On retirement. So you must be those Foundation assholes?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, we are." Johnson confirmed, "But... Why are you coming to us? Are you feeling wary of us?"

"I know you guys and the Foundation are assholes, but I just needed some help for once instead of scaring the shit out of people and ran like sissies upon seeing me, like last time."


"So when are we leaving this place?" 

"After all of this is sorted out, we move when it's night time."

"I'm ok with that."

'Now we have three time bending Human Stands. I wonder what Rodeo and Evan are doing?' Simmons thought to himself, kinda feeling excited upon thinking of three Stands that rewind, stop, and skip time feels excited for him.

Especially possessing three of the anime's main villains and most powerful Stands, it makes themselves even more powerful and there are no beings out there that could stop them!

'I mean, they are very overpowered, just the three of them combined makes them unstoppable, there is no way someone out there could beat the three alone.'