

That day, Vampire and me chatted a lot, and his flirtatious messages made me even more motivated to write the chapters. I cracked my knuckles and got to work, writing until late evening. Just when I was about to get up, I heard the front door opening, and I instantly sat back.

I really didn’t want to face my husband. He was the only person who never let me enter deep in his heart, making me feel cold. I really didn’t know why I had decided to marry this guy in the first place. To treat your wife so coldly for months, who could do that?

I only had one thought about this. Perhaps Lewis had an extra-marital affair. I sneered when I thought of this. Then we would just keep going on like that. He would be busy with his woman, and I would go out with Vampire.

When I thought about Vampire, my eyes couldn’t help but shine as if I just saw something good. This was the expression that my husband saw stepping inside the house. He frowned after seeing my face and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but closed it again, shaking his head.

He didn’t say a word to me.

I glanced at him placing his shoes in the rack and heading over to the bathroom as usual without sparing a single glance at me. I couldn’t help but feel cold in my heart.

Was I mad to think that Lewis was jealous because I was smiling while texting someone? I really wanted to hit myself. Just look at how this guy was treating me just now! How could someone be so ruthless and cold to his own wife?! I really wanted to just file a divorce case and be done with it!

But I took a deep breath and controlled my emotions. I was really thinking too much right now. Maybe I had been disappointed at his behavior so much that my heart couldn’t be warm anymore by his actions. I should give this guy a last chance. After becoming an author, I really wanted to see if my husband’s heart could soften toward me.

Maybe by then, I would forget Vampire and would perhaps start having feelings for my husband. But if I don’t…

I didn’t dare to think about my future after this. Sometimes, I would feel like it would've been better if I hadn't met Vampire at all. I sighed. Just as I was about to go into depression because of my own thoughts, I heard a noise from my phone. It was Vampire's message.

Out of instinct, instantly opened the text and read it.

"Have you been thinking of me?"

After seeing this message, all the negative thoughts flushed away from my mind. A smile bloomed on my face as I grinned at the text.

It didn't matter. I really didn't care about whatever was stored for me in the future. Right now, I couldn't stay away from Vampire even if I wanted to. He had become my heartbeat in an instant, and I was caught in his web.

And the only person who could save me right now was him.

I smiled widely and texted him back.

"So what if I was? What will you do?"

A waited for a minute and his reply came as expected.

Vampire: "It's good. As long as thinking of me can help you with the imagination."

Then he paused and another reply came which made me blush furiously.

"By the way, what will you do if another kissing scene occurs? Shouldn't we at least practice more in that area?"

Two pinkish blush crept up my cheeks. For a moment, I couldn't reply at all. My mind was filled with the images of Vampire and me kissing at the coffee shop earlier. My heartbeat quickly intensified, and I felt my throat become dry because of how hot that scene was!

After a while, I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and texted back, "No need. My imagination is wild."

Vampire: "Then, I feel like I'm a good motivator."

I couldn't help but blush again at that. This guy! Seriously, why was this person so good at flirting?

Me: "Then, will you keep motivating me like this?"

I waited, and waited, but the reply didn't come. So I shrugged and went back to writing. Vampire was an editor, and he must be very busy right now. So it wasn't really strange that I didn't get a reply instantly.

So I got back to work and heard some voices in the kitchen.

Was my husband cooking food? I glanced inside the kitchen and saw Lewis turning off the stove as he put down the container on the dining table. Then he brought out two plates and filled them with the dish he made.

For a moment, he hesitated and instantly grabbed another plate, putting in over one of the dishes on the table. Then sat and ate his dish.

That extra plate must be for me, right?

Who else? This was the daily routine for three years. I used to work as a waitress earlier. So I would come late at home. This was perhaps the reason why I stopped going to that job.

And that was when my husband decided to take up the household chores. A few months ago, we would both sit down on the table no matter how late I came home and eat together. But over the years, our relationship deteriorated so much that I didn't even remember when was the last time we ate together.

I sighed and continued my work. Soon enough, I got Vampire's message, but I felt a little disappointed at that.

Why the hell did he send a kissing emoji only? On one hand, I blushed at that, and on another hand, I couldn't help but feel confused at this.

Did this mean he would keep motivating me?

I scratched my head, but I still couldn't come up with anything. So I sighed for the hundredth time and started typing.

Just like that, three days passed, and it was already the 12th day by the time I wrapped up the second draft of my novel. All these days, the routine was almost the same.

I would get up early in the morning, do my work, wait for my husband to leave the house, eat the food cooked by my husband, and go back to work. And while working, I would chat with Vampire constantly.

And he would often flirt with me and send me sweetest messages every now and then. All in all, I was so motivated by his texts that I ended up writing an extra Chapterby the end of the day.

And the result was, I had already finished the second draft. I grinned widely as I named the second draft and sent the file to Vampire through the email.

I had expected that he would reply to me sooner. But who would've thought that I would end up waiting for such a long time? I even texted him on the phone, and he still wouldn't reply.

I couldn't help but frown. Even after an hour, I didn't get a reply. I would usually get at least an automatic reply, but this time, I didn't get anything at all!

At this time, I started feeling a little frustrated. What was going on with Vampire today?