
A(lie)ment isekai

A vessel remains unfilled. Senjobu Hikabe fills that role. Being a male high school ex-track star, now recluse, he is vaulted into this fantasy word, incarnating as a powerful being know as a Domain Lord of Lightning. However, he didn’t expect that the vessel he now is in would be a girl....

Voltevia_Seteresu · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Powers

"Shock!!" I ended up yelling, hoping to cast the spell. Unfortunately, it seemed like it didn't work. "Shock, shock, shock..." I repeated a bit. Hmm, it won't work.

I ended up feeling a bit puffy from frustration. There is no reason to hide my feelings. Especially how excited I became. But it feels like I was given a toy, and it was taken away. I MEAN, a game with annoying glitches.

After trying to troubleshoot everything, even going as far as tapping into the interphase that hovers until I "unstatus" it. However, it was less touch screen and more holographic.

After getting so frustrated, I ended up kicking the ground. It didn't kick up dirt. Instead, I ended up kicking out from the ground. It was that journal. "Oh, I must have dropped it."

I was a bit more allured by the weapon, I even decided to put more focus into them, equipping the weapon sheathes. I decided that it was more comfortable to have the Wakizashi (short katana) sheath on my back as well as my Tanto (Japanese dagger) on my finally decided right side; as I found out that it seemed that I kept my ambidexterity and since the Tanto is closely the same size as a baton, so I used my left hand. After sheathing, I ended up trying to unequipped them and equipped them, and it seemed that they appeared harnessed with the weapons in tow.

During this, I more than likely ended up dropping the book. I mean, although it had a cool, CYOA (choose your own adventure book) theme to it, compared to an alluring weapon, as well as the bright screened status menu, why should I have to resort to using a book?

"Well, there is no point in complaining. Guess, I will try to continue where I left off."

Rather than flipping to the first place, I ended up trying to estimate where it was. Pulling open the book, it seemed I ended up falling up the 10th page, as labeled. This was one that I haven't gone to before, and wasn't what I was looking for, but it did shock me.

"Don't flip through this book all Wiley Niley. Always start on the first page." It stated.

"Umm, ok?" I decided to mischievously end up deciding to try again, this time, in the middle. To which I was given another warning. Oddly enough.

"Why didn't you listen to page 10? Trust me. Listen and go to the first page. You won't find what you won't unless you restart. If you don't, you'll regret it."

"Oh? How will I regret it?" I chuckled. Though, it is still quite intriguing. How about.... the last page." Curiosity got the better of me. As I ended up opening the last page. "Wow!! This is...."

As I ended up seeing a beautifully shaped circle, perhaps a magic circle. As I looked at it, I don't know what came over me, but like a hypnotic spiral, it began to move a bit, before glowing a bit. As I continued to look at it, I was shot with a face full of something before dispersing.

Immediately, my ears began to ring as I had a face full of a frag grenade, thought this was worse than any fps I ever played. An intense headache ended up coming over me. I swear, I could feel my head throb with pain as much as I could feel words resonate within me.

"You aren't strong enough."

"Ok! Ok! I get it...." Whatever was important about not flipping through random numbers makes no sense whatsoever. I mean. It is hard enough on its own to try and flip to the right page. Heck, it was a miracle that I was even able to flip to the right page in the middle of the book; without reading everything."

I decided to sit down a bit, once again on the grass. This time, I ended up scooting over to rest near a tree to work off this hangover; and I didn't even drink in the first place.

"No." I realized, looking at the sky. It seemed to not be dark, but the orangish-pinkish hue overtaking the calm blue sky seemed to differ. In just about an hour, I would more than likely be dark. And then I can't read at all. At least I would like some sort of way to light things up. I don't have any torches, rations, or anything. Rechecking the Domain pocket, I was right on the money. I didn't have any torches, nor flint as much as put my hand in hoping for it to happen. "C'mon, at least should there be any food?"

I ended up looking into the portal, and it seemed that there was a jug of water, and that is it. Well, that should work for now. Not like I haven't skipped out on food or ramen before. As I began to try to drink it, I ended up coughing, which ended up upsetting my still lingering headache. "Shit! This tastes like soap."

I accidentally mistook the soap for water. I ended up going as far as spitting and wiping it off on fallen leaves. "Ok, I am going to need some sort of light. My shock spell will suffice, but....." I decided to try my hand with the journal, to which I ended up flipping to the first page again.

