
A Baby from My Beloved Agent

This book contains mature content. Please be aware if you are a minor. Amanda Sanchess, a secret agent working for a secret organization. She is a professional agent who used to handle many missions. She has a male partner who is an expert in hacking, William Hudson. The two have been partners for many years. They were even nicknamed Double Eyes. Although they look good together, there are no feelings involved. Those feelings were only felt by Amanda. She loved William, but not William who was focused on his work alone. One day, Amanda decided to leave the organization and disappear from William's life for a reason. To live a new life with a baby coming into her arms.

Raivin_Holmes · Urban
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Go On a Date

Jhon's café was not very busy, the lunch hour was over and the workers who came for lunch had returned to their workplaces.

As usual, Amanda cleaned the table where the previous customers had eaten. She took the plates and glasses and wiped the table clean for other customers to use again.

"Alright, time to take these dirty plates and glasses to the kitchen..." Amanda picked up her tray and put down the plates and glasses and returned to the front.

As she came out of the kitchen, she was surprised by the appearance of a tall man who immediately caught her shoulder to prevent them from bumping into each other.

"Oh... Sorry, I didn't see you there," Amanda said.

"It seems like we've been bumping into each other a lot lately." The chuckle of a man in a sheriff's uniform that Amanda almost ran into earlier.

"Yes, you're right. Sorry about that, I was too focused on other things."