What should I say? I want to give this novel the lowest possible score if not for me considering the hardwork of the translator.
First of all, this novel has good world background and story development because the author just copies and steals other people's ideas. The author tried to copy multiple ideas and compile it as his own, but failed miserably. Most of what made up this story are stolen from Fallout series' lore, example of which are the deathclaws, mutated humans researched by the government, the project of eden, the fallout vaults, and most of the lore of fallout but the author just patched fallout's lore with other stories' ideas to fit his narrative.
Because the author is lacking of imagination or is lazy, he even stole ideas from conspiracy stories, and went as far as using other people's name; Is it that fucking hard to think of a name? To top it all off, the b*tch of an author is a racist himself, what a f*cktard.
Yes I am biased because the author ruined the fucking story by adding his racist ideas. I repeat, the premise of this novel is good because it is ripped off of other people's intellectual property, and as far as I know the author seems to not even give credits to where he got those ideas from.