
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
289 Chs

Intense Battles(3)

~ Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Hot Wind Blowing ~

"Come on then!"

The jet thrusters on the back of the mech ignites with full power, which it flies right towards them at breakneck speed.

But Rodeo and Isabella hurriedly jumped to the right and narrowly avoided a dangerous swing of its massive sword.

"That's way too fast for something that big!" Michelle muttered loudly in astonishment.

Halting abruptly, the mech fired a shell from the large cannon on its head. With a deft swing of the Maykr spear, Michelle deflected the projectile away from them and sent it crashing into a nearby building.

"Home run!" Michelle exclaimed triumphantly.

"Fire at her now!"

Quickly, the two started firing a barrage of shots at the mech using their weapons, but the mech quickly morphed its left hand into a foldable rectangular shield and raised it, which tanked all the shots.

"Even the Jackals' rounds aren't making a dent!"

The mech unleashed a barrage of bullets from the machine guns mounted on its chest, forcing them to maneuver around and weave to avoid the deadly attacks, but their attempt to slip between its legs failed as the mech's arm came slamming down on the two and sending them spiraling into the air.

While Michelle managed a graceful landing, Rodeo landed on the side of one of the buildings and launched himself to another, and then leaped back onto the mech's back.

"Killer Queen Fourth Bomb: Explosive Fists!" Rodeo bellowed, delivering a powerful punch to the mech's spine, triggering a devastating explosion that sent it crashing to the ground, fracturing the earth beneath it. "Michelle, now!"

Transforming her body into rubber, Michelle wrapped her elastic arms around the mech's legs and spun it around. With all her strength, she hurled the mech towards a nearby building, sending it careening into the structure with a resounding crash.


"[Damn you!]"

In anger, the mech leaped from the wreckage of the building and landed heavily on the ground. Suddenly, eight apertures opened behind its back and launched a volley of bombs hurtling towards the duo.

"Sheer Heart Attack!"

Coming out from Rodeo's hand is Sheer Heart Attack 2.0, the one with propeller plane design streaking towards the incoming rockets and detonating them all at once in a brilliant explosion.

As they were distracted by the explosion for a mere moment, the mech lunged forward like a predator closing in on its prey, snatching both Rodeo and Michelle in its left hand before throwing them into the air. With a swift motion, it swung its sword blade towards them and aimed to cleave them in two.


Summoning every ounce of her strength, Michelle swung her Makyr spear vertically at the oncoming blade. Despite her effort, the force of the parry sent her reeling backward as her spear momentarily stunned. Miraculously, both she and Rodeo landed safely on the ground as their feet found purchase on the earth below.

"Got you now!"

As Sheer Heart Attack 2.0 flies towards the mech, it explodes right at its face, sending it flying backward. However, the mech quickly locked itself with its feet to the ground, preventing itself from flying any further and suffering only a minor damage. It was clear it wasn't going down easily.

"God, It's still standing." Rodeo muttered in frustration as he called Sheer Heart Attack back into his hand.

[This mech has been built to withstand the toughest of punishments. You'll need more than that to inflict some critical damage.]

"So, keep hitting and shooting until it dies?" Michelle quipped with a hint of levity.

Rodeo nodded grimly, "Keep hitting and shooting it until it dies."

"Fair enough."

As the mech's left hand morphed into a Lasergewehr, it fired a searing beam of energy followed by a sweeping horizontal strike, Rodeo and Michelle was able to evade its attack, but the destructive force of the laser sliced through multiple buildings around the two and were splitted in half as the structures began collapsing at them.


The two urgently dashed down the street, narrowly avoiding the raining debris as buildings crumbled around them. The mech ignited its thrusters once more, ascending into the sky in pursuit.

Seeking refuge, Rodeo and Michelle darted into an alleyway, narrowly escaping the falling chaos. But the mech descended directly in their path, its sword readied for a deadly strike, but Michelle's spear met the mech's blade in a sparkling clash.

[You will lose!]

"Let's agree to disagree then."

As the mech clashed weapons with Michelle, Rodeo leaped towards the mech with the intent of delivering a point-blank shot from both his Casull and Jackal, but the mech swiftly intercepted him by grabbing him with its free hand and forcefully slamming him down on top of Michelle.



[Don't fuck with the Reich!] The mech noted the two before delivering a powerful football kick that sent them flying out of the alleyway and crashing back into the streets.

"Well that plan didn't work," Michelle grumbled.

"Just keep fighting."

As his words spoke those words, the mech lunged towards them and aimed for a left hook. Reacting swiftly, the two leaped to different sides, causing the mech to slam into the ground, shattering the concrete beneath it into pieces. Seizing the opportunity, Rodeo delivered a powerful spin kick to the mech's chest, forcing it to stagger backward, followed by Michelle as she prepared to thrust her spear into its vulnerable jet thrusters, however, the mech's arm rotated 360 degrees, grabbing her and throwing her towards Rodeo.

