
6 Colors: The Six

Usually, people who get superpowers don't ask for them, It just comes to them unexpectedly without their permission. But this is an entirely different story. We begin...

Zamyilton · Movies
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7 Chs



"It's literally been two full weeks since we discovered our powers, yet we haven't located the other colors. We've been training in full gear, haven't had my peaceful sleep, I haven't discovered another form of my power", Myles lamented with the most sorrowful expression.

"Chill, bruh," Susan commented.

"Chill how? The city is in big danger, for some reason, they keep attacking just New York, no other place is in harm, and there are only four of us, how do you expect us to pull it off? Not to mention that every batch that comes always has a demon stronger than the rest, and when those demons are defeated all but one in the batch will be as strong as the previous strong dude from the previous batch. It's really infuriating you know," Myles paused to catch his breath.

Daisy leaned on him with her chin on his head trying to pacify him a little, before she could say anything, Khaira came in through the speakers.

"Umm, guys... You might want to check the surveillance that I pinned, there's something weird out there."

Myles opened the surveillance system database and checked what Khaira was talking about while Daisy was still leaning on his head. Susan walked behind him as well to get a view of the screen. The moment it opened, Myles's jaw dropped.

"What the fu.."

"Language." Myles was cut short by Susan before he could complete his exclamation.

"My bad," he commented.

"Can we take this thing on?" Daisy asked rhetorically.

"Guys, this is really bad news, I sent part of my consciousness to the plants close to the place, and the signals I'm getting back are crazy, the aura from that thing is too strong." Khaira said through the speakers."

"Well, according to our calculations, this guy shouldn't be here till maybe the next thirty-two batches appear. Each time they come, there's always one stronger than the bunch, but this guy is way stronger than the bunch." Myles said.

"Is he some kind of lieutenant?" Daisy asked again.

"The fuck, you guys aren't suited up yet?" Green walked into Myles' department.

"Language!" Aura queried.

"And besides, I'm suited." She continued.

"Well, these are basically just a hoodie and masks with some kind of weirdish LGBTQ-like logo on the chest part," Blink said with a bit of disgust at the end part.

"We just have to wait for the others to get here before we can make something decent," Aura said in self-defense.

"Well, you didn't need to add the logo at least," Blink responded while pulling up his zip to his neck.

"At the very least, why the hell is mine tight!" G-pull exclaimed.

Blink looked her way and immediately turned his head aside trying not to stare. They all went to their exit gate which was down a basement, the basement led to a sewer exit with fewer people around. They came out of the sewers and headed toward this enemy. By the time they arrived, they were shocked to see that it was only one demon there, definitely, he was a boss. The demon was at least seven feet tall, while Blink who was the tallest among the colors was six feet two. The difference was already clear on how the fight will turn out, while they were taking their positions trying to surround the enemy, they all paused at the sight of something: the demon had a tail. Yes, the demons were always showing tendencies of having a tail as each batch's tail was at least an inch longer than the others that have appeared before, but this was just too sudden, from the looks of the muscular tail it had, if it wished, it could balance itself on the tail.

The moment Blink twitched his leg muscles to teleport to his blindspot, the four-meter-long tail extended to fifteen meters and hit Blink, luckily he was able to teleport from the place. The area that was hit by this great tail of destruction was five times worse than when Myles fought his first demon.

"I'll distract it, then the moment it moves its tail, G-pull levitate the tail, Green I want you to bring out some strong vines and chain his whole body to the ground. After that, Aura, use all the firepower you have and obliterate it." Blink dictated.

"Ok, but you know I convert energy to elements, so right now I need to absorb a lot of kinetic energy in the area," Aura responded to Myles' dictations.

"If that's the case, girls let's buy her some energy. Keep the plan in mind and wait for my signal. Aura, at every hit we get in or he does, take the kinetic energy. Let's go." Blink responded.

