
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
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289 Chs

Intense Battles(4)

– New Jersey, America - 11:10 AM –

Jersey City was secured and evacuated perfectly by the Mobile Task Force upon receiving a timely warning from their counterparts in New York. As a result, New Jersey remained under MTF control, untouched by any Reich or Dark Aether forces as they haven't made a move on it yet

"Where are they?" an MTF commander inquired.

A bus soon approached and halted before him, followed by Evan, Robert, Ramirez, Rodeo, Michelle, and Krieg as they disembarked the vehicle.

"Everyone accounted for, I see," the commander remarked.

"Yeah," Rodeo replied, scanning the area filled with MTF personnel. "So, this place isn't in enemy hands yet, huh?"

"For now, at least," the commander replied, removing his helmet.

As the helmet came off, Rodeo and his team could see the commander's face clearly. He had a darker skin tone and bald, but the face reminded Rodeo of an all too familiar sergeant from MW2.

"Uh, sir, I never got your name."

"Sergeant Foley from the 3rd Division of Mobile Task Force 'Hammer Down.' Sergeant Ramirez here was once a private in the same division."

"My God, it's really them," Rodeo, Michelle, and Robert murmured in astonishment.

Foley noticed their reaction. "Excuse me?"

"Uhmm... does the name General Shepherd ring a bell?" Rodeo asked Foley and Ramirez. Ramirez shook his head, but Foley responded.

"Uhmm, does the name General Shepherd ring a bell to you two?" Rodeo asked both Foley and Ramirez, the latter shook his head while the former simply answered.

"Doesn't ring a bell. Follow me Ramirez," he said to his partner and the two walked away from them.

"...What is happening?" Rodeo wondered aloud.

"Maybe they are Ramirez and Foley," Michelle assumed, but thought of something, "But have always existed only in the SCP universe and might not be the same ones from the Call of Duty universe even though they may have the same face and personalities with some differences like them always being MTF rather Rangers for example."

Rodeo sighed, "The multiverse works in mysterious ways to the point I can't understand. It gives me a headache."

"At least you and Michelle gave Engel a taste of both your fists," Evan chimed in.


At that moment, Krieg heard the sound of a ship's horn and climbed up the fire escape of a nearby building. Reaching the top, he spotted the Hudson River, which runs between New York and New Jersey. Not only that, he also spotted at least two heavily modified Reich battle cruisers and four destroyer ships, armored with Da'at Yichud technology, emerging from dark aether portals and sailing along the river.

"This ain't good."

In that moment, Kreig noticed the battle cruisers aimed their cannons directly at Jersey City, where Rodeo and the rest of the MTF were walking.


Seeing this, Krieg immediately jumped off the building and landed directly in front of Rodeo and the others.

"Saw something?" Rodeo asked, frowning at Krieg's alarmed expression.

"We need to ru—"

His sentence was cut short by the sound of cannon fire. They looked up in the skies to see a barrage of shells raining down on the city.


Trying to stop the shells, Evan froze time and prepared to intercept the rounds, but to his surprise, the shells continued moving despite the time stop.

"Even their ammunition has dark aether on them?!"

Unable to halt the shells, Evan deactivated the time stop and he and the others in the city made a desperate run for it as the cannon fire from the cannon fire of the battle cruisers rained down and oimabrded the city.

"GO! GO! GO!"

Two shells struck a building ahead, causing it to collapse and block their path.

"Damn!" Rodeo cursed. He grabbed a high-caliber rifle from a nearby weapons case and handed it to Evan. "Use this to knock the shells out of the sky! We need to buy time for the others to escape!"

Evan nodded and began taking to the air to fire at the incoming shells while dodging anti-aircraft machine gun fire from the ships.


Hearing a familiar voice, Rodeo and his team spotted Ramirez and Sgt. Foley in a Humvee.

"Get in!"

As they climbed into the Humvee, Ramirez floored the accelerator, driving as far as he could from the shell bombardment and the rest of the MTF followed, escaping the city under fire.

Michelle looked out the window and noticed something ahead. "INCOMING!"

As she shouted, a shell struck the road behind the Humvee, exploding and sending the vehicle flying forward. Miraculously, it landed back on the ground and kept moving.

Krieg sighed in relief. "Too many close calls today."

"Agreed," Foley replied.

As the Humvee and the remaining MTF forces reached the outskirts of Jersey City, they stopped to witness the city being reduced to rubble under the relentless bombardment.

