
7 mistakes

Follow Leo Jackson in his life where he makes 7 mistakes which end up wiping out humanity.

DaoistozIp5Z · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Amber's plan

Amber grabs a key from her pocket. She uses it to open the trapdoor.

"Help me push it open."

This time i have to help. This trapdoor looks to heavy to be pushed open by 1 person alone.

Together we push open the trapdoor. We only barely succeed.

Now that the trapdoor is open i can see what is waiting for me down there.

A dark and narrow staircase that descends into unknown depths. Do i really have to go down there?

"~Are you coming?~"


I let her go inside first since i believe that ladies go first. That is the only way a gentlemen can treat a lady. With everystep that i take deeper i get colder. After about 50 steps we reach the end a door greats us. This door does not belong here. It is a concrete door with a laser eye scan instead of a key.

After Amber opens the door she quickly pulls me inside and closes the door. She has an exciting glince in her eyes. I quickly take a look around the room. On the left side there are a few chairs and a table. There even is a refrigerator. My gaze slowly goes to the right side.


There is a dark prison cell. Behind the iron bars is the son of the boss of the Dutch secret service. He look's starved for about 1 week.

"What did you do???"

I instantly panic because now i might be dragged down by her. As an accomplice.

"~Well you see, together we are going to frame my older brother for the murder."

"What?! And why would i help you?"

"~Because afterwards we are going to marry.~"


It took my a lot of work to set this up. Even this secret room did cost me a year to build. Kidnapping the son of Gert was not even that hard. I only had to hire a few girls to lure him on a camping trip and get a few mercenaries to pick him up and drop him unconscious on a certain location. After that i just had to move him in a pickup truck.

"Why would i want to marry with you? You do not deserve me. "

What did that fool say? Is it not the other way? Well... I shall try to convince him or i need to move to plan C.

"~If we frame my brother for the kindnapping of Gerts son. That would make me the first heir. And with your older siblings both marrying below their status. Together we can push you to be the heir. And if we marry and combine our wealt we will become the richest family from the Netherlands.

"what a foolish plan."

What is he saying. This is a great plan. I have already put several things in motion and spend a year to create this situation. I have to make this work.


What is Amber saying. While she is no ant. The difference between us is between the heavens and the eart.

"Amber, can you even begin to fathom the audacity of what you're asking from me? "

"Why are you acting like you are the victim?"


Amber and i both hear the a sound. We both look behind the bars instantly. It seems that Sam has awoken.

"What is the meaning of this. Who are you! Where am i?"

A trouble some guest has woken up. And there is no way i will clean up this mess.

"Amber Archer has kidnapped you. What can you offer me to get you out of here?"

After hearing this Amber gets red from anger. But the fact remains that i am not going to risk myself to get him out. He might turn on me otherwise.

"My familie is rich, we can pay your weight in diamonds. "

Okay he has lost my interest. I start to walk towards the chair. Lets just enjoy this show.

"Amber do you have any food here. I have a feeling we will stay here for a while."


She point towards the refrigerator.

"Do you expect your guest to get up and get his own food?"

She really is a rude one.

While waiting for her to get my food i start to think of a plan.

Now that we have captured Sam after a whole lot of trouble. I need to use him well. I should probably take him to a place of my own and use him to blackmale the boss of the secret service. But how am i going to take him away.

"what is taking you so long."

I am starting to get annoyed at Amber. She still has not moved a inch towards the refrigerator. She is wasting her time looking angrily towards me.

"Get it yourselve."

I angrily get up. How dare she treates a guest like this? I get up and walk towards the refrigerator. After giving her a annoyed look i open the door.


While on the first few layers there if food and drink. On the lower layers it is filled with dna bottles. I pick up one of the bottles. The label says it is her brothers DNA. I have to make a move quickly. before she really is going to waste our work on just taking out her brother. I have to stop her!

"Amber, it is dangerous for you to keep Sam. Let me take him away."

"No, are you an idiot?"

What did she just say. How dare she. And i even wanted to do her a favour! But it is okay. I know the location know and i can just come back with a few hired guns.

"Lets do your plan Amber. I whill leave first and we can talk about it later. Tommorow i will be busy and the day after tommorow i have a big party. But after that we can continue the plan."


After saying that i walk to the door. Huh, why does it now open?

"Amber, why does this door not open for me? "

How dare this door reject me. And it would be easier to get Sam out of here if i do not have to destroy this door.

"There is no way i am going to put your eyes into the system of the door."

"Why not?"

"Think about it, if i got the scan of your eyes. I could use it fabricate a fake clearance to go into your company department. "

O that makes sense. She is right.

"Okay just open the door in that case."

"~ Sure~"

It is now 10:00. I just woke up in my office. There is no way that i am going home before i get a way to divert my fathers attention. I already hear the scientist. busy, with preparing this glorious invention.

I stand up out my chair and walk to the door. After scrating behind my ear i open the door.

"Thanks for gathering everyone. We shall begin now with the harvest."

"But sir, there is no way we will succeed without heavy repercussion."

My favourite scientist is trying to get out of work again. How annoying.

"Do not be lazy."

"Sir, i refuse to continue. if the experiment fail's. The damage will be far to big. Just fire me."

I can't let him to this. If he leave's. i am left with only a few incompetent fools. But how can i give him the right motivation to do his job.

"I can double your salary."

"Sir, while this research can be a boon to humanity. It can also be its destruction. Please think this trough!"

How dare he act like i am endangering people. We just have to succeed and then there will be no danger.

"We will continue this experiment. With or without you. But i imagen that without you we will fail the first try. I wonder what these so called repercussion will be."

"Sir please, don't do this."

"Enough of this. Let's begin."

After getting him on board with a few good arguments and logic. The lazy scientist is now instructing the other scientists to begin.

I walk to the generator. I wonder what this big red button will do.

No i can't press it. This experiment has to succeed. I have to keep calm. But maybe pressing this button will start it. That would save time.

"Sir, we are ready."