
7 Days In Pantora

WARNING!!!: MATURE CONTENTS READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Selena always had this one dream that haunted her every night. In this dream, she was been chased after by her mystic prince. But one day, she woke up to the harsh reality, that her mystic prince no longer lives in her dream; he was indeed real. But it seems reality had too many surprises for her, because she ended up being abducted by this mystic prince and was given 7 days to fall for him in a mysterious city. * Who is this mystic prince?? * Would she fall for him in 7 days?? *Find out yourself.

Jess_e1414 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


It was a cool evening, and I decided to step out of my room for some fresh air.

As soon as I came downstairs and entered the living room, I changed my mind. I decided to see a movie or something. When I turned on the TV, I was welcomed by a news report about a fire outbreak.

"There's always something or some place burning! This is beginning to look like a thread of made up stories" I commented uninterestingly as I changed the channel.

I took the next few seconds checking and changing channels, I was beginning to get bored, I couldn't find anything that picks my fancy, maybe this was a bad idea, I should probably find something else to do.

I was above putting off the TV when a photo on the current news report caught my attention.

I sat down again and squinted my eyes in disbelief, I couldn't believe my eyes!

'I know that man!' I thought strongly, I could recognize that scary face anywhere!