
Chapter Ninety-Eight

    "Snowflakes falling from the sky, not quite enough to stay. But soon it'll be time for us to say, Merry Christmas on a marvelous day! (Julie Hebert)



"Where are we going first? Arianna asked Britney.

"To Davey's." Britney said feeling elated to finally be able to do all the things she had always wanted to do.

"To have Ice-Cream? Arianna asked, putting on a strict expression, ready to refuse. 

"Yes, Grandma said I can have one Scoop."

"Are you sure? Arianna asked Looking suspiciously at Britney as if she could tell if she was lying.

"Cross my heart. Britney replied seriously too.

"Okay I believe you but it's just one, you can't have more than one. Okay?

  "Okay. Britney hopped into Davey's pulling Arianna in with her.