"Damn these bastards," Foley muttered, gritting his teeth in anger.

Evan landed next to the Humvee where Rodeo, his team, and Foley were gathered.

"I tried my best. Sorry."

"Don't be," Rodeo said, stepping out of the Humvee and staring at the devastated city. He seemed lost in thought.

"Something on your mind?" Michelle asked.

"They brought their naval fleet to the battlefield, and that's a problem," Rodeo said sternly. "We need to make a plan, fast."

"Couldn't agree more," Foley said. "Let's move out, people!"

They quickly departed, heading to a safer location in New Jersey to regroup and strategize.


In the command deck of the Ausmerzer, Irene who was sitting on a chair, was in a pissed off mood after her pathetic defeat at the hands of Rodeo and Michelle while a Mangler was standing nearby, observing her.

"The Reich's naval fleet has arrived in the waters of America and Europe, and our enemies are now in a hassle," the Mangler reported.

"Should I be happy?" Irene snapped. "Knowing full well I got defeated by a bunch of freaks who are still out there!!"

"The mech was a prototype to begin with. The Forsaken will produce more, stronger and better than the one you used."

"He better. And tell your forces to find these freaks and bring them to me so I can kill them myself!" she shouted.

"Da, I'll notify them at once," the Mangler nodded and left.

"...And someone get me a FUCKING COFFEE!"


– Ireland, Europe - 3:10 PM –

In a Reich military truck, Soldier, who wielded Bad Company, Percy with the Emperor, and Goblin Slayer, who had become the Stand Hierophant Green, were accompanied by new allies who became Stands like Stone Free and Diver Down. They were heading down a dirt road to an undisclosed location.

"Where are we going exactly, blue lady?" Soldier asked.

"A town where they accepted us and have been hiding ever since we arrived in this world," Stone Free replied.

"Okay then."

"Thanks for saving us back there, but you said you wanted to talk?" Percy asked.

"Oh right, I forgot. How did you come here?" Stone Free asked. Percy began to explain their escape from the Reich and how they met Soldier, detailing their infiltration tactics.

"Quite an escape from the Reich and meeting up with Soldier here, playing Among Us with your enemies by disguising like them," Diver Down said after hearing their story.

"Among Us?" Percy and Goblin Slayer exchanged puzzled looks.

"Never heard of it," Soldier added.

"I'll explain some other time, but that was pretty ballsy of you," Stone Free said.

"Well, we made it either way. What are your names?" Percy asked.

"The name's Erin O'Sullivan," Stone Free introduced herself.

"And I'm Conor O'Sullivan," Diver Down added.

"Your last names are the same. Are you both...?" Goblin Slayer started.

"Aye," Erin nodded. "Me and Conor are siblings. Born in Galway, Ireland on the same day, and we're 21. So basically, we're twins."

"Uh huh," Soldier replied bluntly.

Percy noticed something up ahead. "I think we're here."

The truck stopped before a wooden gate blocking their path.

"Hey, open the gates! It's me and Conor! We brought more supplies and found some extra help as well!" Erin shouted.

The wooden gates creaked open, revealing two Irish men who, upon seeing Erin, gestured for them to come in.

"Go, Soldier," Erin instructed. Soldier nodded and drove the truck through the open gates. They entered a sizable town nestled in a forest, well hidden by the surrounding trees.

The houses were a mix of wood and brick, reminiscent of old century architecture. Townsfolk roamed peacefully, and a tavern stood at the center as a river ran through the town, with a water wheel likely providing some power and electricity.

"This town is thriving," Percy observed.

"Yes, the town has been here since the 1800s," Erin explained. "It had its few rough times but is still standing and adapting itself to changes as time passes. The town calls itself... Dullahan."

"Why Dullahan?" Goblin Slayer asked.

"It's named after an Irish folklore creature, the Dullahan, the Irish version of the headless horseman. The town was founded by Cormac O'Broin in his 80s. He died from a heart attack at the same day he founded it, leaving behind a note with the single word 'Dullahan.' His son named the town Dullahan, symbolizing that every life must come to an end. He believed his father wrote the word in his final moments because the Dullahan says your name before you die. Given Cormac's age, it made sense."

"That's... something lady," Soldier said.

"I guess that's one way of symbolizing that all life must come to an end, one way or another," Percy added.

"Everyone has their own beliefs on certain things, Percy," Goblin Slayer said, "We just need to understand and respect it."

"Aye, Slayer," Conor agreed. He pointed to a small barn. "Stop right next to that barn. We'll drop the truck there."

