
A Billionaire in his late forties Falls in love with a young lady

Brianna Bennett is a witty fun girl who likes to party and socialize. She gets a job at Empire Groups Michael Craine is a billionaire who has worked hard to get to where he is now. Brianna begins to work for Michael. Because of their differences, they find it difficult to get along but as time goes on, everything changes between them. Michael falls in love with Brianna and he finds it difficult to accept and express it

Daoist6K4Szg · Fantasy
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65 Chs

A Surprise Party


I have finally completed my secretarial course. After my final exam, I tried contacting Mr Craine but it wasn't connecting. It's been a month since I saw him we have been talking on the phone all this while. The truth is I really miss his kisses. I have decided that from now onwards, Mr Craine and my relationship will be in full swing. I want to do everything a couple do with him. I tried talking to him about my thoughts but he told me complete my exams then we will talk about this. I contacted Daniel regarding Betty and he told me he has gathered some evidence and he is still working on it.

I can't believe Mr Craine forgot about me on such an important occasion in my life. I called mum and she told me she was stuck at work. It's been months since I called Antonella so I decided to call her. I told her to pick me up. She arrived in an hour.

"Hey girlfriend, why do you have that look on your face? You should be happy. You have completed your six months course" Antonella said

"Ella I am sad. I can't connect to my daddy" I said

"Your who" Ella asked

"I mean my boyfriend Mr Craine" I said

"Wow I didn't know you two were still a thing. After everything that happened the last time I thought you broke up" she said

I didn't want to tell her anything that happened to Mr Craine.

"Ella I love him so much I can't leave without him" I said

"Anna....(Ella was about to talk when I stopped her)

"Ella please take me home" I said

I gave her our new address to her.

It was silent in the car. In two hours Ella arrived at my new house.

She was surprised to see how big our house is.

"Anna how on earth did you get such a beautiful house" she asked

I just smiled at her. I invited in to the house for some drinks since Mum wasn't around. I felt a bit strange but I ignored my feelings.

I entered a code and got in to the house. It was very dark. I switched of the lights and I heard

"SURPRISE" People shouted.

I turned around and saw my mum, Mr Craine, Daniel and some colleagues at work.

I quickly run to Mr Craine and hugged him tightly


Today is the day Brianna completes her secretarial course. I am very happy for her. She has been trying to get me in talking about taken our relationship to the next level. I have to admit that I am very scared. I love her, I want her and I will be happy if I could see her by my side every night but the thought of her not able to satisfy her sexually is stuck in my head. She has the perfect body any man would want. I have been avoiding this topic for a month now I can't anymore. I decided to do something for her since she is completing her course. I decided to throw a surprise party for her. I spoke to her mother and she chipped in her ideas. We decided to have the party at Mrs Bennett's house because that is the place I knew she would return if she is not able to connect to me.

I went to Mrs Bennett's house with Daniel and made the final preparations for the party. Daniel invited some workers he felt has been good to my baby girl. Everyone gathered at the living room.

Soon we heard the sound of a car. Daniel made a signal to us for us to know that Brianna has arrived. Daniel quickly switched off the lights.

We heard someone shouting and commenting about the house. Mrs Bennett whispered to me that it was Brianna's friend. Brianna opened the door and switches on the light.

"SURPRISE" We all shouted

She quickly run and hugged me. She punched me hard on my chest

"Daddy you know I can't leave without you and yet you switch off your phone. Do you know how worried and scared I was" she said with a teary eyed.

I hugged her

"Baby I am sorry" I replied

She kissed me on my lips and I responded. After a while someone cleared her throat and we broke our kiss.


"Silly girl Mr Craine is not the only person here. I am too and so are your colleagues" my mum said

That was when I realised that it was a party. They are throwing a surprise party for me. U hugged my mum

"Today I wish your father was here to see you dear. You have completed your secretarial course, you have a wonderful man in your life ( I stared at Mr Craine and saw him blush. I smiled). You will be complete your business administration course in two years. I am so proud of you Anna" my mum said

She was crying and I started crying too. We hugged.

"Hey ladies this is not fair. We are here to celebrate and you are crying" one of my colleagues said

"Sorry" I said

"Come on everyone let's have fun" my mum said

We had a lot of fun. The party was going amazing but I only wished to be with Mr Craine. I took him by the hand and whispered to him to come with me. He signaled Daniel and followed me.

We went to my room. I closed the door and I placed my lips on his. He accepts it and we started kissing. Our tongues entangled. He kissed me deeply. Soon he broke the kiss.

I frowned

"Daddy I want you" I said in frustration

"Baby girl take it easy. I'm yours. I belong to only you" he said

"I want our relationship to be taken to the next level. I want to do everything couples do" I said

He smiled. He rubbed his thumb on my lips and I opened my mouth and licked it. He stared at me for a while.

"Baby girl would you like to take sometime off school and come with me on a trip" he asked

"Daddy I will love to but who will run the company" I asked

"Don't worry baby girl I can run my empire anywhere in the world" he said

"Alright daddy" I said

I held his neck and pulled him closer to me. I started kissing him again. We kissed for a while

"Baby let's return to the party" he said

We returned to the party.

I did a ceremonial cutting of a congratulatory cake. I fed my mum first then Mr Craine. I took an opportunity to kiss him again.

"I love you Daddy" I whispered

"I love you too baby girl" he whispered

I danced happily with my mum and Antonella

"Oh my goodness Mr Michael Anthony Craine is so handsome. Girlfriend you are so lucky. He loves you very much. I am very happy for you" Ella said and hugged me

Soon Mr Craine went to my room to rest and mum too retired but I partied with the youth till dawn. When the party was over, Antonella and Daniel helped me clean up the entire house. I escorted Antonella to her car and said goodbye to her. I returned to my room excitedly.

I saw Mr Craine was sleeping. I tiptoed to my washroom and freshen up. I returned and slowly slept next to him. He pulled me closer in to his arms

"I thought you were sleeping Daddy" I whispered

"You smell so good" he said

He kissed my forehead

I slept in his arms.