In a split-second reaction, Rodeo spread his arms and caught her in his arms, preventing her from crashing to the ground. As Michelle found herself enveloped in Rodeo's embrace, she felt a warmth spread through her cheeks, but she quickly shook off the distraction to focus on the battle at hand

Returning to the fray, they spotted the mech swinging its sword towards them, prompting them to duck. An instant later, Michelle charged forward and unleashed a powerful attack.


Reeling both her rubber arms back, she propelled them all towards the mech and delivered a double-handed palm strike to its chest, sending it flying across the street and crashing into a wall of a building.

"Luffy would be proud," Rodeo remarked.


At that critical moment, the mech rose once more and charged towards them with its chainsword at hand like a raging bull.

"Jump now!"

Reacting swiftly, the duo leaped over before the mech could ram them over, the two grabbing hold of the mech's back and began shooting its jet thrusters with their weapons constantly as it ascended into the sky, performing barrel rolls in an attempt to dislodge them.

"Keep firing! Hold on tight!" Rodeo shouted.

"I'm trying!"

The mech's arms rotated 360 degrees in a desperate attempt to grasp them, but Rodeo deftly punched them away while Michelle thrust her spear into the thrusters and delivered a powerful shock that caused them to malfunction. With its propulsion system disabled, the mech began falling towards the ground.

"Have a nice fall, Engel!" Rodeo yelled triumphantly.

The duo leaped from the mech's back and landed safely on the roof of a nearby building just as it crashed into another building not far from the two, triggering its collapse and burying the mech beneath the rubble.

Rodeo and Michelle exchanged a victorious high five.

However, their moment of triumph was short-lived as the mech burst out of the debris and fired a tank shell towards the buildings adjacent to Rodeo and Michelle. The shell tore through the midsection of the structure, triggering a devastating explosion as the building began to collapse.


"Get out of here!"

The two hurriedly leap off the collapsing building and landed in a heap of garbage in a nearby truck safely. As they quickly exited the vehicle, Rodeo began to speak.

"Be on guard. She might be still here," Rodeo cautioned as they both jumped out of the truck.

Scanning their surroundings, they strained to spot any sign of the mech. Suddenly, without warning, the mech burst from the ground beneath their feet and delivered a devastating uppercut to Michelle with a brutal strike, sending her flying through three buildings before crashing into the wall of an office building, where she slumped unconscious.



Rodeo wheeled around, only to find himself facing the mech's looming presence. Before he could react, the chainsword swung and severed Rodeo's right arm in a single, brutal stroke.


Then, the mech mercilessly stomped Rodeo to the ground as its massive weight bearing down on him with crushing force. Agonized screams escaped Rodeo's lips as the mech continued crushing his chest.


[Once I'm done with you, your little pink girlfriend and your friends will be next!]

As the pressure on his chest intensified, Rodeo's eyes flickered to a gap in the mech's armor. With determination coursing through his veins, he drew his Jackal and unleashed a shot directly into the gap, triggering a powerful explosion that severed the mech's right arm and caused it to lose its grip on the chainsword as it staggered back. Seizing the opportunity, Rodeo rose to his feet and prepared for a left hook, which the mech followed.


Their fists collided with thunderous force, sending shockwaves rippling through the air that cracked the ground beneath their feet.

"We've both lost an arm, Engel. Now we're on equal footing," Rodeo declared.

[Impure scum!] Engel spat.

With a quick sense, Rodeo evaded a spin kick from the mech by leaping backwards, just as the mech fired a shell from its cannon, Rodeo swiftly caught the projectile and kicked it back towards the mech, causing it to destroy the machine gun on its chest and rendered it useless.


In that moment, Rodeo caught sight of Michelle flying right towards them after she had slingshot herself by her rubber arms from the building she had crashed into. With impeccable timing, she straight up dropped a kick to the mech and sent it crashing onto its back.

"Let's give it to her!"



As the mech grabbed its chainsword and charged towards them, Rodeo and Michelle quickly evaded its sword swings from the mech by side stepping to the right and leaping over an overhead strike. Then, Rodeo landed on the mech's left shoulder, where he took aim with his Jackal and blasted the tank head's long snout barrel, rendering it useless and disabling its ability to fire tank shells.

[I'll end your life!] Irene's enraged voice echoed from within the mech as it leaped high into the air and spinned at dizzying speeds. Rodeo and Michelle clung to the mech for dear life as it spun, struggling to maintain their grip.

"Oh god, I'm getting dizzy!" Michelle exclaimed in panic.

The centrifugal force proved too much, causing the duo to lose their grip and go flying off the mech, crashing into the wall of a nearby convenience store. Seizing the opportunity, the mech charged towards them, and with full force, it kneaded them further into the wall. Sheathing its sword and grabbing hold of them, the mech began ramming them through multiple walls.

Summoning her strength, Michelle thrust her Maykr spear into a gap in the mech's left arm and unleashed a surge of electricity that jammed its systems. With a mechanical whirr, the mech dropped them before it could carry out its final assault, sparing them from being rammed through yet another wall.




