
4.246 Light Years

What do you imagine when you look up at the night sky? Have you ever thought that when you look at the beautiful shining stars you are looking back in time? Dara, a smart young girl has a deep memory as she looks up at the night sky. At a young age, Dara needed to face inner turmoil, failure, rejection, and mental problems that she was not aware of. She lost many things in her life, family, money, job and also friends. She was trying to get out of her problems and move towards her dreams. She wants to bring memories from her past to build her future. Memory about 4.246 that brought an impression on her life. Will she be able to overcome all the challenges in her life?

Yulian_Aska · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 1 : Look Back in Time

The stars shone brightly that night. Dara, an 18 year old girl, saw the dark night sky through her bedroom window. Dara was in her second year of college. She majored in Information Engineering. She started college at the age of 16. She does have high intelligence.

Dara is also very smart in mathematics. His father wanted her to major in mathematics and choose a career as a teacher. But Dara chose another path that her parents never thought of, namely becoming a programmer. Even so, her parents support Dara's career choice.

At first, her parents didn't understand about Dara's dream profession. After Dara explained in great detail about the profession, they still didn't really understand it. Dara was looking for a way to explain it in a simple way. Finally, Dara said that she wanted to make an app like the ones her parents used to use on their phones. With that explanation, her mother understood a little.

Dara looks excited to gather with her family to celebrate the wedding anniversary of her grandparents who have entered their 47th year. A few pieces of meat had been bought by her mother for tonight's event. Her grandmother who is good at cooking has prepared a delicious BBQ sauce. A party like this is eagerly awaited by Dara. They are not from a rich family. But that doesn't reduce Dara's happiness.

Dara wore the nicest clothes she had. Especially that night, she wanted to look beautiful in front of her family. She rarely goes to parties. She always felt uncomfortable attending a large party attended by many people. Her family understands her condition, so Dara is often allowed to not attend when there is an invitation to a big party from their relative. Because of that, she doesn't have many good clothes that is appropriate for an important event.

Dara came out of her room after looking at the clear sky for a long time. Their house is not big. It only consists of 1 floor containing 4 bedrooms. No guest rooms. If there are guests who are forced to stay overnight, Dara needs to sleep with her aunt, or in her parents' room with her mother, while her father sleeps on the sofa in the living room.

Dara's favorite room is the dining room. She likes to eat and also spend time with other members of her family. There is no partition between the dining room and kitchen. This room is also the biggest room in their house. There is a door leading to the backyard from there, where Dara often studies alone.

The backyard, which is Dara's second favorite place, is full of plants planted by her mother and grandmother. If there weren't many mosquitoes and bugs, it would be her first favorite place. The backyard is not very spacious, but quite comfortable and also very cool. The rest of her family rarely gathered in the backyard. Dara was there most of the time because her own room was quite small, so she doesn't really like her own room.

Dara was grateful, the night was bright enough so that they did not have to celebrate the party inside. Dara enjoys looking up at the night sky with her family. When Dara arrived at her backyard, all her family members were already there. Her grandmother and her mother were preparing vegetables and fruits for them. Her father helped cut the meat and her grandfather cooked it. While her aunt sat alone on the mat that had been prepared there too. She didn't pay much attention to Dara's arrival because she was busy with her cell phone.

Dara immediately approached her mother to help her. "Is there anything I can help?" Dara asked, half teasing her mother because the work was actually almost done when Dara arrived there.

"Help eat it," replied her mother lightly. "It took so long to get ready? Do your homework first?"

"I don't, Ma. I prepared beautiful clothes for this event." Dara showed the clothes she was wearing proudly.

"Wow, grandma's granddaughter is very beautiful." Dara's grandmother looked at her granddaughter proudly. Dara saw her mother smiled slightly amused.

Dara's father secretly watched his only daughter's behavior. "Dara, instead of disturbing your mother, you better accompany Tity." Tity is a nickname for her aunt.

