

A cultivator who belongs to immortal tribulation stage [second last stage of cultivation], dies of old age after failing to ascend to eternal life being realm [last stage of cultivation after which a person becomes immortal]. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a strange world akin to hell with pollution and poverty everywhere. He has also lost his prowess from his previous life, but to his fortune, he was found by some people who work for non-government organisations and put into an adoption center. But he was never adopted. At the age of 15, he decided to try cultivation again, after taking a break for a few years and also earn part time to support himself. The first time he tried, he failed. And also managed to unleash a demon who had been trapped for years. The next day, he was informed that a billionaire is coming to their adoption center, and to his surprise, the billionaire decided to adopt him. 'This guy is suspicious. Does he know that the demon was unleashed by me?' He thought. 'I need to trap the demon back.' The cultivator suddenly decided one day. But it was impossible for him to do it as he had to start from scratch. It's a story about an OP character becoming OP again in an unfamiliar world. [PS: this is my first time trying a fantasy cultivation type story. I would appreciate your reviews and criticism]

Kindapassingby · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 8: The entities [4]

She said, "I hope you are not being disrespectful towards me on purpose."

"Am I? I am just tired." I replied. I can't make sense of what she is saying now.

"Oh yeah. It was a 2 hour ride anyway. You shouldn't have waited for this long if you were tired." Mr. Winsten said.

"Well I didn't. I waited for half an hour and came to meet you instead."

"That was so smart."

"Smart? No. I always wait for half an hour for the other person who would have asked you out. If he doesn't come I don't think I should put out the energy for them."

"This generation…" Mrs Delia said. I think she is looking down on me? Well it did seem condescending. I can't make out whether she likes me or hates me.

"Is wonderful. We don't wait for anyone to come. We care about our self-respect more and that includes not waiting for anyone from dusk to dawn like a beggar waiting for alms." Winsten catched up.

Delia said,"Exactly. You all have boundaries which you don't allow anyone to enter into. And that is what makes you all special."

"I know. Can you lead me to my room now?" I replied.

"Oh ya." Mr Winsten started and then looked at the servant guy beside me,"Show him to his room."

"Yes sir." He replied courteously. No cap, that's quite cool.


Wooh! Finally alone. This is a huge room. Wait… does this room have cameras to spy on me?

I need to check. I saw this hack on social media a while ago. I darkened the whole room and then started the front camera. Then, I slowly scanned the room.

Luckily, I couldn't find anything. Honestly, I did expect cameras to be here. I was so ready to put hands on them. Guess they don't have a human camera. Then, I think a camera like the one done by controlling animals, like the hare back then in the forest would work for a place like this. The poor hare was suddenly sick after coming to that house so it had to go to the vet. I haven't seen him since that. I hope the vet discharges him quickly.


I should look into this tomorrow while trying to totally not act like I am investigating this whole adoption matter.

I walked into the bathroom and changed into something comfortable. I then check my phone. I wanna check certain pranks to play for tomorrow.

I heard a knock on the door.

"May I come in?" It was Delia. Ughh! Not her.

"Yeah sure." I can't even deny her because I am living at her house.

She put her head inside and greeted me with a smile. This smile was different than the one she previously gave. She said,"You weren't sleeping were you?"

"I wasn't."

"Oh that's great." She came in and near the right hand side of my bed. "You should go to sleep then."

"Yeah. I was going." I closed all my tabs and put the phone on the table. Then I laid down on the bed and turned around to my left side. I hope she goes now.

"I see…" She replied. She waited for a moment. Then took the blanket that was on my feet and pulled it up to cover my body. She then slowly put her hand on my head and ruffled my hair slowly.

"Good night." She said suddenly. Why is she being so lovely to me? It's scary.


"You need something? Like milk? It will help you sleep well at night. This is a new place after all…"

"I am fine. I don't need anything. Thank you."



Delia cleared her throat before speaking. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to be rude when you called out to me back in our room. I was upset with my husband. I had plans for when I would meet you for the first time. It didn't go that well."

"No one gave you the right to be a bad person to others who are unrelated to the matter. Why did you act like that?"

"I know if I say anything else, it would feel like an excuse. I'm sorry. I promise to improve from now on."

Why does it feel like she is acting all pitiful? Still, she didn't give excuses. Nevertheless, should I trust her?

"You can take your time deciding on whether you want to give me another chance or not. I will still try to be a better person whom you can love and respect. "

She then got up and left.

But… she sounded sad. She is a good actor but at times, it's easy to differentiate between whether one is acting or not. I think… Everyone should get at least three chances. So, I think I should just…

"Good night, grandma." I said feebly before she opened the door.

She looked around. She seemed shocked and touched.

"Good night, dear." She said smiling. She looked so graceful. She seemed genuinely happy and not like she was acting. Am glad I said it. I suddenly felt the tingling sensation in my heart. God! No!

But this time, I will allow it. I don't mind it so…


After Grandma left. I waited for all the lights to turn off so that I could sneak around the house and investigate.

The real thing starts now.