With combined force, Rodeo and Michelle's fists collided with the mech's chest, propelling it backwards across the street until it crashed into a wrecked bus. The impact dislodged the chainsword from its grasp and sent it clattering to the ground.

"Hm?" Michelle's gaze fell upon the discarded weapon.

And so, with little effort, she throws the chainsword into the air, allowing it to descend towards them. With synchronized precision, they both executed a flip kick and propelled the sword towards the mech. It struck true, impaling the mech's chest and pinning it to the wreckage of the bus.

[Useless machine! Get up!]

But no matter how hard the mech tried, it couldn't get up as the sword had pierced some vital wiring rendering it useless to move.

Rodeo passed Michelle his Casull with determination burning in his eyes as he stared at her, "It's now or never."

"Yes! Let's end this!"

Holding Casull and Jackal individually stand side by side with each other, Rodeo and Michelle both took aim at the disabled mech, ready to deliver the final blow.



As the duo simultaneously pulled the triggers, the bullets from Casull and Jackal came flying out of the barrel together and streaked towards the mech in a spiraling pattern.

But before they could reach their target, the mech's hatch abruptly opened and ejected Irene along with her seat, mimicking the ejection system of a jet fighter. Irene soared into the air, moments before the bullets tore through the mech and pierced its engine with deadly accuracy. The resulting explosion sent shockwaves rippling through the air, propelling the chainsword into the sky before it crashed to the ground next to Rodeo and Michelle.

~ Music Ends ~

Meanwhile, Irene and her seat landed on the roof of a nearby building. With a furious glare, she peered down at Rodeo and Michelle, who were seated next to the fallen chainsword on the street below.

"You!" her voice rang out angrily.

Startled, Rodeo and Michelle looked up to see Irene standing on the roof with rage in her face.


As she screamed out loud, the two suddenly saw the Ausmerzer flying right above them and began raining down artillery rounds upon the two in the air.


Michelle quickly transformed the chainsword into rubber, making it easier for her to carry on her shoulders. With the deadly onslaught hot on their heels, they sprinted down the street, desperately seeking refuge from the constant artillery barrage that was raining down on them from the Ausmerzer.

As they ran, Rodeo managed to spot a familiar bus in the distance.


A bus, with Evan, Robert, Ramirez, and Kreig inside, came into view.

"Get in, guys!" Robert shouted over the cacophony of explosions.

Without hesitation, Rodeo and Michelle leaped onto the bus as Ramirez revved the engine, swiftly maneuvering the vehicle out of harm's way as the Ausmerzer continued its relentless assault.

"We can't outrun this bus!" Michelle exclaimed urgently.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I used my power to swap out the engine for a 300 MPH powerhouse from a muscle car?" Robert revealed.

"You did that?" Rodeo asked incredulously.

"Yeah, so now this bus will be faster and better equipped to escape the artillery barrage, as long as Ramirez doesn't get us killed," Robert replied.

"Smart idea, Robert," Michelle commended.


As Ramirez expertly navigated the bus through the narrow alleyways and dodged the artillery barrage from the Ausmerzer, they eventually managed to lose sight of their pursuer and safely reached the bridge leading to New Jersey.

"Phew. Safe at last," Rodeo sighed in relief. "Robert, can you heal me up so my severed arm flies back to me?"

Robert used his healing ability, and miraculously, Rodeo's severed arm soared through the air and reattached itself to his body.

"Crazy Diamond truly is a miracle," Rodeo remarked, marveling at the healing power.

While Rodeo and everyone else finally relaxed, Michelle approached Robert, presenting the chainsword. "Hey, Robert, think you could use your ability to shorten this sword to the size of a normal straight one?"

"Hmm, let's see," Robert replied, focusing his ability on the weapon.

With the rubber ability deactivated, Michelle handed the chainsword to Robert, who skillfully used his abilities to reconstruct and shorten the weapon from its intimidating fifteen-foot length to the more manageable size of a normal straight sword.

Taking the modified sword in hand, Michelle tested its weight with a few swings. "Another fine weapon added to my collection," she remarked with satisfaction.

"It looks a bit similar to the chainsaw swords the Space Marines use in Warhammer," Rodeo observed.

"Death Korps of Krieg," Rodeo immediately replied.

"Black Legion," Robert chimed in.

"Black Templars," added Ramirez from the driver's seat.

"Necrons," contributed the Tau-51 captain.

"Adeptus Custodes, aka, the Golden Banana Boys," quipped the Pi-1 captain.

"Forces of Chaos, especially certain Slaanesh daemons~" Evan added with a mischievous grin, earning bewildered looks from the others. "What? If it sounds gay, I can say the Adepta Sororitas are way hotter."

"The hell are they talking about?" Krieg furrowed his brow, puzzled by the conversation unfolding around him.

As the banter continued, the bus continued its journey towards Jersey City, with more people in the bus bonding over their shared interest in a certain franchise.