
heart breaking love

on the 26th me and Scott never worked through our difference and so I when't my own way and now i'm in a relationship with john plus the fact is john's mom loves me and we have been together for week's and everything has been going great and the honest has been coming out of the both of us and that is what a relationship should be i mean being honest with one another should be a sign of trust instead of trust instead of hiding everything from your life partner it's not healthy or natural to lie about things scents me and john has been together we have been honest with one another and we have never lied to each other or anything like that is has been 6 years scents me and john has been trying to get with each other until this day i don't want anything to change or be different i will always be with the loving caring sweetest man that is always got me i woulden't do something to screw up this relationship with john i will be honest and loving caring and greatful to john it's like living in a fairy tail and being in a best relationship that i could ask for. throw the two weeks john's friend tina has been getting nasty with me and tina's daugther aleighsha has been really nasty tords me because tina and them have been trying to get with john scents he worked at buger king with was 3 years ago's and now they get jealous beceasue john want's me not them tina called him on the phone and wanted to beat me because john wouldent leave me for her and she was drunk of course that made her mean but anyway john choose me and that is all that has matter to me