
7 Ways to Survive

Back when I was still a little kid, I always seeked attention from those around me. The doctors told me it was a disorder, my family said I need to get my shit together and the people around me answered my calls by making fun of me. I‘d spend every waking moment resenting myself for it, yet somehow, I couldn‘t stop seeking attention and making a mess of myself for the enjoyment of others. I think, that I was just so afraid of being abandoned, that I resorted to losing myself if it meant, I could at least spend some time with my ‘friends‘. I guess, eventually, that resentment i felt transformed me into the person I am today.

DaZhuang · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

{Teacher}: „ Alright class, our lesson today starts with a presentation, so will you go ahead and quiet down so he can prepare his stuff?"

„ Nice~ Make it a long one, Vill!"

„ Wait, who is he again?"

There's an eery silence in the air. The usually loud and obnoxious class has gone so quiet…

Everyone's staring at me, I'm the one everyone is waiting so adamantly for. Come on, get a word out.

{Vill}: „Welcome, dear class and miss Moonroe, to my presentation on spherical geometry."

The sticky, hot summer air breezes through the classroom and I start to stutter. I can't help but shake and worry about what they might think. Fuck, am I gonna start sweating? That would be so embarrassing~

{Vill}: „To start with, I'm gonna explain to you how…

My head goes blank and I forget my lines, so, regularly, I just stand there thinking about what to say. It's making me look like a dumbass, I hate it. I wish this would just be over soon.

{Vill}: „So now, we're gonna do some exercises-"

{Teacher}: „ Erm, Vill? How about you go ahead and explain it once more? I think some of your classmates didn't quite understand."

{Vill}: „R-Right, s-soo…"

It was a grueling thirty minutes, filled with dirty smiles and mocking expressions shooting my psyche to the ground. This is exactly why I hate presentations, no… I hate school in general.

As I sit down, some of the popular kids turn to me.

„ That presentation was ass, haha."

„ I think this one might be even worse than the one you did last year, keke."

{Vill}: „Ha, sure."

„ Yeah, probably the worst one in the school. What grade did you get for it again?"

{Teacher}: „ You guys, stop talking, we still have some work to do, even in this summer heat."

„ Yes, miss."

I wish they would just go ahead and die. Not a single one of them knows what it means to inhabit my body. I get nigh heart attacks, simply writing a classmate for worksheets. Every time more than two people give their attention to me, my body shakes and I start sweating. None of them know what it means to have no friends and how it hurts me to smile in the faces of these bastards.

During breaks, I escape to the bathrooms and lock myself in there, hoping no one would come in and knock on the stall doors. I don't even eat anything in the morning to avoid bad breath and a smelly odor, that would definitely make them make fun of me.

Even on the way home from school, I'd regularly get picked on by kids living in the area. They always make fun of me, always, always, always. What kind of monster raised these children?

I swear I've seriously thought of killing these fuckers and dropping their bodies in the creek. They have it coming.

Luckily, time passed quickly and today is the last day of school. After this, I can maybe even get to know some people from different classes after the students get mixed up. Though I don't doubt, that it'll be just as bad as this year. As usual, After first period, I'm on my way to the bathroom. I open the door and lock myself in.

I hear slow steps outside and then a voice rings through the normally quiet and serene school bathroom. I feel anxious, caused by the confident and dignified steps.

{?}: „Vill was your name, correct?"

I twitch. His voice is raspy and deep, strange for a kid our age… Maybe it's a teacher?

No, better not answer. It must be one of the popular guys, wanting to mess with me again.

{?}: „For the last year, every day, you've been locking yourself in that stall every break. I got an offer, that you couldn't possibly refuse. That is, because I will present you with the opportunity of a lifetime."

What kind of messed up situation have I landed in? It's certainly not something you'd hear from a 15-16 year old student. I don't believe this shit. What could he possibly offer me?

{?}: „Sorry, if you're not comfortable with that, I'll go now."

My anxiety and calmness quickly turn into a sharp pain, plaguing my mind with destructive thoughts. My head churns and my emotions burst. It's all a puzzle to me, why do I feel these strong emotions?

Just then, the faces of those bastards flashed in my mind as I closed my eyes. They were staring just as stupidly as they usually do. If I don't get those faces out of my head and keep living on, I'll never get better and I'll always stay like this. A lonely bastard with no social skills to speak of. Even now, I can't even get a word out. I can't keep living like this.

Without thinking, I scream out to him.

{Vill}: „Don't go yet! I wan't to know more. What is your name?"

{Simin}: „I'm not sure if the scream was necessary but I like the energy."

{Vill}: „Y-Your name…"

{Simin}: „My name is Simin. Do you mind if I give you my number?"

{Vill}: „N-Not at all. Tell me, what kind of offer are we talking about?"

{Simin}: „After this year, I'll leave this school to go to a proper college. However, it's a peculiar one. You'll find out what I mean by that if you spend a bit of time researching. I'll also send you the homepage of the college."

{Vill}: „Sure, later then."

{Simin}: „Later."

Simin is the top student of our school, so I'm not surprised, that he plans on visiting a popular college. To be honest, it doesn't really matter to me. As long as I can get out of this hellhole, I'd definitely do anything. I think I can already sort of guess where this is going…

If it's someone as great as him, the college he's talking about must be the revered Diverse Education College or in short, DEC. The competition is fierce and the amount of courses each student can choose is limited to a single course, that they specialize in. Contrary to the name, the DEC isn't an actual College. It's a place of study for students from ages 16-18. Thus, usually taking 4 semesters to complete. After the 4 semesters, students have to present their work along with their respective group. To be honest, it's a little to complicated to put all of the information in a single inner monologue. I guess I'll just freestyle it and figure it out along the way. I'll probably forget most of it later on anyways.

{Vill}: „I'm home, Ma!"

{Vill's Mother}: „Great, I already prepared lunch."

{Vill}: „Hey, did you ever think about going to the DEC when you were young?"

{Vill's Mother}: „Haha, as a kid, I was probably too scared of the competition. It never crossed my mind, I guess. Why do you ask?"

{Vill}: „I think I'm gonna apply for it. Me and a friend."

{Vill's Mother}: „So you finally made a friend?!"

{Vill}: „What can I say, haha."

No I didn't, mom. I'm sorry, sorry and so sorry for lying to you like this.

{Vill's Mother}: „You know, I'm not one to criticize you, but I don't think you'll get accepted anyways, so I don't mind you at least trying. Go ahead."

Thank you, I won't disappoint you, mom. I'll get better for your sake. Though I guess for my sisters sake as well.