
Interview for Divination Post Ⅴ

After a moment, Aberforth opens moist-filled blue eyes as he gazes into similar colored eyes of his older brother, Albus. "A part of me may never forgive you for the tragedy that occurred that horrible day, Albus," Aberforth croaked. "But I am tired of hating you, and I know that you are not solely responsible nor to blame for the tragedy that took place that day."

Aberforth's voice broke with age-old pain clouding his blue eyes. He furrows his brows and lets out a self-deprecating bitter laugh. "No, the sole blame lies with me. I should have never confronted Gellert in the first place."

"What do you mean, Aberforth?" Albus sincerely asked as they had never spoken so openly as brothers since the death of Ariana, not even at her funeral. Perchance, especially then.

Aberforth weakly attempts to sneer a stubborn expression appears on his face. "You mean it, Albus? You are not attempting to merely placate your guilt and me?"

"No, Aberforth, I am sincere when asking just what the reason behind the duel that day was," Albus curiously queried with a solemn expression. "We never speak about the tragic event that took place that day and nor have we ever spoken so openly with each other since-," his voice broke, before whispering, "-Ari's death."

Aberforth searches his older brother's face, before becoming convinced of the sincerity that he saw in Albus's gaze. Turning his head away to gaze at the portrait of Ariana, he gruffly folds his arms over his chest. "I thought it strange, how rather sudden and out of character the arrival of Gellert in Godric's Hollow to stay with his great-aunt, Professor Bagshot. The villagers gossiped-."

"Aberforth, the villagers always gossiped," Albus disapprovingly murmured looking far too similar to Aberforth at that moment.

Aberforth arched his brow at Albus and flatly said, "Are you going to let me finish without any interruptions, Albus?"

Albus shrugs sheepishly and gestures to Aberforth to continue. Giving Albus another sharp look, Aberforth resumes his tale. "The Grindelwald's had never openly visited Professor Bagshot in the past and there were closer relatives to the Grindelwald's on the old continent. After hearing the rumors, I also found it strange that the Gellert would be sent to stay with his great-aunt than closer family relatives. I wouldn't have paid the rumors about Gellert any further attention despite how much I disliked him at our first meeting. His face was far too arrogant and cocky needing to be brought down a notch."

Albus chocked at hearing Aberforth's description of Gellert. "Is that why you threw goat dung at the back of his head during your first encounter?"

Aberforth darkly grimaced. "If I had known his intentions, I would have flung much more than goat dung at him that day."

Albus wisely decides to remain silent and allows Aberforth to continue the rest of his tale. "As I was saying, despite my initial dislike for Gellert, I would have ignored him within reason. What disturbed me was the fact that he paid far too much attention to Ariana. I didn't like how his eyes would often come to rest on her."

"What do you mean, Aberforth?" Albus said in alarm.

"Gellert was interested in Ariana," Aberforth flatly replied.

"Gellert was interested in Ariana?" Albus repeated in shock and disbelief.

Aberforth wrinkled his long nose and made a face at Albus's words. "You were always far too blind to see what was always in front of your long-crooked nose, Albus. And no, I don't mean in a romantic sense, but rather Gellert studied Ari as if she were a fascinating specimen that he had never encountered before and wanted to dissect her to learn more."

Albus's face grows pale as Aberforth snorts but refrains from making a jabbing cutting remark as he normally would have. He continues his tale instead. "One day while chasing down a stray goat from the farm, I overheard Professor Bagshot chatting with Madam Merriweather about how her great-nephew, Gellert, who had been unfairly expelled from Durmstrang."

"I sincerely doubt that anyone can be unfairly expelled from Durmstrang considering that Durmstrang's education curriculum and emphasis is the study of the Defense Against the Dark Art's," Aberforth cynically murmured. "Recalling the previous village rumors and knowing that I wouldn't get anywhere with Professor Bagshot, I decided to send a letter to Tiberius Ogden. If you recall he was a few years older than us, Albus. But more importantly, he had second cousins that studied at Durmstrang that he was rather close to. Tiberius didn't think much of my request, but he still forwarded the question to his cousins, who wrote back to me."

Aberforth let out a sharp bark of mocking laughter at recalling the letter. "Their letter most avidly warned me not to become further entangled with Gellert. They cautioned me further and explained that Gellert had been expelled for practicing such horrifying Dark Art's experiments that even the Headmaster of Durmstrang had been most profoundly alarmed! With the worst of my suspicions confirmed and with definite proof held in hand, I brashly went to confront him."

Aberforth paused and let out a loud sigh. "In retrospect, it was incredibly foolish of me to threaten him, Albus. If Gellert was truly as dangerous as the letters suggested, well, the outcome should not have come as a surprise to anyone including me."

Aberforth turns to meet Albus's stricken blue-eyed gaze. "I threatened him, Albus. I told him that if he did not leave, I would show you the type of monster that Gellert truly was. And then he pulled out his wand on me, and I was forced to defend myself."

Albus makes a soft pained sound before a sad smile appears on his face. "It would seem, Aberforth that you were far braver than anyone has ever given you credit for. Infinitely wiser than the one who stands before you."

Aberforth lets out a snort. "Stop pitying yourself, Albus, we all made mistakes that day. And whether I wanted to or not, I successfully showed you the kind of monster that Gellert truly was."

Albus makes a choking sound as Aberforth smugly grins back at his older brother. Barely holding back from rolling his eyes, Albus and Aberforth gaze at each other before sharing a bark of laughter. It was the first time in a very long time not since Ariana's death that they had even shared anything even akin to laughter. Things were still not completely right between the two of them, but at long last, the open wound between them would begin to heal.

Feeling a bit off-balance, Aberforth clears his throat and says, "Well, I best be getting back to the bar. I've lingered long enough here, and there's no telling how much of my ale and beer that those drunkards have run off with without paying."

"Yes, naturally," Albus clumsily replied as he too felt a bit uncertain.

Pausing at the door, Aberforth opens the door, before saying over his shoulder. "I suppose it's a tad bit early, but Ari and I burn a yule log every year. If you would like and only if the busy Headmaster of Hogwarts has the time, you're free to join us."

"Yes, I would very much like that," Albus sincerely answered with a glimmer of moisture in his eyes.

"Right see you, then Albus," Aberforth curtly said, before stomping away with his face a bit red. It had been so embarrassing to utter the invitation in the first place that he was certain he'd never live the utter mortification of that moment down.

A watery smile appears on Albus's face as he watches his younger brother, Aberforth disappear hurriedly down the staircase. Letting out a loud sniff, he turns towards the portrait of younger sister, Ariana, who stares aloofly into the distance. "Thank you, Ari," Albus quietly said with great solemnity. "I'll be glad to join the two of you to burn the yule log, and if the weather permits it, I would also like to join in to celebrate the New Year revelries."

The portrait of Ariana does not move nor come awake, but Albus has the sincere feeling that she is listening. With a content smile on his face, Albus cheerfully walks away to spread early holiday cheer even though it was still the month of November to the great woe of others. But that is a tale for another time.

I think that one of the biggest mysteries in HP is as to the reason why Gellert and Aberfroth begin to duel each other. Albus naturally later joined in, and Ariana rushed at some point to only be killed by one of their stray spells. But seeing as Aberforth had never fought with Gellert Grindelwald despite his temper, I can only conclude that it had something to do with Ariana. Considering the fact that Gellert was not surprised by Creedence Barebones being an obscurial, it highly suggests that Gellert had some sort of dark intentions towards Ariana. Probably more will be revealed on the subject in the upcoming movies if at all.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts