
A(lie)ment isekai

A vessel remains unfilled. Senjobu Hikabe fills that role. Being a male high school ex-track star, now recluse, he is vaulted into this fantasy word, incarnating as a powerful being know as a Domain Lord of Lightning. However, he didn’t expect that the vessel he now is in would be a girl....

Voltevia_Seteresu · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: Domain

There was white all around me, as if I was in a white limbo. However, that changed, as my lights all adjusted, and I could see.

Everything was pure white; however, I could see that this was a throne room. It looked quite expanse. As per it being a throne room, it seemed there was, naturally, a throne. As for who was sitting on a throne, that is a question altogether.

She had white hair, and beautiful golden eyes. She looked absolutely beautiful. Though, I have to say, this seems a bit redundant, but since Lumiya said I would meet her, I guess this was inevitable.

"Hello, mere human. I am the Goddess Zenith Fraux, but you can call me Goddess of truth, light, divinity, ideals, energy, or just Lady Zenith..."She continued quite a bit. "Now bow in awe of my presence."

She's SO full of herself! I mean, she's a goddess but, does she have to be like that? Does that make her a kamidere? Even so, as much as I don't really want to handle someone her type, guess I have no choice. "It is quite the honor... Lady-" I began to bow.

It seemed her gaze changed from that of golden eyes to something utterly incomprehensible. All I could comprehend before it reverted back. She immediately interrupted my formalities.

"Wait!!! Your soul, I'd recognize that yellow gem anywhere." Her voice ended up changing, though it was beautiful, it seemed now it held more gentleness and grace. "It is good to see you've returned, my child. I was a bit worried it was taking longer than expected. "

Is it just me, or did she just change from being vain to a mother?

"You seem puzzled. Has the late Lumiya told you what was going on?" She looked puzzled as well. I could also feel the coldness in the room increase as I saw her intolerant glare.

"I mean, yes. She did. She told me about how my soul was needed to fuel being before...she died." A brief moment, and I was about to guess that my soul was meant for her, but that seemed farthest from the answer. Besides, if Lumiya said that my body wasn't fueling a god, and if the goddess Zenith said she was one, and Lumiya seems to be her employee, it all be ture.

She looked puzzled. "Fuel? What are you talking about? I need your soul to host her body; you will take her mantle."

"Wait, what?!?" I asked. That was left out of the blue. I honestly thought that this would be an isekai, then I would die. A perfect way of ending me. But....

"You don't know? I guess her meeting with you was cut short. If that is the case, guess I will have to tell you the gist. Lumiya- she is a Domain Lord, domain being the realm she rules over. In this context, she rules over the domain of Lightning. Her death resulted upset in the balance of the world I rule. This must be fulfilled by someone with a compatible soul. So, I searched the multiverse for an identical soul to take the Domain Lord's spot."


"Was that too much for a mortal such as yourself to comprehend."

"YES!! I just died, didn't I. You didn't have to info dump."

"Oh ok, sorry that you died. Now, back to the Domain Lords.." It didn't even seem like she was sincere. "I told you what they are, but now where they came from. You see, in the void, there was nothing, then, deities made something. As for me, I decided to fill it with magic, to form my Universe, as well as the fantasy world. After that, I created life, and finally, I decided to split up elemental magic into 7 categories: Fire, water, earth, lightning, plants, wind, and void. These 7 things made up that elemental magic. As for the reserves of mana, rather than be found in the world, it is safely contained in an extra dimension that holds vast amounts of specific elemental mana."

It seemed that she was actually being sincere. Or, that her smugness was being substituted by an insistent rashness to get rid of me already. Surely not. Right? Wait, what did she say?

"Wait, do I have to actually rule a literal plane of existence!?!?! I don't even have experience with that." That seemed a bit.... much, just adding to the mental burden.

"Oh, you don't have to rule over your given Domain."


"Your sheer existence will do that. I made it to where the Domains naturally rely on the Domain Lord's to function. They typically run on auto, so you don't have to worry about anything."

"What, what does that mean I do, then?"

"Well, whatever you want? Typically, I often see Domain Lord's as being who are mediators, but that doesn't mean you can't go a bit crazy. There were even some times where Domain Lords literally decided to become Demon Lords. Others decided to become practically heroes and engrave their names into history. And others just live simple lives. Do you understand now?"

"So, I get to do whatever I want?"

"Well, more or less. Though, there are a few rules."

"What are the rules?"

"Rule 1: no speaking about your role about being a Domain Lord with everyone. Rule 2...well, I forgot. Anyways, I'm sure Lumiya has left all of the info on her Legacy. It will surely be helpful."

"So, do Domain Lords have any powers or something."

'Well, naturally, being a literal lord of an elemental realm, you kind of have the affinity for your elemental magic, in this case, Lightning magic. Honestly, I couldn't even call it an affinity, given that it only means that you have a similarity or associating to it. In a sense, you will be literal Lightning-incarnate."

"That is it?"

'Well, this is a fantasy world, so you will be sure to gain new abilities. Some of which the past Lightning Domain's may have already had, so your ability to gain abilities will be much faster than typical mortals. Not to mention that you also get special "Domain Abilities", which only Domain Lords can use, as well as very powerful elemental beings under the Domain Lord's reign. Some of which are quite powerful.

"Alright. I think I understand. Yeah, I understand."

"Well, then, before I send you into the world, do you need any other info?"

"Is their tasty food there?"

"But of course."

"Also, who killed-"

She interrupted me before I finished. "Alright then. Guess it is time for you to go. From here on out, you take this name as your own: Lumiya Voltri Shira, the 4th Domain Lord, the Lord of Lightning."

"Wait! Does that mean I'll be a-"

Before I could get a response, I was flashed away; my metaphysical body began to disassemble into nothingness as I was nothing more than my soul in general. It was as if I could sense my own soul. The goddess said it was yellow, didn't she. Guess she was right. A yellow-type of lightning, but lightning all the same. Once I go under, I wonder if I will get to see this beautiful color again.

After a bit, I ended up falling an asleep

I don't know the feeling, but I soon felt as if my body was being assimilated out of pure energy; Lightning energy, as it crackled into my very being, before cementing into a form matching vaguely of a humanoid being. This was quite throughout and took quite a long time. I ended up going as far as to fall asleep once again, like a surgery. With the hospital bed being the world, I was vaulted into.

Once again, I ended up walking up. This time, on the ground. Though, it wasn't rough, as it was on a soft grassy bed. It seemed as if it was laid out for me. I yawned as I ended up sitting up to look around. I was in a forest. Looking outward, it looked mostly dark. I would have to go into it to investigate further.

However, on the spot that I was laid, there was an opening that allowed for a beam of light to shine down. Its warmth, paired with this soft ground make this quite a comfortable spot. Even though it wasn't a futon.

After I was done looking around, I ended up checking myself, to which I immediately ended up blanking out. I decided to break down what I could see in detail. Looking at my legs, it seemed that they were completely bare. Though, rather than rugged, they were quite smooth, I ended up gently stroking them, from my shins all the way up to my thighs. To which I ended up finding another notable fact.

Wow, although I stopped exercising in my past life, I never came across as being fat.

Well, it seemed that this was the case with my legs. But, after looking at them quite a bit, I ended up finding that they didn't look fat. Rather, they looked a bit delicate. If anything a bit dainty.

As my hands began to read upward, I immediately ended up finding that I was wearing something. It wasn't a kimono. Rather, it seemed like a long tunic. I never wore something like this before. Though, it felt quite comfortable.

I wanted to investigate further, but my eyes seemed to darted to the bright color that I could now see. That yellow color, it's coming from...Hair. Yes. it seems that my hair has grown out a bit; dangling quite far. Though, there was no strain from my scalp. Brushing my hands into the hair, it seemed that it was quite straight. Doing so, I ended up feeling a jolt, much like when you touch steel after rubbing a carpet with your feet. It didn't hurt, it mostly just tickled.

It seems that I was quite drawn to the hair, rubbing it some more, and even going as far as to smell it....though, I ended up stopping, as it seemed to be far too pedophilic, in my opinion. Besides, it seemed that I had far too much focus drawn on something else.

Parting my hair to see what was underneath, I ended up tilting my head to look down at my chest. Looking at it, it seemed that there were two giant extrusions coming out from my chest. I suspected that it was a pocket of air, but I could feel some weight coming from that area. It wasn't too much of a deal. However, it still was something that was there. What could it possibly be..... I ended up touching it. Before I knew it, a sensitive tingle crawled all over my body, as I could feel a sensitive spot as I touched them. As per the rest of it, it seemed that they were squishy; it took the thighs squishy and dialed it to +10.

"What the heck are these?" I blurted out. I didn't exercise as much, but still, my legs never looked this before. Not only that, but something also caught my attention "My voice...."

My attention was diverted to my voice. Hearing my voice, no. It wasn't my voice. It was someone else. That girl that I met in my dreams. That girl whose name was Lumiya Volt-whatever; it was her voice. So, what the goddess said was right. But that can't be, she died, didn't she.

I know that the goddess said I would take her place, but I didn't think it would be like that!?!?! She could have at least given me a warning, or something. Or better yet, let me still be a guy. Oh, she knew, didn't she?

Worried for my son's life, I ended up going back to where I stopped at checking if he was there. However, all I could find was tears rolling down my face. "My son...is gone...."

I never thought I would say that.

"Okay, snap out of it..." I was about to say my name, followed up back a smack to the cheek. I have obtained was the smack, which oddly enough, hurt quite a bit more than I was expecting. But as for my name...it slipped my mind.

What was it? I could have sworn I knew it. Think, me. I was a guy, I know that much. I did track, until I didn't. And then I had an otaku-life. My character name for playing games was S3T3R3SU....wait, how come I remember that but my own name?"

I began to frantically look around, hoping that it would jog my memory. However, this seemed not to be the case. But it seemed that something came out of it, as I ended up finding a journal on the ground.

"Huh?" I ended up picking it up. For some reason, it ended up giving a sense of familiarity from it. Though, I know for sure that I haven't seen that journal in my life.

Curiosity getting the best of me, I decided to open the first page, to which I began to read.

"Hello Lumiya. It is me, Lumiya. Now, you may be thinking one of the two things 'my name isn't Lumiya' or "How could I be writing to myself." Well, I will be sure to answer this in full. You see, I decided to write this due to the experiencing the same worry you have; worry that comes with new unfamiliar territory..."

Now, the book continued explaining to me, what was going on, like how Lumiya, the person I first met, and the goddess. However, although it was repetitive, I think I could grasp it just a bit more than I originally could. My soul, holding my mind, ended up swapping into Lumiya's fully restored body, making me her. As per me forgetting some stuff, the book ended up explaining it in a simple manner:

"The transference of souls requires your original name, as well as the dying soul of the previous Lumiya, to be used as sacrificial catalysts."

As I completed reading the introduction, rather than showing a table of contents, or even diary logs, it seemed it closely resembled a pick-a-path book; a book that resembles closely to RPGs, though I would personally compare it to dating sims and all of the 'paths' you can choose.

An example of this happening is it asking a simple question: Are you a boy or a girl? In this case it had the very question, to which it gave two answers. "The 'If boy' answer was on page 19, while the 'If girl' situation was on page 2, to which I ended up picking 'boy', only to be greatly irked by the response.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Wow. For starters, you are a girl now, so from now on you respond to that answer by saying that you are a girl. If you end up meeting other people in this world, you must from here on out at least pretend that you were originally a girl. Otherwise, people will think you are weird...."

Though what she said wasn't wrong, it still frustrated me.

".Now, here is a listed-out description of how to take care of this body. There are some perks to which you won't have to worry about. You are immune to "bleed effects", so you won't worry too much about periods, not to mention that your current default race should basically cause them not to occur for a few thousands of years. You won't have to worry about money, clothing, and hygiene, for now, as there should be some supplies in the Domain pocket (more info on that later)."

There was a lot of practical info, though I wasn't too interested in it. I was more looking forward to its abilities. If this is anything like how the goddess put it; at least I'd get the chance to be in a fantasy game-like world.

