
81 passengers

Jason woke up to the sound of screams. He tried to stand but he felt dizzy. He had a really bad head ache He covered his face from t the light. He felt something wet dripping down his head. when he looked at his hand it was covered in blood. He realized he wasn't at home. He was in a banged up seat with a seat belt around his waist. when he looked up he saw he was in something that had crashed in the woods. Everything was so banged up he couldn't make out what he was in. He was so banged up he didn't remember going in anything like it ,but when he looked down he knew exactly what happened. There on the floor was a bloody ripped up flight attendants suit.

minty_mint360 · Horror
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10 Chs

Author's note

hi everyone sorry I haven't been writing lately. I've been really busy ,but I will try to get another chapter in by this weekend.

thank you for your patience!