
7 Days In Pantora

WARNING!!!: MATURE CONTENTS READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Selena always had this one dream that haunted her every night. In this dream, she was been chased after by her mystic prince. But one day, she woke up to the harsh reality, that her mystic prince no longer lives in her dream; he was indeed real. But it seems reality had too many surprises for her, because she ended up being abducted by this mystic prince and was given 7 days to fall for him in a mysterious city. * Who is this mystic prince?? * Would she fall for him in 7 days?? *Find out yourself.

Jess_e1414 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


"My fiancee is about to kick-start her modelling career and she needs to learn from the very best. What I'm saying in essence is that she needs a mentor, a coach sort of, and I don't think anyone would deliver a better job than you."

"Wait a sec! That's quite a lot of information to take in there. You're telling me you have a woman in your life?? And you're saying it so casually?? And I'm only learning about it now?? King! I know I've been away for a while now, but I thought I was your person?" Mrs Quintin said in a hurt voice, even though she wasn't really serious about it.

"Let's just say it happened so fast, and... You're the first to know about it, no one else knows this and I would appreciate it if you keep it that way, I will let the rest know at my own time, you know how much I hate matters to slip out of my control."