Going back over to the first page, I ended up skimming the writing, before reaching the "Are you a girl or boy" question. I didn't want to pick a girl, but after being retorted by the book. A literal book, I decided to lie and say girl. Well, since the character I am using is a girl, guess physiology, I am one. Not going to get used to that.

After I picked a girl, I ended up needing to flip to the next page. Which made me become perplexed, as I was able to flip to the "boy answer" on page 30 with no problem. I guess I was just lucky.

It ended up going to the 4th one and ended up asking if I was, in my previous life, a boy or girl, to which I answered truthfully. Rather than scolding me, it actually ended up giving me the most options on where I should flip until now. I began to reach the following options as well as the pages for those options. It was much like one of those automated voice messages. For Bla, press one. For Bla Bla. Press two. For Bla Bla Bla, press three. There was also sub-text at the end, which stated to bookmark the page until you read all of this information.

Spotting the one that I wanted, which is, "how to use spells, page 12", to which I ended up doing. Reading it, it seemed I began to understand a bit better.

"Hmmmmm, so, there are 3 ways to cast: casting by voice: Vocalization, casting by touch or Kinesthesis, and casting through imagination: Imagery. Their definitions should be enough. If you wish to go into them more...."

It ended up going into the obvious "different choices". However, it also said to bookmark the previous page, since it is unfinished, so I picked up a leaf from the ground before sticking it in.

"Alright, I think that is enough studying." I decided, closing the book before putting it into the Domain pocket; I wouldn't want to misplace it again.

I decided that my best bet for now was the Imagery method for the spell; not only would it be easier, but if I am going to use swords as well, it would be better if I could multitask them. Full dive VR was quite revolutionary in terms of sensory input and output, though it was still in its infancy. Based on seen beta test videos as for full dive spells, they definitely hold quite a bit of realism. As per how that would help in terms of casting spells in a real fantasy world, well, I'll find out. (It better be better, otherwise, I a refund on my isekai.)

"Ok, concentrate. Noting special. Think about lightning" Easy enough. I closed my eyes, pointing my hands towards the tree for my target. I could picture it vividly in my head, and with a jolt of sheer instincts as I opened up my eyes to see a yellow glowing, ever-sparking energy that was riveting to look at. "Ok, I got that lightning image down, for the launch part."

I didn't know specifics on what to think to launch, but I got this far. Means I am at least doing something right. Now, for launching. I could think of throwing or shot putting...no, too much arm motion. I was never the best at throwing anyways. I mean, isn't like that would affect the spell, but best not risk it. After feeling like a got a grasp for what to do, I was ready. Ok, then. Yes. I think I got it.

"Pew." I thought of a gun, or rather, my hand being an extension of a gun. Sounds ridiculous, but immediately after I thought that the shock spell flew, before hitting the tree, causing it to be slightly charred. "Wow! That was...awesome."

I was quite amazed. I made sure to try that spell out a few more times, just to make sure I understood how to do it. Though it was more of an excuse for me to pretend I am like a superhero. Gosh, I thought I got rid of that chunni-ness.

Ugh...maybe I ended up casting a bit too much. For some reason after that, I felt quite exhausted. Although, there isn't any specific "MP" thing in my status, yet I still felt it. Some games have hidden stats that you can't see in the stat menu. Perhaps this is the same case.

I was in the body for less than an hour. And already, I felt a bit in sync with it. If I was in my previous body, I probably could guess how much I could run without getting exhausted. As for now I estimated that I could probably pull off about 14 more shock spells before running out. Maybe 16 if I wanted to faint. Either way, that still seems like a lot.

But when you are somewhere you haven't got the foggiest clue where to go; in a shady forest with monsters that could be lurking in every corner, it's best to be prepared.

"Now's the perfect time. Let's just see what body we are working with." I began to do light cardio in place to get the blood flowing. I still don't know how realistic this world is, but its best I don't tear any muscles.

After doing some exercises, my impression of this body improved. Most of her body seemed quite squishy and the build-up of muscle is lack-luster. However, doing exercises, which parts were squishy were immediately hardened to reveal a conditioned body. Even the legs, which I regrettably fretted about were quite long, flexible, and perhaps the strongest part of my body, besides my abs.

The weakest part would probably be my arms, which were still quite dainty, having a faint amount of muscle. I would have expected there to be a lot of upper body strength from being able to wield weapons. Then again, the wakizashi and tanto were both light, possibly foreshadowing a character build.

Deciding to take my chances, as well as further test this body's capabilities, I decided to enter deeper into the forest. "Ok, I think that is it when it comes to testing. Now, time drop all that and finally treat this like a game. Let's finally do some combat."