
A Bend in Time

Before there ever was a boy that ever lived in a cupboard on Four Privet Drive, there was a similar boy in a far worse home that lived on Spinner’s End. We all know the tale of that abused boy who grew up to become a bitter spy. But not all tales end the same for in the many parallel worlds that exist in the universe there are far better endings, and equally as many worse ones. This is a tale of one such condemned universe that for better or for worse chooses to change its own fate at through the sacrifice of the bitter spy. (All rights to the Harry Potter world and characters belong solely to J. K. Rowling. However, I do claim creative fanfiction rights. Please do not post my fanfiction elsewhere without my express permission. This work will also be partially hosted at RoyalRoad, Wattpadd, and Archive.)

EsliEsma · Book&Literature
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With the financial discussion over and done with, but more importantly under a pressing time limit, Rowan moves onto the real reason for which she had come to Gringotts. "I am in need of the services of a goblin crafter," Rowan matter-of-factly stated. "It will be a delicate work that will be used daily, and I am more than willing to pay full price for the item to be forged by the best crafter."

"And what might say object be?" Ragnok sharply inquired as the cautionary tale of Godric Gryffindor's sword had been engrained into every single goblin since birth. It was a well-known fact that wizardkind were never to be trusted when it came to goblin silver.

"A specialty item of which the details will only be discussed with the goblin crafter." Rowan flatly stated. "However, I can promise that said item is not intended to be a weapon nor I am interested in goblin silver forged items."

Ragnok slowly nods his head at the carefully worded request. "That shall not be any trouble at all, however, to hire a goblin crafter even for a small piece to be forged, there will be an exorbitant price included."

"I am well aware of the price and I am more than willing to pay such an extortionate price," Rowan confidently answered even if her heart cringed internally at the imagined price.

"Very well," Ragnok murmured with some skepticism, but largely kept his reservations to himself as he rose to his feet and rang a tiny bell set on a small side table against the wall.

Instantly hurried footsteps could be heard as the same female goblin attendant that had served her pops her head in. "Yes, Ragnok?"

"Please have Wulm, and Dulag make their way here," Ragnok instructed. "The client needs a specialized item forged by a master goblin crafter. And to provide said services, naturally, we will need a written and signed contract for both parties."

"Yes, sir!" The female goblin squeaked, before rushing away.

They had not been chatting for long when the door was opened to reveal two figures. The first one was familiar to Rowan, the dark slanted goblin with sly eyes, Dulag, a goblin lawyer. However, the second one was not. It was a very elderly female goblin with rather pointed ears. She looked even older than Grok Gringotts if that was at all possible.

Ragnok rose to his feet and bowed to the old female goblin causing Rowan's eyes widen in surprise. Whoever, the elderly female goblin was, she was an important figure for certain. Perhaps, a goblin clan head or even a goblin council member.

The elderly goblin female named, Wulm took her seat, before Ragnok and Dulag sat down. With rather bright, inquisitive eyes, the elderly female goblin says, "Well, Prince, what is being requested of me?"

"The details of the craft will only be known to you, no one else," Rowan firmly declared leaving no room for argument.

"Very well," Wulm huffed. "Ragnok, Dulag, be good and go and stand guard outside of the door."

Dulag reluctantly rises to his feet as he and Ragnok make their way out of the chamber. But before the door can fully close, Wulm cackling called out to them, "And do not try to listen in, children. You'll get a nasty surprise if you do," causing Dulag to flush in embarrassment, and slam the door behind him.

"Well, Prince out with it," Wulm sniffed unhappy at being stuck with the young witch.

Wulm had, had dealings with the Prince's before and she still bore a grudge against the previous Prince head. That wizard had been a vicious brute which Wulm would have happily slit his throat herself, however, the previous head's father, Terance Prince had written a binding contract which she had no choice but to fulfill. And she had done her duty according to the letter of the contract but had never taken another crafting contract with a Prince again. It was just her confounded luck today that she was in the building with another one of them.

Seeing the impatient expression on the elderly female goblins face, Rowan releases the spell on her eye causing Wulm to let out a soft gasp in surprise and recognition. "I have inherited one of the Prince abilities, but only a half-gift. Unfortunately, females are not born with a full gift and as such I cannot control the ability. And it is rather painful to see via my left eye," Rowan explained, before pausing. "Though from your expression, Madam Wulm, you seem more than amply familiar with such a trait, am I wrong?"

Wulm slowly nodded her head and answered, "I have indeed forged an item in the past to control such a gift. It was spectacles to be precise."

"Then that is the exact item which I seek," Rowan admitted as she studied the facial reactions of the elderly female goblin. "However, what will the crafting of such an item entail?"

Wulm sniffs as if she were being insulted at such a remark. "The right lens will be the easiest to forge as it will merely be an eye lens enchanted to change according to your vision as it deteriorates naturally with the passing of time. However as for the left eye lens that will be much trickier to forge. It will require the same magic basic application as that of the right with fourth crucial details.

The first is to maintain a permanent enchantment on the left eye to retain the prior natural eye color. The second is to maintain the illusion of the said eye color, when the left eye is clearly no longer under the first enchantment. The third enchantment is to allow the left eye to view magic for long prolonged periods of time without any damage to the eye. The fourth enchantment twill activate or deactivate the viewing lens function. And lastly, there will be a series of extra enchantments to prevent the spectacles from being destroyed, damaged, stolen or etc. Are there any further requests?"

Rowan is silent for a moment, before wordlessly returning the prior enchantment on her left eye. Ignoring the prior question, she instead says, "And what of the materials required to forge such an artifact?"

"They will be rare crystal lens that will need to be forged with specialized enchanted glass," Wulm grumbled. "The lens will equally take as long to forge as the frames need to be conductors for magic and other enchantments that need to be inscribed in rune form. As such the frames cannot be made purely out of metal but out of some sort of gem as well. Probably, opal and other similar materials."

"What about a time-frame?"

"If everything is in stock, it will be completed by mid to late December."

"And price-wise?"

"The price will fluctuate according to the material that is required in order to complete the requested craft piece. A bare estimate at present is 1000 galleons easily rising to 5000 galleons with the opportunity to further increase. That is not including the fee for hiring me."

"Understood," Rowan crisply replied, before rising to her feet to allow the two goblins inside. Though she hid the look of hope in her eyes because she did not want Dulag to increase the price. She may be grateful to the goblins, but a goblin lawyer was a voracious shark always seeking the slightest of weaknesses for which to attack and gain the upper hand. And Dulag was particularly good at what he did.

It is offically the first day of Autumn! I love the Fall, it is my favorite season of the year. As such, one more chapter will be posted later today! Enjoy!

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