
A Bend in Time

Before there ever was a boy that ever lived in a cupboard on Four Privet Drive, there was a similar boy in a far worse home that lived on Spinner’s End. We all know the tale of that abused boy who grew up to become a bitter spy. But not all tales end the same for in the many parallel worlds that exist in the universe there are far better endings, and equally as many worse ones. This is a tale of one such condemned universe that for better or for worse chooses to change its own fate at through the sacrifice of the bitter spy. (All rights to the Harry Potter world and characters belong solely to J. K. Rowling. However, I do claim creative fanfiction rights. Please do not post my fanfiction elsewhere without my express permission. This work will also be partially hosted at RoyalRoad, Wattpadd, and Archive.)

EsliEsma · Book&Literature
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1206 Chs

The Apothecary Ⅴ

The holding cells of the Auror's are dark and cold especially more so the interrogation cells. The interrogation cells house a cold iron chair with metal manacles and leg manacles to ensure that the prison does not escape. Seated in such a chair is the figure of One-eyed Joey, who has already been vicious interrogated by senior Auror's, and is now waiting in silence.

One-eyed Joey quivers with every sound especially those of footsteps. Everyone knew that the Auror's would at times purposefully step out and leave the criminal alone with an unregistered interrogator. And he had heard the tales, (and yes, they were mostly tall tales, but only mostly).

At long last footsteps are heard again as muffles voices can be heard outside of the stone walls of the interrogation chamber. Nervously licking his lips, One-eyed Joey rapidly blinks as he tries not to breathe. To his horror the metal door hinge lets out a loud screech to reveal a figure standing in the doorway.

One-eyed Joey blinks for a moment in puzzlement at spotting a short, plump wizard with enormous thick glasses. Still, One-eyed Joey is unable to laugh at seeing the burning like glint in the depths of the short, plump wizard. Wisely keeping silence, he intently watches the figure stride across the room before coming to a standing halt before him.

"One-eyed Joey is it?" Bob Ogden said, "Or is that only your street name?"

One-eyed Joey shivers before hoarsely replying, "I've already told ya, all I know. By Rowena's Head, I swear it's true!"

"I don't doubt that," Ogden flatly replied, before restating his initial question, "but please address my initial question."

One-eyed Joey hesitates before replying, "John Muskie, sir."

"Well, Mr. Muskie, and might I be correct in assuming that you and your other two compatriots all work under the Potentate of London?" Ogden pointedly inquired.

One-eyed Joey hastily shakes his head and says, "No, sir! The Potentate is not currently residing in London, he is off on personal business, sir! The Potentate would have never allowed it, sir!"

"I find that hard to believe, Mr. Muskie," Ogden said as he clasped his hands behind his back and began to pace in front of the chained prisoner. "You see I have several eyewitnesses, who placed you just outside of the Monarch Pub some weeks ago."

"Yes, sir!" One-eyed Joey quickly replied trying to save his own skin. "But t'was the bartender, who threw us out. The Potentate would have not been as lenient as his second-in-command."

"Oh?" Ogden said in obvious surprise as he turned to stare at One-eyed Joey. "And just where has the Potentate gone off too?"

"I don't know, sir," One-eyed Joey desperately replied. "But Floyd and Hyde are not happy with the boss's departure, sir."

Ogden is still for a moment as he thinks on the present information. Without a doubt, Sanderson had left to deal with private business that he trusted no others with. But what could possibly be so important that he risked abandoning the underworld? It mattered not in the end, he had what he needed. And hopefully that would be enough to catch the tail of Sanderson.

Without a further word, Ogden departs abandoning One-eyed Joey to his personal terrors. Ogden had some unexpected raids to conduct, and he would be sure to find something on Sanderson. And even if he did not, Sanderson was gone, and would be unable to stop him.


Elsewhere at the edge of the murky, muddy bog the figure of Sweet-Tooth can be shivering at the chilly evening wind despite the fact that it was still summer. Rubbing his hands, he puffs on his hands to warm them up revealing his yellow stained teeth. "Where'z Joey?" Sweet-Tooth muttered to himself. "He should've already be 'ere!"

Sweet-Tooth begins to frown and mutters, "Did he get caught? Nah!" Shaking his head as if dissuading himself of such thoughts, he pales as something occurs to him. "Did he run off with our money?!"

Before Sweet-Tooth can begin to swear he sees the figure of One-eyed Joey making his way up the hill with a large pouch. "What took you so long, ya bastard?" Sweet-Tooth swore as he waved his hand greedily at the bulging pouch.

"Had some trouble," One-eyed Joey hoarsely replied as Sweet-Tooth nods his head in understanding.

Tilting his head at the door, Sweet-Tooth says, "The boss is waiting for t'cha inside."