Blink teleported to the monster bringing out the new silver knife that Aura gave to him, the moment he appeared before the monster, the tail swung with sharp reflexes and great strength to Blink's face. Luckily, Blink already anticipated that and teleported upwards, the energy from the tail swing made an air thrust to the girls enough to push them back by fourteen centimeters. The tail was about to follow Blink upwards when vines erupted from beneath and grabbed the tail. The vines were trying to pull the tail to the ground but the strength wasn't enough and the vines were already ripping. All of a sudden, the tail slammed to the ground as if the gravitational pull on the tail increased, G-pull had concentrated gravity to that point, from above, Blink double teleported to gather enough momentum to the demon, he was about to stab it's head when the demon grabbed him and slammed him to its tail. As if the demon deciphered her powers, knowing that she can't add more weight to things, she can only play with the gravity in that particular area t make it look like she was adding or reducing weight to the object. As expected, Blink was also sunk into the ground. She undid the attack, but the tail broke free from the vines, he raised Blink up and was about to smash him to the ground, since he was holding Blink, he teleported and they were both about one thousand two hundred meters away from the ground. When teleporting for the first time, definitely you'll feel nauseous, so the moment they re-appeared, the demon was still in the slamming action, with the amount of force he had put in, the force sent Blink to the ground at about fifty kilometers per hour. Myles was popularly known as a calculator at school, so since he knew how high he had teleported, he checked his watch to see how fast he was moving, he was shocked to see that he was going at fifty kilometers per hour, and he quickly calculated extracting the five seconds he was already under free fall, which means he'll be on the floor at approximately four seconds, he turned facing the ground and dived to the ground accelerating his speed. He held his dagger in front of him and once it was a second left, he teleported right above the now-falling demon, about three inches away. He successfully drove the blade through the demon's core shattering it beyond belief. As stated earlier, this wasn't like any demon they'd ever faced, the demon-possessed two cores. After three seconds of relaxation, the tail hit Blink on the head with powerful force making him unconscious. It grabbed him and sent him down with five times more force than before. In less than two seconds, Blink was about to slam into the ground with four hundred and twenty-seven pounds, about the same weight as a car engine. G-Pull was able to slow his body down by fifty percent making the current weight two hundred and fourteen pounds, then at the very last second, vines were able to wrap him, making the impact lesser. Still, he broke through the ground breaking a bone in his back.

With rage, Aura sucked up all kinetic and potential energy in the area, converting it to a bluish-white flame, she dashed to the demon and blasted it with a lot of firepower. The power wasn't enough, the demon broke through and landed, using its tail to jump, an intense battle started up in the air, with fire, ice, and normal energy blasts. While Green was tending to Blink, G-pull started evacuating people in the vicinity. Aura gave the demon a huge blast sending it into someone's house, destroying the house completely. The demon jumped out toward his opponent, and next it was Aura crashing to the road. She managed to stand, badly injured she was running out of energy, Green saw that and transferred a whole lot of energy from the plants around to Aura, but not just power matters when fighting, we humans need stamina as well. Her stamina was already down to five percent. The demon landed and was about to dash toward her, the moment it leaned forward, from behind Aura, a hot green flame blasted past her, burning the living daylight from the demon, the demon blocked with its tail. Unfortunately for the monster, its tail got burnt to ash.

"Hey sis," a male voice from beside her said.

She recognized that voice anywhere, amazed she looked to her right to see her brother beside her, covered in green flames.

"Brr..." she was caught short.

"We can chat later, right now let's combine strength, I'm almost out of energy."

She put both arms forward and blasted with all the energy in her, the brother joined her and after fifteen seconds of burning, they stopped only to find out the demon was vaporized.

Aura was about to fall when her brother stretched his hands to her and she levitated. Shocked, Green and G-Pull looked at him, wondering how he has multiple powers.

"Hey ladies, I'm Ivan, well I am shocked as you are, I guess I can mirror powers." He smirked.