
A Billionaire in his late forties Falls in love with a young lady

Brianna Bennett is a witty fun girl who likes to party and socialize. She gets a job at Empire Groups Michael Craine is a billionaire who has worked hard to get to where he is now. Brianna begins to work for Michael. Because of their differences, they find it difficult to get along but as time goes on, everything changes between them. Michael falls in love with Brianna and he finds it difficult to accept and express it

Daoist6K4Szg · Fantasy
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65 Chs

I Will Never Cheat On You


I felt shy and pleased at the same time when I was having dinner with Brianna and Mrs Bennett. It felt really good. On our way home I decided to question Daniel.

"Daniel what was that" I asked

"What was what" he asked

"Daniel stop acting like you don't know what I am talking about. When did you and Brianna's mother become close" I asked

He didn't reply me. I hit him on the back of his head.

"Ouch" he screamed

I raised my eyebrows

"We got close when you were not feeling well. Miss Bennett asked me to help her communicate with her mum. I started liking her company. That is why we are close" he said

"Do you have feelings for her" I asked

He shyly looked away without replying. I didn't want to push it so I kept quiet. We arrived home and met Andrew

"What are you doing here" I asked

"Dad please give me one more chance. I am sorry" he said

"Andrew I have forgiven you and I have given you a chance that is why I didn't disown you and you are still my son" I said

"Dad please can we live together? I don't want to stay away from you" he said

I realised that he was pretending but I didn't want him to know I already knew what he was doing.

"Andrew you can't live here with me. I have a woman in my life and I am willing and ready to have a serious relationship with her. I don't want her to be uncomfortable when she comes here. I want you out of my house today" I said

I walked away.


I closed from lectures and was on my way to work when I saw Max

"Hey beautiful, it's been a while" he said

"Max what do you want" I asked

He got closer to me

"Come on Brianna, Why are you behaving this way you know exactly what I want" he said

"No I don't and I don't care" I said

I tried walking away but he stopped me

"Are you like this because of that old man you are sleeping with" he asked

I didn't reply. I just looked away

"Trust me babe I can fuck you more than he can. Come on dear come back to me" he said arrogantly

I gave him a tight slap

"Don't you ever in your miserable life disrespect my boyfriend again. He is more of a man than you will ever be. Not even in a million years will you be a capable man like him. Fool" I shouted

"You bitch how dare you slap me" he angrily said

He raised his hand but someone caught it. I forgot that I have a bodyguard.

"Sir please step away from Miss Bennett or else you will be punished" my bodyguard said

Max went away with fear.

I got to the office. Ever since Mr Craine's return, people have been looking at me strangely and some are even gossiping. My love for Mr Craine is just enough for me not to focus on the haters and gossipers. I was about to open the door of my office when I heard Miss Greene talking on the phone.

"Of course Mr Craine I will help you with anything you want" she said

I was about to go in when she talked again

"Don't worry I will try my best to do it" she said again

I went to Mr Craine's office and peaked through the inner window and realised that he was working and not talking on phone.

"This means Betty is talking to Andrew Craine. This also means that she was part of Andrew's plan" I said to myself

I returned to Mr Craine's office.

"Hi Daddy" I said

"Hi baby. How are you" he said and asked

"I'm good. How are you" I asked

"I'm fine just having a tiring day" he said

I kissed him on the lips and he responded passionately. We kissed for a while

"Daddy I miss your kisses" I said

"I miss yours too baby girl" he said

We kissed again

"Daddy can you do me a favor" I asked

"What is it baby girl" he asked

"Please don't drink any coffee or anything from Miss Greene. Don't give important work to her that will give her advantage to come to your office regularly. I don't want her close to you" I said

"Why" he asked

I stood there for a while. I didn't want to worry him so I had to make up an excuse.

"Daddy because she likes you and I don't want her close to you or else I might commit murder" I said

He bursts in to laughter

"Brianna who will you kill" he asked

I looked around for an object to demonstrate my seriousness. I picked up a knife that was on the table with some fruits. I placed the knife on his throat

"I will kill you. If I can't have you noone will" I said

He took my hand and pulled me closer to him. I felt his breathe on my neck. He kissed my shoulder and held me tightly

"Baby girl, I know you are crazy and I am not ready to die so I promised to obey your every command" he whispered

I raised his head and kissed him on the lips

"Daddy I am serious don't get close to her and don't permit to be close to you" I said

He nodded

"Kiss me" he said

I kissed him and soon our tongues found each other. We kissed passionately but we broke the kiss when we heard a knock on the door.

Mr Craine kissed me quickly and responded. I quickly sat on the couch. The door opened and it was Betty Greene.

I could sense that she was shock to see me. She had her first three shirt buttons opened and it revealed most part of her breasts. Her skirt was tight and it almost revealed her thighs. She looked at me arrogantly and I smiled devilishly at her. I walked to Mr Craine and stood by his side. I placed my hand on his shoulder. He smiled

"Excuse me sir please here are the files" Miss Greene said

I stretched my hand and snatched it from her hand.

She angrily looked at me and I did the same.

"Sir please it's there anything else" she asked Mr Craine

Mr Craine said no to her

She turned to leave. She turned around after getting to the door

"Mr Craine please can I get you a cup of coffee" she asked

"If I need something, Miss Bennett will get it for me" Mr Craine said

I smiled victoriously at her. She angrily walked out.

"Thank you Daddy" I said

He got up and held me closer

"I don't know why you are doing this but just know that I will never cheat on you. I will never look at another woman the way I look at you. I promise" he said

I was teary eyed because what he was saying felt like he was making a vow to me. I hugged him.

Our lips met again and we kissed like there was no tomorrow.

The moment I was alone, I contacted Daniel and told him secretly about what I heard Miss Greene talking on the phone. Daniel assured me that he will handle it. I also told him about Max. He also promised to handle that too for me.

My exams started soon and thanks to Mr Craine, I passed every paper I wrote.