
A Bend in Time

Before there ever was a boy that ever lived in a cupboard on Four Privet Drive, there was a similar boy in a far worse home that lived on Spinner’s End. We all know the tale of that abused boy who grew up to become a bitter spy. But not all tales end the same for in the many parallel worlds that exist in the universe there are far better endings, and equally as many worse ones. This is a tale of one such condemned universe that for better or for worse chooses to change its own fate at through the sacrifice of the bitter spy. (All rights to the Harry Potter world and characters belong solely to J. K. Rowling. However, I do claim creative fanfiction rights. Please do not post my fanfiction elsewhere without my express permission. This work will also be partially hosted at RoyalRoad, Wattpadd, and Archive.)

EsliEsma · Book&Literature
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First Quidditch Match Ⅱ

With only a few minutes left until eleven o'clock, both teams emerge from opposite ends of the field. The stands shake from the force of the cheering roars. In emerald robes, Slytherin emerged from the south end, while from the north end, the Gryffindors arrive on the field in crimson robes. The shouting of excitement grows as Rowan dully wondered if she should consider casting the Silencing Spell onto herself to cancel the loud screams in her ears. She is going to have a headache at this rate.

Madam Hooch walks out onto the field as the stands go quiet as she nods to both teams "Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you." Madam Hooch emphatically said her gaze lingering on the Slytherin team players, who innocently glance away.

"Alright, Captain shake hands," Madam Hooch firmly instructed as a tall, thin boy from the Gryffindor team steps forward, while a rather short spiky-haired girl steps up from the Slytherin side. Both sides equally glare at each until sparks nearly emerge. The two Quidditch Team Captains squeeze each other's hands as painfully as possible.

"Alright, now that's enough," Madam Hooch snapped as the two captains stiffly released each other's hands from their painful grip.

Madam Hooch moves to the side of the cases on the ground. A thick locked box eagerly rattles as Madam Hooch carefully undid the lock. She nimbly steps aside at the last second as two enchanted black Bludgers zoom into the air. With a wave of her wand, the next case opened to reveal a red leather-covered ball, the Quaffle. With a wave of her wand, the Quaffle is tossed impossibly high, before commencing its slow descent.

There is not a sound in the air as Madam Hooch says, "Mount your brooms!" The last case bursts open to release a tiny, golden round sphere with wings whizzing away and out of sight. Instantly Madam Hooch blows her silver whistle signaling the start of the game. Simultaneously 15 brooms dart into the sky with the three Chasers of each team competing to reach the falling Quaffle first.

The players scatter as the Keepers hurtle towards the three hoop goals to protect them. The seekers scatter in search of the evasive Golden Snitch. The two Beaters for each team dive towards the Bludgers, before smashing their bats forward to hurtle the Bludgers towards rival team members.

With the graduation of the previous announcer, Prefect Wilkes is the new announcer for the quidditch matches. "And the Quaffle has been taken by the Slytherin Captain Nott. Quite the nice gal to if I say so myself." Captain Nott murderously glared at Wilkes but doesn't have time to flash him a rude gesture. She passes the Quaffle to an open teammate only to have it swiped by a passing Gryffindor Chaser.

"And Gryffindor has the ball-," Wilkes announced as a Gryffindor accidentally elbows a Slytherin who is too close. Immediately after Madam Hooch's whistle shrilly blows. "Oh, it looks like it's a foul for Team Gryffindor for Cobbing. Penalty for Gryffindor!" Slytherin loudly cheers as Gryffindor boos the call as the Slytherin Captain is handed the Quaffle.

"Slytherin Captain Nott like a mermaid dived through and passes the Quaffle," which earned Wilkes a deathly glare from Captain Nott. "Oh, no it looks like Captain Nott is in trouble!" Wilkes winced as bludger slammed into Captain Nott nearly knocking her off her broom, but not before Captain Nott successfully passes the Quaffle. "But not to worry, Captain Nott is a bit bruised, but still on her broom."

"Young heading forward stopped by a bludger from beater Weves from Gryffindor. An excellent play may I add," Wilkes honestly commented which earned him various glares from the Slytherin side.