Dara did not argue. She smiled cheerfully as she took a piece of her favorite onion. "Yes, Papa. Ready."

Dara calls her father Papa. Papa is a taxi driver who has worked for more than 25 years. Papa had started working even before he got married. Papa is very well known by the residents in the complex they live in. Papa is known as a very friendly person and likes to help his neighbors. They called him Uncle Toni.

Papa's age is not even 45 years old, but more gray hair grows in his hair than her grandfather who is 20 years older than Papa. Even though Papa loves Dara very much, but he educates her quite hard too. Dara is not pampered even though she is an only child.

Dara can do a lot of household chores. She used to help their family since childhood. She did whatever she could as long as it didn't interfere with her studying. Papa always instilled the message that humans need to provide benefits for others.

When Dara was a child, she was accustomed to doing something useful for others as best she could. Even though all she could do was help her mother take out the trash. Dara never felt the task given by her parents burdened her. If she couldn't do the task she was told, they never forced her to do it.

Unlike Papa, Mama is quite pampering Dara. Mama tends to want to serve Dara in various ways, such as peeling fruit or just getting her a drink. At first, Dara was confused by the difference in the behavior of her parents. As an adult, Dara realized that Mama did show affection in a different way and her mother was happy to do so. Even so, Dara often asks her mother to give her a chance to fulfill her own needs. Papa agreed with her and Mama also finally understood.

Mama is an introverted housewife. Unlike Papa, Mama rarely hangs out with her neighbors. Mama used to be a former volleyball athlete who was quite great at her school. Her friends call her Lisa the hero. However, due to financial constraints, Mama stopped pursuing her dream of becoming an athlete and worked at the local library before finally marrying Papa and deciding to quit her job.

Mama didn't tell Dara much about her former career as an athlete. In fact, Dara wants to know many things about her mother. Dara only got a little information from Papa after she saw some old photos she found when she helped clean their house. Dara has a face similar to her mother. She is also shy like her mother. She also doesn't get along easily with other people, just like her mother. Dara wasn't used to mingling with her neighbours, or perhaps she had barely dared to try.

Dara obeys Papa's orders to accompany her aunt, Nemma. Nemma wanted Dara to call her Aunty, but Dara couldn't say that word when she was little. So she calls her aunt Tity until now. Dara didn't bother Nemma who was still busy with her cell phone. The two of them rarely spoke. Even though they are not too far apart in age.

They are 12 years apart in age. In two days Nemma celebrated her 30th birthday. Nemma's birth 30 years ago was also a wonderful gift for Grandma and Grandpa. Unlike Dara's mother, who has 5 siblings, her father was the only child for 15 years. Actually, Grandpa and Grandma didn't plan to have any more children after Papa was a teenager. But of course it didn't reduce their happiness when they found out that they were going to have another child.

Their family had experienced severe economic difficulties. However, since Nemma started working 7 years ago as an Administrative Staff in a large company, their family has been very financially supported. Nemma routinely gave money every month to her family. The salary is quite large, although Nemma's personal expenses are also large. Nemma is quite extravagant. She gives 20% of her salary to her family. With that money, her family can fulfill many things. While Nemma uses 80% of her own salary and barely has any left each month. Nemma had no savings or valuable assets.

Grandpa who used to be a postman and Grandma who is not working, make Nemma raised in fairly simple conditions. They never lacked food, but Nemma was never bought for luxury. Nemma's wishes were rarely fulfilled by her parents. Her brother's income as a taxi driver is also not too big. But Toni tries to help pay for Nemma's schooling until she can graduate. Even so, Toni doesn't want to burden her sister to repay the kindness he has done by helping Dara's tuition fees. Dara's tuition fee is quite expensive for their family, she studied at one of the best campuses in Indonesia.

Dara started to feel awkward as she sat without talking to Nemma. But luckily the awkward situation didn't last long, because Grandpa started to join them. Grandpa brought cooked meat complete with BBQ sauce that Grandma had prepared.