Soldier drove the truck into the barn, and the group disembarked.

"Follow me. We're gonna meet the mayor of this town. He needs to know you're here," Erin said.

"Lead the way, maggot," Soldier replied.

The group soon walked across the town's streets and headed towards the cabin where the mayor of this town resided. As they passed, most of the townsfolk waved and greeted Erin and Conor warmly in a friendly manner and saying Hello and what not.

"You said they accepted you in this town. How exactly?" Percy asked.

Conor explained, "In our first two days here, we saved a man who was drowning in a lake after a big game fish pulled him under with his fishing rod. Out of gratitude, he offered us a place to stay in the town. We've been here for the past few months. We also learned that we're in Ireland, but the exact universe became clear today..." He paused, pointing to a bench where a man sat. "Because of that guy."

Turning to where Conor pointed, they saw a man in black attire with an SCP emblem on his shoulder, sitting on the bench and staring at his hands as if haunted by what he'd seen.

"You okay?" Erin asked.

"Huh?" The MTF soldier looked up at Erin. "Yeah, I'm fine, just recollecting stuff I... don't want to," he said in a depressed tone.

"What happened to him?" Soldier asked.

"Nearly two hours ago, we found him barely alive at an outpost, with the rest of his team torn apart by dark aether zombies or Reich robots," Erin said. "He remembers every bit of that slaughter. From his badge, we figured out he is an MTF agent from one peculiar organization in this universe known as.... the SCP Foundation."

"A shocker for us," Conor added. "We also learned from him that all of Europe and America are being invaded by dark aether zombies and Reich forces."

"Damn," Soldier muttered.

Conor patted the MTF soldier on the back. "Hang in there, lad. Don't let it get to you. Things will get better, I guarantee you."

The MTF soldier nodded. "I will, thanks for the reassurance, Conor."

Conor nodded back, and the group moved ahead, eventually reaching the cabin. Inside, they found an old man in his 80s sitting on a couch by a fireplace. He had a long prickly white beard, a white mustache, light green eyes, and wrinkly pale skin. Though he had a tiny bit of a fat belly and was bald, his arms were slim and muscular even at his age. He wore a green long-sleeve checkered shirt, blue jeans, leather brown boots, and a red coat over his shirt.

"Mr. Aiden, we have new guests," Conor said.

The old man, Aiden, stood up from his couch. At 6 feet 8 inches tall, he towered over them. He looked at the new arrivals that are Percy, Goblin Slayer, and Soldier.

"Damn, he is tall," Percy commented.

Aiden laughed. "Damn right I am. Welcome to Dullahan, lads! The name's Aiden O'Broin, descendant of Cormac O'Broin, my great-great-grandfather, and the current mayor of this town!"

"Percy De Rolo, it's nice to meet you sir."

"Nice name, and what about you two?" he asked the other two.

"Goblin slayer."


"Ooook..." Aiden mumbled, feeling odd about the names. "So, how did you three end up here in Ireland?"

"Well, it went like this," Percy began, explaining their journey and how they ended up until now.

"HAHAHAHAHA! You three are something else entirely, but you are welcome in this town!" Aiden said after hearing their story. "So, anything new, Erin and Conor?" he asked.

"It's a mess in other parts of Ireland," Erin explained. "According to the MTF soldier, there are zeppelins and jets in the air, zombie hordes tearing apart anything they find. Communications with other parts of the world are down. Both the army and MTF forces are trying their best in fighting them as we speak."

"In simple terms, we're in a tight spot," Conor added.

"Hmmm," Aiden pondered. "They might not know this place, but... they will come here either way eventually, my lads and lass."

"The truck we brought in still has gun supplies from the Reich. We could train the townsfolk to defend themselves with them, or we could use our Stand abilities cam be enough," Erin suggested.

"You five can't fight an entire army by yourselves, and us being unarmed is a death sentence. So, we do both," Aiden decided.

"Consider it done, but the MTF fella might not be in the right mind to train," Conor said, glancing at the MTF soldier who still sat on the bench.

"I'll do it," Soldier said firmly.

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Erin asked.


"Well, fuck it, I guess you might be our only option for firearms training," Erin conceded.

":D Yaay!" Soldier responded enthusiastically.

"Finally, some breathing room for once and not getting constantly attacked," Percy remarked.

"If you need anything, just let me know and we'll talk about it," Aiden said.

"Sure," Percy agreed.