
7 mistakes

Follow Leo Jackson in his life where he makes 7 mistakes which end up wiping out humanity.

DaoistozIp5Z · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The first mistake

How could he miss that shot? I scream angrily at the striker from my favourite football club. I did bet 15 milion of my hard earned allowence on that he would score in this minute. My father is going kill me. How do i explain to him that i spend halve of my weekly allowence on one bet and have lost it. I have to think fast. How could i move his attention elsewhere. Think, think i have to think. O i know!

I instantly leave my V.I.P seates in the stadium and go down the stairs. While running towards the exit from the stadium i dial the number from my private driver. He has guts, he lets the phone go over 3 times before picking up. The moment i hear his voice i start screaming in the phone "get ready to pick me up in front of the stadium in 2 minutes''. After i screamed that i hang up.

I have to focus on going there fast. That's the only thing on my mind. There is a small iron fence in the way but i just jump over it and after 1 minute i reach the entrance. In the distance i saw a black car with black tinted windows comming my way and skidding. Not wanting to lose, i don't lose ground and keep standing on the sidewalk without moving out of the way.

The driver knows what is best for him and stopts at the right time. Just 1 meter away from me.

I quickly go the the back door of the car, i open the door and go in. "Go to my research center!"

After hearing me ask real nice to go to my research center, the driver starts the car and goes on it's way. After watching outside of the car for a few roads i get bored so i decide to call the scientist who we are meeting now. While waiting for him to pick up his phone i quickly gather my thoughts.

As the second son and the third child of the third richest man in the netherlands, a lot of attention is on me. Not only will my dad get angry when he hears that i once again wasted a lot of money on gabling, he will lower my allowence even more since the last time i 'miss invested'. After the last few failure's this year i need to show my dad something good before he disownes me. This invention in witch i have a lot invested is my last and only chance. This has to work.

"Hello young master Leo Jackson. How can i help you?''

I hear the voice of my favourite scientist. Naturally i answer full with humility.

"Meet me in your lab, i will be there in an hour. "

"Young master, it outside of working hours. Could we speak tommorow?''

After hearing him speak to me like that, i really start wondering what i have ever done to him to deserve that mutch disrespect. But since i am kind a shall led it slide.

"No you will be busy tommorow so its better if we talk now.

Thanks for coming. "

"Click" I hang up the phone call.

I end things swiftly so he can't continue being disrespectfull to me. Since i'm just the second son of the third richest man of my country people think they can always walk over me.

After what felt like hours but was actually only 32 minutes we reached my dad's company. Inside is the research department witch i am the head off.

I quietly leave the car and tell the driver to wait on the parking lot for me.

While walking towards the building i am always impressed. It must be the biggest building in the country. A high-rise tower with 33 floors, Each measuring a height of 5 meter. Build from the strongest materials in the country.

After reaching the door i press my keycard to the scanner. The door naturally opens for me.

The building seems quiete empty. Only a few security personel seems to be inside.

I nod my head towards the guy who walks towards me and show him my card. After he confirms it's real, he lets me inside.

I walk towards the nearest elevator. Since this is a big company there are 3 elevator naturally. In the beginning my dad had the funny idea that 1 lift was enough. But after a few hours of convincing from me he added 2 more lifts. Since i think its important for a company to show that they have money. After stepping in the elevator i pressed the button for the basement. Witch my dad wanted to waste for the generators. But luckily i was on time and could save to basement. Since every company should have a secret in the basement. And let me tell you. This one is big.

I feel the elevator going downward. It is always such a strange feeling but nice at the same time. After enjoying for a few seconds the elevator comes to a halt and the door opens. I walk forward into the room. Its a white room without windows. There is a small bureau for a secretarie. If you would walk into here in working hours she would greet you and ask what your business is. She is also the one who controlls who goes inside here. But i am here after working hours so the room is empty. I walk to the bureau and press the button witch opens the door. After skipping the boring rooms with working stations and laboratories on this floor i reach a very intresting room with 1 bookshelve and a few lockers. I walk straight to the bookshelve and pick the the book about lions of the second shelve and step 1 step backwards.

I'm looking at the bookshelve opening like a door and enjoy this feeling of secrecy. After this secret door is the only thing that i have succesfully have kept hidden from my older siblings and dad. I quickly enter the corridor witch is slowly decending.

After having walked for about 15 minutes i have descended a nice 20 meters. Now i am standing still. I am looking at a door. But this is not a normal door. This door is made out of steal mixed with a new type of energy.

I hold my hand against the door and this new energy checks whether i am allowed inside. Since i am the head of the department i am naturally allowed inside.

After opening the door i go inside the big room. Its height is about 15 meters and the width is about 78 meters.

The space hummed with the energy of knowledge and discovery, its walls lined with shelves holding an assortment of beakers, test tubes, and intricate instruments. Countless microscopes stood poised, ready to reveal the hidden mysteries of the microscopic world. Tall racks adorned with complex machinery spanned the room, each device representing a specific scientific discipline. The air was thick with the scent of chemicals, a reminder of the countless experiments conducted within these walls.

In the middle stood the most important machiene, it's how i like to call it the 'generator'of this strange energy. The scientists insist on another name for this machiene but i can never remember it.

Since the scientist that i called has not arived yet, i shall keep myself busy with checking their research on the pc. I log into one of the pc and go to the nearest file. It's totally filled with useles and unreadable data. I just kept scrolling till i found something understandable. And finally i found something! Graphs and charts displayed intricate numbers. While i don't know what everything means i can atleast pretend i understand.


I look behind me and see the scientist stand behind me.

"Why did you call for me? "

Even trough this scientist talks so rudely to me i still will honer him with a answer.

"How is your work going with this new energy?"

"Sir, given the inherent instability of this energy, it is crucial for us to conduct meticulous research. However, I am confident that within a few months, we will be capable of harnessing this energy on a larger scale and converting it into substantial profitability."

After hearing this scientist lie about needing more time, i instantly understood he just wanted to be payed for the least amount of work. While i normally would let him walk over me and allow it i could'nt today. I need something to show to my dad. Something witch makes him forget about all my miss investments this year.

"Harvest the energy tommorow"