"Wow, looks good," said Dara looking excited. "Of course," said Grandpa, looking proud of his cooking. Grandma and Mama also joined in carrying vegetables and fruit that had been cut in their hands. Dara stood up to help them carry the delicious food. Dara's favorite vegetables and potatoes.

"Let's start eating. We pray first, then we finish this delicious food," said Papa looking very excited just like Dara.

Dara didn't pay attention to Nemma who was still busy with her cellphone. Grandpa looked like he was going to reprimand her, but Grandma immediately signaled not to.

Time seemed to pass so fast. Dara was very amused by Papa's light jokes. They all rejoice. Including Nemma who laughed lightly and started ignoring her cell phone. Nemma didn't say much, but finally comfort and warmth enveloped her without her noticing.

Grandpa and Grandma recounted how they met decades ago when they attended the same school. Then they decided to get married after graduating from school at the age of 18. Dara never gets tired of hearing that story, even though her family listens to it almost every year.

It was getting late at night, even so they all didn't look sleepy. The stars still shine brightly as if they are happy with Dara's family. There was a moment of silence after they laughed so loosely for a while. Until finally Grandpa broke the silence between them again. "Nemma, how was your work at the office?"

Nemma looked surprised that the question was suddenly thrown at her. She didn't expect that. Unplanned, all her family members now turned all attention to her.

"All is well," replied Nemma curtly, coldly, and looking stiff. Things got awkward. The whole family fell silent. Dara can understand a little about Nemma's attitude, she doesn't really like to talk in front of many people. Even if that person is her own family. She prefers to be quiet and listen.

"Grandpa," Dara greeted her grandfather to break the silence between them. Dara saw Grandpa looked up at her with relief that Dara had freed them from their awkwardness. "Grandpa, do you know that when we look at the stars in the night sky, we are actually looking back in time?"

"Looking back in time?" asked Papa and Grandpa almost at the same time. Dara saw at a glance Nemma also seemed interested in what Dara was talking about.

"Yes," answered Dara excitedly.

"What do you mean?" asked Papa looking very curious.

Dara took a deep breath before explaining. She tried to find the sentence as simple as possible so that her family could understand. The last time she explained about programming in a complicated language when she was about to register for college, it didn't end well. Dara took more than an hour to explain it to her parents.

"The stars we see now are very far away." Dara began to explain. "Have you ever heard on the news that the distance between the stars is in Light Years? Whereas we usually use units of meters, kilometers, or centimeters to express the distance between objects."

"Yes, Papa had read about it in the newspaper," Papa replied in response, while the rest of Dara's family seemed to nod in agreement.

"In physics, it is known that light is something that moves the fastest. We can hardly see the movement of light with the naked eye. If we shine a flashlight on the wall, will it arrive right away? We can't see the movement because the light moves so fast." This time Dara wasn't sure the whole family understood, but Dara saw that Nemma seemed to be seriously listening.

"Well, I'll take a simple example." Dara wasn't sure what she was going to talk about was simple enough for her family too. "The sun emits light from a sparse distance from the earth. The distance is about 150 million km or the equivalent of 8.3 Light Minutes. This means that even light that moves very fast, which is about 300 thousand km per second, takes 8.3 minutes for the light to reach the earth. It's not like the distance between a flashlight and a wall is so close, that we don't notice the movement of the light it emits.

Where did the 8.3 minute come from? This is a simple physics formula. Distance is time multiplied by speed. S = v.t. This means that if we want to calculate time, we need to divide the distance by the speed. The distance between the earth and the sun is 150 million km, while the speed of light is 300 thousand km/s. Then the time it takes for light from the sun to reach the earth is 150 million km divided by 300 thousand km/s, which is 500 seconds or the equivalent of 8.3 minutes. So, the light that reaches the earth is the light that was emitted 8.3 minutes ago from the sun."

