
Chapter Ninety-Nine

"May each day bring thee something

Fair to hold in memory--

Some true light to shine

Upon thee in the after days." (Helen Van Anderson Gordon)



  Brianna got up and quickly went to take her bath She went to the Living room to have breakfast , she noticed that her mother wasn't in the the living room. 

"That's strange." Brianna Thought as she checked every where for her mother. There was no sign of Mona anywhere around. So she went to her room to check on her. 

 Brianna found Mona in the bedroom curled up in featal position. She was weeping badly. Brianna scurried towards her and helped her up.

 "Mom, What happened? 

"Mona looked up at Brianna and cried louder. Holding Brianna closer, Mona Sobbed heavily. 

 "Mom, you are scaring." Tell me what happened!

 "Aria..nn..a" Mona incoherently said.