Thankfully, flipping to page 7, it did that for me. it even self-consciously ended up stating: By now, you probably got bored, so here, onto the stats. From there, there was some instructions that described how to look at my stats.

"To look at your status, which holds your data on your physiology, status, magic, abilities, and items, picture a status window appearing; much like that of games.

Following this, I ended up conversing a bit, only to find that a yellowing translucent interface ended up appearing out in front of me.

"Wow, so this is Lumiya Voltri Shira, or rather, my stats?" I began to read the stats.

Name: Lumiya Voltri Shira

Race: Raceless

Appearance: Lightning elf.

Hair and Eye color:

Hair: Yellow-blond

Eye: Yellow

Gender: Female

Title: Otherworldly

Classes: None

Level: 1


Strength: 15

Dexterity: 20

Speed: 19

Wisdom: 14

Intelligence: 14

Constitution: 10

Charisma: 16

Domain Abilities

Domain Sigil of Lightning: Access to the Lightning Domain (User gains domain powers based on element/mana)

Innate abilities include:

Domain Status- can see status of self (Can be evolved)

Domain Pocket- can obtain things in dimensional pocket. Includes: Domain equip and unequip.

Domain resistance- resists all (Lightning) spells by 50%, holy- magic res. by 15% and all elemental spells by 15% (Can be evolved)

Domain Revelation- Causes domain abilities to be gained in response to certain willpower, knowledge, and emotions.

Combative abilities include:

Domain Aspect- all (Lightning) techniques, magic, and aura will be under the effect of Domain Aspect, and are increased in power by 33% (Does not include abilities/ Can be evolved)


Innate abilities include.

Adept one- can learn things quickly, have an increased memory (Can evolve)

Raceless - No racial weaknesses/ Can evolve; Racial interaction required.

Techniques (physical combat centered):

Natural (Light) weapon technique- instincts are honed to be able to use lighter weapons naturally. (Can use one handed weapons, such as dagger, sword, short ax, etc., as well (light weight) polearms, longswords, and bows, No forms; instinctive)


Spells: Shock- a basic Lightning spell

Aura: Pure Lightning (Art- none, Can be evolved)

Items: Bag, Clothing, Washing items, Light healing potions x5, Iron Dagger, Iron Sword (One handed), Light armor.

Attire: Tunic, Otherworld battle attire

Armor and weapons: Light Leather/iron armor (Includes belt) Otherworld sword- Wakizashi (Includes sheathe), Otherworld dagger Tanto (Includes sheathe)

I don't know why, but after seeing Lumiya's stats, I was a tad disappointed. Being held up as something as high as a Domain Lord, not to mention her build as she was playing that game. (How did she play that game when she was shackled?) I expected some godly stats. But I only to find an unsatisfying feeling from the current stats, ability, and everything. The funny part is I don't even fully know about how these stats compare to others. Can I take on even a slime right now?

I'm a bit relieved I still remember otaku-life, even if a good majority of non-otaku memories are down the drain. Otherwise, I may just be completely screwed in this isekai world. Still, I don't really have any intention of distinguishing my current self from the past. Especially with my Chuniibyou gamer name "S3T3R3SU", pronounced Seteresu. For sake of my sanity, just past tense, "past self" or "pre-isekai me" will get the job done.

Anyways, the game I played, Alinair Online, has stats typically starting from 100 to 1000. And that is just at level 1. As for my Domain stats, they seem more around the popular paper n' dice game that was called magik n' monsters. I didn't play. But it didn't get past the gaming communities' discussion pages in-depth explanting's. Before I played Alinair Online, I used discussion websites quite a lot. Especially during the previous online game I played. What was it called? Honestly, I don't even know if the current me or past me would know or cared enough to know.

As per her or my build, after looking at it quite a bit, it seemed that it was the reflection of her build in game, or at least this world's version. And even then, it was the starter version. But I'll have to test it out, just in case.

