
7 mistakes

Follow Leo Jackson in his life where he makes 7 mistakes which end up wiping out humanity.

DaoistozIp5Z · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A meeting with Leo's club

Right now i am sitting in my car. If you would see me right now, you would be wondering why i do not look happy. There is a really simple explanation for that.

After telling my favourite scientist the remaining time that he has for his project. He got really annoying. He just started telling lies to get out of work. Only after 30 minutes i could find a opportunity to escape.

Luckily after all that wasted time i can still hit the club.

While driving i keep thinking about all the faces my father, brother and sister will show after i show them the new energy that i discovered and that i made usable. Maybe my

"young master, we have arrived."

It seems that i have to put my fantasing to a halt. I quickly check whether my clothes and hair are fine and leave the car. The club's exterior radiated an aura of prestige and privilege, leaving onlookers with a sense of curiosity and longing to experience the world hidden beyond its doors. Atleast, thats what i imagen what commoners would feel since i myself am naturally a V.I.P member.

While walking over the red carpet i greet the doorman and show him my V.I.P card. He seems to understand me and calls for 2 doorman to open the door for me. So i shall honer him with a nod.

I slowly walk trough the door so that everbody can get a good look at me. Just like normally soft, ambient music plays in the background and the scent of fresh flowers permeats in the air.

The massive hall is filled with expensive and luxurious furnature and the walls are filled with famous paintings. On both sides of the hall there are tables filled with ordinary people who probably don't even make 1 milion a year. In the middle of the hall on the other side is a stair wich brings you upstairs. The stair is about 12 meters wide and has a red ribbon blocking the way. On the side stand a security guard.

While walking towards the stair i get my V.I.P card out of my pocket.

The guard seems to notice me walking towards him. Since i am a regular he seems to recognize me. I keep walking towards the ribbon which he rushes to remove so i can walk trough. He succeeds but barely.

"Welcome sir Leon Jackson."

I nod at him and walk up the stairs. On the top of the stairs a beautiful waitstaff waits for me upstairs.

"Hello sir Leon, the usual table?"


Since she tried to flirt with me i had to cut the conversation short. While it is normal for a woman to fall in love with me. I can't give attention to a commoner.

While following after her while she walks me to my usual table i look around me.

The seating arrangements would offer both comfort and privacy. Luxurious leather sofas and armchairs would be strategically placed in well-defined spaces, ensuring each group of members has its own secluded area. Dividers, such as decorative screens or velvet curtains, could be used to create discrete sections within the VIP area, allowing for an enhanced sense of exclusivity.

My usual table naturally has no curtains since its not fair if not everbody can see me.

Reaching my table in the middle of the room i thank the waitress for her service and make some hand signals that she can leave. My table is a round table filled with 9 chairs where 8 of the chairs are filled. While there still is a place for me i know that i must show superiority or someone might think that he can just walk right over me.

"Jay, thank you for keeping my chair warm."

POINT OF VIEW : Amber Archer

As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow into the room, Amber stirred in her bed. Slowly, she became aware of the soft rustling of leaves outside her window and the distant chirping of birds.

The room seemed to spin slightly as Amber swung her legs over the edge of the bed, seeking solid ground. She braced herself against the nightstand, fighting the dizziness that threatened to overpower her.

Last night she heard the news from her mom. Her sexist father is planning to make her older brother the new CEO of the company when he retires. Even trough he is a idiot and useles. I studied my entire youth and if i had time, i used it to make connections. My brother on the other hand partied and did not even finish more than highschool. But since my father says that in this family the oldest son has always inherited everything. The other children get nothing so that the family wealth stays together. This has made our family stay one of the 9 richest families of the country for the past 1000 years. Our families hystory is older than the Netherlands itself. Right now we are the 2th richest family in the country.

Since i have tried to inherit this wealth with compentence and that failled. I now have to use other methods.

"Tonight is the beginning of plan B."

It's 22:00 right now and i am in a club. This club is the best club to make connections in this country. From the ministers to rich business owners, all kinds of people come here. Today i am here for the gathering of Leo's club. The name and the members, everything about is is a disappointment. After Sarah Celsa gathered children of the 9 richest families who are above 18 years old and don't inherit their families business. Leo took over. While in the beginning we wanted to stop him, after considering that while we are working together, we are still scheming against each other all the of the time. That means that we could'nt let a smart person be the leader. That's why we let him become it and he just had to change the name of our group to his name.

While in thought a secretary brings me to our usual table. It seems that only Jay is here. He is the second son of the 9 richest business owner. His mother owns many different construction companies in this country and if you get on her badside you can forget about building anything in this country.

After waiting for a few minutes 8 people of our group gathered. It seems that our 'leader' Leo is late again. Even trough i need him for my plan. With Sarah Celsa starting our conversation we talked for 2 hours straight about the latest market trends and emerging business. We also exchanged information wich would make it harder for our older siblings.

"Jay, thank you for keeping my chair warm."

The idiot Leo has finally appeared. He is doing his usual circus show. Today he seems to have choossen Jay as victim.

"Sorry Leo but there is a free chair over there."

While watching Jay point to the free chair we all facepalm at Jay for trying to argue with Leo. He does this every week and he wins every week.

"Are you ordering me to sit there?"

"no i am just saying that there is a free chair over there."

"Are you saying i can only afford free chairs?"

It seems that Leo is gathing angry. Now is the time to put my plan into action.

"~Leo you can have my chair~"

I say that and look flirtious at him.

If Anyone is curious about how Amber looks. https://trello.com/b/6sRrlHH9/amber-archer-7-mistakes

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