though the novel is not nad i have seen that Chinese author's are extremist and racist. Extremist in a sense that they will develop the plot to condemn others. Racist as we can see in hod and devil world and the lightning brand novels etc.... Seriously dissapointed in them . if you think other people are all the se because of some people's crimes than the same goes to you too. now i think my opinion of the chinese is as bad as they have of others 👎
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LIKEWhat is with that logic author made a science fiction doesnt mean he supports it, are you kidding me its science fiction for god sake, we all have our ideological and political beliefs and we all have reasons, reasons makes us calculate when our wishes are in conflict with our reality.
What is with that logic author made a science fiction doesnt mean he supports it, are you kidding me its science fiction for god sake, we all have our ideological and political beliefs and we all have reasons, reasons makes us calculate when our wishes are in conflict with our reality.
What is with that logic author made a science fiction doesnt mean he supports it, are you kidding me its science fiction for god sake, we all have our ideological and political beliefs and we all have reasons, reasons makes us calculate when our wishes are in conflict with our reality.
hola, aun no entiendo del todo a que te refieres con Racismo, bueno sera por que aun no leo la novela, y es que me da curiosidad de cómo el autor pueda lograr narrar dos tipos diferente de mundos, muy aparte de temas de su novela, como lo son el harem, la toma de decisiones que el personaje pueda hacer y sus consecuencias de esas decisiones, por el momento es más curiosidad, y quiero poder hacer mi propio juicio, muy aparte de las buenas críticas que en su mayoría han votado, y no solo me refiero aquí si no de otras páginas web de novelas, y es por eso que leo sus comentarios para refleccionar a fondo conforme voy disfrutando de la lectura, y que se muy bien que habrá partes en las que no esté de acuerdo, pero es por lo que pasa todo lector cuando intenta involucrarse con la lectura, y que es algo que me sucede a mí de manera involuntaria. Bueno ahora pasaré a incluirme a este club de lectura de la novela.