Also similar to the pre-isekai Alinair build, was the Japanese weapons, the same race. and even Japanese clothes. At first glance it seemed quite natural to me. Yet a inquiry occurred: does this mean that there is a Japanese-like civilization in this world? Or is this just a normal thing in this fantasy world.

"Still, being level one, I guess I have a long way to go." It may have been a bit disappointing at first, but thinking about it, it kind of seems fun. I mean, I already know my second goal in this world. Well, might as well get started. Now, since I have some sort of equip or un-equip power, guess I can use that. Do I do the same thing as thinking about the Domain status ability. Well, guess I should give it a try.

Thinking about it, I closed my eyes and pictured the clothing suited for combat to appear on my body, to which caused a whoosh sound. Before I knew it, I was now equipped with such clothes.

Yep, it was as I expected. Japanese clothes. Well, female japanese clothes. I most definitely didn't think, not in a million years, that I would be on the other side of the gender apparel spectrum.

Like I said earlier, it was a lot like Lumiya's Aliniar online character's battle attire: it was a short yellow yukata with black petals. It went just below the waist, almost acting like a short dress. There was a black obi belt that wrapped around my waist; almost constricting it. As per the sleeves, they were a bit short, only going as far as to my elbows. Was interesting was their shoulder cut; causing my shoulders to almost be completely barren, I would have felt quite vulnerable if it wasn't for the compression bodysuit, I was wearing underneath.

The body suit was a black one-piece, that was sleeveless arm-wise, however, ended up giving leniency when it came to my lower body, which ended going a bit downward to reach my mid-thigh. Though it was skin tight and felt a bit weird, it was better than the bodysuit giving me something akin to bloomers.

Matching up with the yukata, there was long black sleeved gloves that reached all the way up my arm, with yellow sakura blossoms on the top of it. There was also a long black scarf with yellow sakura blossoms on the end, and black stockings that went up to my slightly above my knees, slightly grazing my thighs; it was about 5-ish inches away from the shorts apart of the body suit.

All and all, it looked quite nice on its own. The adventurer boots, rather than clunky and plum like typically men's, was starkly contrasted by being on the slender side as to match the slender legs. However, in my opinion, it didn't seem to fully match the clothing, as they were brownish, but didn't hinder it. If anything, it acted as a gateway to match nicely with the armor.

Naturally, looking at the armor that came along with it; I was sure that it filled up the design. When equipping the armor, though it was slightly heavier, it wasn't enough to cut on mobility. This must be light armor, then.

The armor was mainly leather consisting of bracers, chest piece, tassets, a should-guard on the right; grieves. Also releasing this from equipping the armor, but it ended up all adding something akin to chainmail; though it was quite more compressed and thinner; created with thousands of small metal rings wrapped around each other. From a distance, it just looked like a silver undershirt and chausses shorts, which fulfilled a similar purpose to the tastes: discrete. I'm sure that it gave an extra set of protection, just in case some rich pompous brat wants to send goons my way.

Though, the chainmail pieces were under my yukata; so, something won't have their guard up front from the get-go. Giving me the chance to make the first move.

"Wow, this is cool!!! Now, onto the weapons...." I could've equipped them, but this did give me a great time to pull out the weapons out of the Domain pocket.

Thinking of a hole in space and time, a faint flicker of electricity occurred as I pulled out the sword. Holding my hands, I could only whistle at the beauty. It was a beautiful silver katana, no, it was slightly shorter. Perhaps a Wakizashi? Anyways, gripping the tsuka (handle), it was well adjusted to my hand. Almost too well to the point of being odd, as if it was perfectly made for me. Or, at least, the Lumiya had it created. The Tsuba, or guard, was a beautiful yellow inwardly-curved diamond; making it look like a star. I don't know why it was like that, but it seemed to be a good enough color.

The tanto, which was the dagger, was in a similar style, just cut down to be a bit smaller. But beside that point, it looked quite sharp. It seemed to be well made, both of the weapons were. Earnestly, I was quite surprised that I was able to get something this high-end on the get-go.

After putting my weapons in their scabbards that I ended up equipping onto the belt attached to my armor. After doing so, I decided to check out my magic, to see what that held for me.