Dara explained very enthusiastically, even though she didn't know her family could understand the depth of her explanation. "Well, the stars in the sky that we see today are even thousands of light years away. I take another example, for example the 3 closest stars to Earth, namely Alpha Centauri triple-stars systems. The closest of these stars is Proxima Centauri, which is 4.246 light-years away.

In the same way as I used earlier. It took 4.246 years for the light emitted from Proxima Centauri to reach Earth. That means, the light from Proxima Centauri that we see in the sky tonight is light from 4.246 years ago. So when we see the light from the stars in the sky tonight, we are actually looking back in time, the light from the past."

Dara continued to talk, even though none of her family members responded. Dara continued because she could see that all her family members seemed enthusiastic listening to her explanation. "There are so many stars in the sky. The distance between the stars to the earth varies. There are stars that are millions of light years away. The Andromeda Galaxy is 2.5 million light years from Earth. This means that the light we see tonight is from millions of years ago, long before we were all born."

Silence for a moment. They looked amazed. Dara still looks excited after finishing her explanation. Dara expects her family to respond. Not long sh waited, Papa gave a comment that made her happy. "Papa doesn't understand the calculations, but what is clear is, Papa understands that now we are seeing the light from the past."

"Yup, the light that shines from the past has just reached our eyes now," Dara said cheerfully.

"Wow, how do you know all that?" asked Grandpa looking amazed and still in awe of what he had just heard. Although Dara is not sure Grandpa understands the whole explanation.

"From Forbes, I read the article recently. This explanation was explained by Corey Powell via Quora," Dara replied lightly.

Papa patted Dara's back affectionately. A feeling of pride pervades him. Even though Papa doesn't know who Corey Powell is and what Quora is. Papa doesn't even know Forbes magazine. Maybe Papa had heard of it. But Papa doesn't remember. Only Nemma could quite understand what Dara was talking about.

Mama and Grandma looked proud while smiling at Dara. Dara briefly saw Nemma also smiling without looking at her. Dara remembers her childhood, when she still often studied with Nemma, when Dara was still in elementary school. As time goes by, Nemma is busy with her own activities. It makes them talk less and less.

"So if we shine a flashlight into the night sky today, people on the stars will only be able to see it thousands of years later?" Grandpa asked suddenly.

At first, Dara was confused about how to answer Grandpa's question. But finally she found a simple way to convey her thoughts. "Hmm, the light from our flashlight doesn't seem strong enough to be seen from very far away. But if you can see it, what Grandpa said is true. This light can only reach thousands of years later in outer space which is thousands of light years away."

Grandpa seems satisfied with Dara's answer. Although Dara is not sure that anyone can live in the stars. She didn't even know if there were other beings in outer space. What she knows, humans can not live in places where the temperature is extremly high. But she didn't know how hot the stars were and whether extraterrestrials were like humans on earth. She didn't know that, even though they really existed. Dara finds it difficult to think in a simple way. Even though his grandfather only asked a fairly simple question.

The simple party of the night ended right at midnight. Grandma and Grandpa could no longer hold back their sleep. Dara herself is still very fresh and doesn't want to sleep yet. She was quite used to staying up late because she was doing her homework.

After they cleaned up the rest of the party, Dara finally returned to her room feeling a little sad and a little reluctant to face Monday tomorrow. The holiday weekend is now over. She needed to look back on her days on campus. Before going to bed, she took the time to look out the window again. She saw that the night sky was still clear. She could still see the stars shining brightly. Sometimes Dara is really curious about the stars. About the light that was emitted thousands and even millions of years ago. Dara thought, will one day she can send herself to the past? Although she didn't know yet, what she would do in the past, if she could do it.


Dara goes to campus by bicycle every day. The distance she needs to travel is about 2 km. At first, Dara didn't like the routine, but over time she even went through it every day without much thought. Her body seemed to naturally know the route she needed to take without her brain having to work hard.