"Young passes and Johnson is now in possession," Wilkes excitedly said. "The field is open as Johnson heads forward and pulls up! Johnson successfully dodges the bludger from beater Weves and still heading forward! Gryffindor Keeper Wright moves to intercept, but Johnson feints-," Wilkes shrieks. "- SLYTHERIN SCORES!" Slytherin goes wild as Gryffindor groans at the first goal.

Rowan idly glances away to gaze at the rest of the arena to suddenly pause and backtrack. She narrows her eyes as from the edge of the Gryffindor side three figures can be sneaking away towards Hogwarts. She glances around and sees that everyone else is occupied with the ongoing Quidditch match.

Glancing around twice, Rowan verifies the coast is clear. She easily slips off the stands onto the grounds. She winces a bit at the impact but easily is able to keep moving. She runs past the edge of the stands as the trees at the edge of the Forbidden Forest prove an excellent visual cover for her.

Making her way back towards Hogwarts, Rowan finds the Marauders whispering fiercely towards each other at the edge of the tree line. "What are all of you doing?" Rowan pointedly asked greatly startling them.

Relieved Sirius innocently answers, "Nothing, Rowan."

Rowan studies the faces of the other two boys. Peter Pettigrew raises his nose in the air revealing a second chin. On the other hand, Remus Lupin openly avoids meeting her gaze keeping his eyes on the ground. "Is that so? Then will any one of you be willing to tell me where James is?" Pointing to an empty spot in the air to emphasize James's missing presence.

The three Marauders glance warily at each other. "Er, we were just taking a breather from the match?" Sirius terribly lied. "Um, and James said something about the need to visit the restroom."

All three of them glance at each other until Sirius says, "Well, I guess you could we are just taking a breather. Would you believe me if I told you that James needed to visit the restroom?"

"No," Rowan curtly responded folding her arms over her chest.

"Told you," Remus sighed in frustration. "James went to Filch's office to drop off a dung bomb."

Rowan sighs deeply in exasperation. "Did none of you attempt to dissuade James of his foolish plan?"

"Why?" Peter huffed and puffed causing his round cheeks to puff out like a chipmunk. "It's a brilliant idea and it's going to work too!"

"That's exactly the problem," Rowan resisted the rub of her hand over her face. "Filch never attends Quidditch matches and always stays inside his office!"

Everyone's faces blanch as Peter weakly gurgles, "Uh-oh."

"Yes, uh-oh is correct," Rowan snapped.

"We have to stop him," Sirius worriedly exclaimed.

"Just wait here, I'll go get him," Rowan unwillingly grumbled.

"Seriously?" Peter gaped in disbelief.

"If I don't go, there is no telling what other mischiefs, the three of you will get into," Rowan matter-of-factly retorted.

"Aw, you really are our friend," Sirius ruefully grinned.

Rowan rolls her eyes at them and makes a rude gesture at them, before hurrying back to Hogwarts. Running across the lawn, Rowan's robes flap behind her before she turns into a small dot fading away from view. "Do you think she'll be fine?" Remus idly asked.

"Probably," Sirius shrugged and glanced over at Remus. "Want to go back to watch the match?"

"Sounds good," Remus grinned in relief at Peter, who still has a worried expression on his face.

"Aren't we going to wait for them?" Peter protested in genuine concern.

"No, we'll only serve to draw attention to them," Remus quietly concluded.

"Exactly, what Lupin said," Sirius shrugged without much care.

Pettigrew lamely slouches forward, "Oh."

Sirius and Remus head back to the stands, while Peter reluctantly trudges along often glancing back towards the castle. Loud cheers and boos fill the air as they return to the stands. The quidditch match is action-packed with Sirius quickly forgetting about his friends. Remus is also distracted including Peter unable to recall their worries until the end of the match.

Peter Pettigrew is often referred to as a follower in HP. He was, but I don't think that doesn't mean he wasn't friends nor cared for the rest of the Mauraders. Yes, he was selfish, but that does not mean he wasn't a caring friend at one point in time.

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