

Yueying ran out of the room to check on Gu Ni. Gu Ni was in the living room drinking tea. Lu Quing had instructed her to keep an eye on Yueying.

Sakura_17 · Urban
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14 Chs


Flora was confused but she managed to put it at the back of her mind. She was 24 years old. She was going for a job interview. They didn't have money to pay for flight but her dad made sure she was going to be comfortable. He toiled day in day out for his little girl's confort. "Dad, I'm going to be rich someday" little Flora said

"I know you would make me proud" Dad said. His name was Ferdinand Mac Len. Her mom was late . But her step mom wasn't bad after all. Flora remembered the time she spent with her family. She sure was gonna miss them .

Few minutes later, she checked in. It wasn't much of a problem. She got in to the plane for second class. She was sitted close to the window. A girl was at her left. The girl looked petite and she was a beautiful. "Excuse me please" flora said

Sonia gave her a smile " how can I help you?"

" I just wanted to say ...." Of course, flora was looking for a way to talk to her ." You have a chocolate stain on your dress" Flora finally found something to use " Huh?" Sonia looked down. She was going for her audition and this was much of a stain. "Th- thank you" she was fidgeting . It was not like she didn't have another cloth but this was more appropriate to where " Oh shit!" She didn't really bargain for this .

Flora saw the look on her face. She wasn't nosy but she felt something was off. " Would you like to share? " She said

"Share what exactly?" Sonia replied

" Something seems to be bothering you "

" Is it that obvious?"

" Yeah, it is"

Sonia later narrated everything to her . It turned out that they were both going for the audition.

Few hours later , they alighted the plane. They came to the conclusion that Sonia could use Flora's cloth.

Things turned out to be going smoothly. They became friends, stayed in the same house . You could say they were more like sisters but people could change colors like a chameleon