Almost every day Dara passes the same street. She didn't pay much attention to her surroundings. She didn't pay attention to her neighbors around her, she didn't even know them very well. Dara did not really realize that the pace of her life was so fast. Dara almost forgot how to move slowly. She also forgot to feel the journey, but that doesn't mean she didn't enjoy the process at all. However, many moments she missed without realizing it.

Dara is happy when she thinks, contemplates, and completes her college assignments. She enjoys the process of her learning and achieving something. Dara does not really realize that she is an idealistic figure. Sometimes she puts too much pressure on herself. Dara is not used to putting pressure on others or demanding too much of others. But she often does this to herself. She didn't realize that it made her feel tired sometimes.

Arriving at campus, Dara parked her bicycle in the usual place. Her breath was quite heavy and slightly out of breath. As usual, she walked alone to her college building. Dara is getting used to the loneliness she feels. She's been in college for 2 years, this feeling doesn't bother her anymore. She never imagined that the college years she had always dreamed of would turn out the way she feels now. She felt lonely.

Dara has almost no close friends, or one might say she has almost no friends. Her classmates might not know her, Dara wasn't sure. Her classmates are not always the same every semester. There are around 150 students in the department of informatics engineering. One class is only about 50 people. They are divided by the system randomly for compulsory modules. Meanwhile, students can choose different optional modules. Dara did not discuss with her friends to take the optional modules together. She was never involved in discussions with her friends and she also did not dare to offer discussions to her friends.

Dara does not remember all her classmates. Some she knows. She also does not participate in activities on her campus. Because she feels quite lonely, Dara distracts herself by studying and in the end she gets very good grades.

Dara doesn't complain much about her lonely condition. Although sometimes she feels sad and bored. It's not that she doesn't want to mingle with her friends. Somehow she found it difficult to do so. In her high school, Dara did not experience this. Even though she wasn't a popular kid, she blended in quite well with her friends. Even so, Dara is not too focused on the loneliness and dynamics of social life that she experiences at her campus. Dara felt that the presence of her family who loved her so much helped Dara to survive.

No one in her family knows how Dara lives her life on campus. Her family also never knew any difficulties Dara felt at her campus. Dara did not want to tell it all. Dara did not immediately become a brilliant student. Of course she had a hard time. Moreover, she has no friends who might be able to help her. The pace of studying on college now is much different from what it used to be at her high school. There are basics of knowledge that she understands, but the level of difficulty of the knowledge she is learning now is very far compared to her high school days.

She used to be very good at math, after college she needed to work hard to catch up with her understanding of calculus. She needs to work hard to find the right learning method for her. The campus is one of the best campuses, the students who study there are also brilliant people. Dara clearly feels the high competition there.

Many other students study together. Dara wanted to do it, but she couldn't adapt well. She studied until the afternoon at her campus. If she wanted to study together with her friends, she had to do it at night. She doesn't like traveling at night and of course she doesn't have any friends either.

Her father had wondered why Dara was not like her neighbor's child, who often worked on assignments together until late at night. Dara gave the answer that she had done it in the afternoon. Dara doesn't lie. Even though her father didn't know that she was doing it alone.

In the end, Dara was able to adapt to a new pace in her life. She not just survive but also become one of the best. Dara is happy with her achievements, even though she often doesn't want to remember many moments in her college life. Like today, the first day of the second week of this month, she started her day again to study with her loneliness. There are no friends that she looks forward to being with through the day. Just her and her books.

Arriving in class, Dara chose to sit near the wall, in the second row. The position she always chose. Some of her friends had already arrived in class as well. They are busy with their own activities. Not much to say to each other. There wasn't much sound, not even laughter.

"Hi Dara, have you done your assignment?" said a friend who had just arrived and then she sat down beside Dara's chair. Dara's feelings trembled slightly. She was quite surprised, but she was glad someone remembered her.

"I've done it," Dara replied, trying to be friendly but still stiff. For a moment she remembered Nemma who often made a voice in the same tone as the way she answered just now. Dara now realized, awkwardness was not fun.

