
7 mistakes

Follow Leo Jackson in his life where he makes 7 mistakes which end up wiping out humanity.

DaoistozIp5Z · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The first mistake (part 2)

The scientist stand ready at there station. Big screens with a lot of numbers to look at. I am already getting dizy looking at it.

Will this go as planned. Even trough the scientist is lazy. He is normally quite competent. So i might need to give him a few more days. No! I do not have time for that. In a few days i might lose this position and my last name. This needs to succeed.


And with that short word. The scientist begin. It seems that the energy in the machiene is getting filled. But how can this be?! How can we see the energy in the air around us. This energy is supposed to be invisible. The air around us, it is getting heavier. The air is starting to get suffocating. And unclear. We might need to stop this. This is like we are playing in the realm of god. We mortals should not touch this.

Just when i thought that. 1 of the scientist falls down.

"Quickly someone check on him."

I order.

"Sir, he is dead."

Okay this is bad. We need to stop it.

"Cancel the experiment."

"Sir we can't, the machiene, we have lost controll over it!"

"Destroy it."

My favourite scientist says. But i can't have that. If this fails. I will be disinherited.

"No, do not destroy it."

"But sir this will..."

My favourite scientist can't finish what he says. Something unimaginable happens.

A rift is opening. In space. A lot of the energy is being drawn out of it. And it is entering this room at a high speed.


Another scientist falls down. And another.

"Okay destroy the generator!"

But not 1 of the scientist seems to listen to me anymore. Most are just clutching their heads. Okay, it seems that i have to yet again, save the day. I set a step towards the generator. But a heavy force pushed me down. And a heads just pops. Blood is splatterd on the walls. This is bad. If we don't stop this. We will all die. I have to get up. Come on. I can do this!

I set a step forward. And fall down.






Slowly i stand up. 1 Step forward. And another.


All the screens are going red. The generator is overloaded. And i feel a push behind me. It is one of the scientist.

"THis is your fault."

With red eyes. He pushed me towards the generator. And then generator explodes.