
6ix tales

NeonJoe0 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Leo fought Uriah with all the strength he could. Uriah created a dark sword, stabbed Leo in his arm, then he ran away. Fortunately, the Magnesium army had been completely wiped out. Unfortunately, Leo was injured. He was taken to the palace for treatment, while the builders, architects and inspectors where repairing the town. The evil army was conquered, but they also still had other problems to solve.

As sunrise began, Leo got up early and prepared for the meeting he scheduled. The meeting was for him and his royal advisors, chamberlains and counselors, to come to conclusions on what to do about Rocky.

For hours, people kept on bringing up stupid ideas that had zero chances of success. Soon, another idea flew in, "My king, how about we have a cabbage festival to ask the gods for help" suggested the chief administrator. Leo got furious, the he let it all out. "Who made you chief" Leo replies angrily. "What kind of idiotic and naive idea is that, we don't even have any gods" he added. "I have a better idea. Let's build a pen" the Chief says. "Ugh, so STUPID" Leo said as with agony.

After a while, one of his advisors advised King Leo to meet a mighty priest in Jade kingdom in Torres village. "Sir he is one of the smartest people on earth" the advisor said. "He interprets so easily" he added. "What is his name" asked the King. "His name is Emerald Escobar" the advisor answered. Leo thanked the young advisor, he felt very happy.