"Gotcha," One-eyed Joey replied as he made his way inside leaving Sweet-Tooth to eagerly dream about how he was going to spend his newfound wealth in the West Indies. And no doubt a main theme of those daydreams would be the beautifully tan-skinned curved beauties that were very limber in a bed.

One-eyed Joey steps through the door and tosses the bag full of galleons at Erie. "We're rich!" One-eyed Joey avidly roared as Erie eagerly opened the bag and gazed greedily at the glittering galleons in the fireplace light.

Erie eagerly begins to count the glittering coins as One-eyed Joey strides over to stare at the scowling figure of Damocles Belby. One-eyed Joey winks widely at Damocles Belby, who only furrows his brows and stares pointedly back. One-eyed Joey winks obviously again, before turning back, but making sure to place his body between that of Erie and the tied-up figure of Damocles Belby.

However, the figure of One-eyed Joey freezes at seeing Erie viciously grinning and pointing a wand at him. "I'm afraid that this is where our journey ends, my friend," Erie said. "I can promise you that I will surely miss you both, but I can't have any loose ends, now can I?"

One-eyed Joey tenses as Erie lifts up his wand and opens his mouth to cast a spell, when the front door is blasted open sending painful wooden shards into Erie. Erie lets out a cry of pain, and before he can react there is a group of Auror's and A.P.D. officers surrounding him.

One of the Auror's easily takes the bag of galleons from him, while the other's bind his limbs together. "How?" Erie croaked in painful disbelief.

The figure of One-eyed Joey smirks and says, "A polyjuice potion, and your comrade sold you out in a heartbeat for a lesser sentence."

Erie opens his mouth in rage, but he finds himself gagged. The Auror's begin to levitate him away as the two A.P.D. officer's, Banks and Twizzle approach Damocles Belby and hastily remove his bindings. "Are you alright, Master Belby?" The two officers asked.

Damocles lets out a grunt as he rubs his sore wrists and stiff limbs. "I'll be fine," Damocles grumbled. "Nothing a hot bath and some Firewhiskey won't fix."

Banks and Twizzle sigh in relief as they offer to help Damocles Belby to his feet, who shoves their hands away and rises unsteadily to his feet. "Auror's I assume that a confession has already been retrieved by the captured suspect and two more confessions will shortly follow. If possible, I would very much like to return home to rest. I've had a long day, and I will more than willing give my testimony tomorrow morning."

The Auror in charge, a witch in her late twenties briskly nods her head and says, "That will be fine, Master Belby, but we will send a pair officers to accompany you home and to stand guard until tomorrow evening." Damocles snorts in reply but nods his head in reluctant acceptance of the decry.

"Mr. Banks, and Twizzle if you would accompany, Master Damocles home that would be greatly appreciated," the female Auror said.

Banks and Twizzle nod their heads and follow Damocles out of the cottage, before apparating back to a village at the edge of Bitterweed. The site was familiar as Banks and Twizzle had stopped by earlier by the cottage of Damocles Belby. A yellow tinge can be seen through the large thatched cottage window as the door slams open and out emerges a very pale, freckled young man with strawberry floppy hair. "Master Belby!" Wilfredius shrieked in relief.

"Enough, Wilfredius!" Damocles briskly said. "Show an upper bone, boy, we can't have you showcasing such an obvious display of emotions in public!"

"Of course, sir," Wilfredius instantly replied like the well-trained apprentice that he was. "I've got a hot pot of tea on the fireplace, Master Belby," Wilfredius explained. "I charmed the upstairs bathtub water to stay warm, there are fresh baked scones that I picked up from the bakery, before they closed. And I even have your favorite beef stew shimmering in the hearth."

"Good," Damocles said. "I'll start with the bath," before rushing up the stairs to the bathtub.

Wilfredius already used to his master's behavior turns towards to the two A.P.D. officer's and quickly says, "My apologies, sir's, I did not mean to ignore you. Please have a seat, I'm certain that you will stay here until morning. Would either of you care for a cup of tea or a bowl of beef stew?"

"Stew, please," Twizzle replied as his stomach roared hungrily causing Banks to smile and Wilfredius to happily run off to pour two bowls of stew to his unexpected guests.

Upstairs in the bathtub, Damocles Belby soaks his aching muscles in warm water that has been dosed with scented leaves like chamomile to relax the muscles and sense. It had been much too close today, but it had proved his initial conjecture. He was of value, and if so, he could use himself to pay off his debt to the old Prince.

It had been a risky business selling out his own information to the underworld, but the risk had been worth it. And besides, he trusted in the Auror's and new A.P.D. officers to a certain extent, he had been mostly sure he would emerge out of his own plot alive.

Now then he had confirmed the limits of his conjecture, he could truly begin to plan his next move. But for the time being he was going to enjoy a good long soak. He was rather sore, and he would never admit it out loud, but he was no longer as limber as he was in his youth.

Damocles, Damocles, just what are you up too?

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