Her friend gave her a fleeting smile then got busy with her cell phone and notebooks. Dara knows her. She is Sally Renata. The only daughter of a wealthy family. At least that's what Dara knows. Dara often sees some boys in her class room chat joking with her and mentioning Selly's family's social status. Sally is very popular. She is known to be beautiful and friendly. Dara never chatted with her before. Dara is quite surprised that Selly remembers her nickname. Dara, not Andara. Most of her college friends call him Andara. Even if they remembered her name, her friends didn't really remember her.

Class begins, as usual Dara is fully concentrated and begins to forget the other world around her. She couldn't remember her loneliness anymore. She was immersed in a pleasant feeling when she learned something new that was conveyed by her lecturer. Dara is grateful that there are still things she likes from her life on campus. Time just passed. Two hours of lessons for 100 minutes is not a long time for Dara, even too short. Now Dara needs to face the real world again.

After the lecture is over, the students do not immediately leave the classroom. There are group assignments given. Students need to form groups of 3 members. Dara doesn't like this kind of thing, because she has to find friends who want to be in a group with her.

Dara intends to do the work alone. She prefers the lecturer to determine the members of her group, so that she does not have to think too much. Now her friends began to gather. Including Selly, who has joined her close friends. Dara is still sitting in class, pretending to slowly tidy up her book while thinking about what she will do. Will she just walk out of class, or try to get up the courage to find friends who want to be in a group with her?

Before Dara had finished deciding, two of her friends approached her. Dara knows them, Hani and Rika. But of course only know them. Maybe Dara had spoken to them, she couldn't remember. But obviously Dara is not friends with them.

"Have you got a group?" asked Hani.

"Not yet," Dara replied, shaking her head.

"Want a group with us? We still lack 1 person," said Hani again a little coldly.

"Okay," said Dara looking happy. She was happy not only because she didn't have to looking for group mates but she was also happy because someone invited her in a group. But the surge of happiness in Dara's heart did not last long.

"Your name is Anya, right?" Rika asked flatly, not feeling guilty for misrecognize Dara.

"Andara." Hani corrected her coldly.

"Yeah, just call me Dara," Dara couldn't hide her disappointment. But she didn't want to think too much about her feelings. She's got a friend, this has made her happy.

They discussed their group assignments after that. Dara did not find it difficult to talk to the two of them. Dara can easily understand their coursework. After a long discussion, they decided to continue the discussion tomorrow. Dara realized, the class had also started to empty. Lunch break has arrived. Only a few students were still in class discussing, like Dara and her two friends.

Not long after Dara looked around. Suddenly Rika and Hani just left leaving Dara there. Dara was quite surprised, and felt a little uncomfortable. Indeed, their discussion was over and Dara didn't pay attention to Rika and Hani's conversation after that. But even they didn't say goodbye. Just go. Dara tried to think well, maybe they forgot or they were tired, so they forgot that Dara was there. Dara can hardly refuse to think that she is indeed easy to forget.

Dara doesn't want to think too much about things that unknowingly make her not dare to approach her friends. Feeling rejected. Dara doesn't like rejection and tends to be unprepared for it. Dara then packed up her books and left her class. The steps are still heavy. As usual, she walked alone, down the stairs alone, then out of the building alone. She didn't want to eat alone in the campus cafeteria. She doesn't like eating alone. She usually goes to the mosque near her campus. Worship there, then eat in the canteen near there alone. For some reason Dara felt that eating there was not too sad.

On the way to the mosque, Dara met Mr. Yan. Cleaning staff at the Software Engineering Laboratory where Dara works part time. Dara greeted him warmly. "Mister Yan, where are you going?"

Mr. Yan looked a little surprised and embarrassed when Dara greeted him. "Dar? Mr. Reno asked me to deliver the letter."

This is not the first time Dara has greeted him. Dara is not sure Mr. Yan remembers her name, because sometimes Mr. Yan calls him Dan or even Sar. For some reason Dara doesn't mind it, unlike when her friends forget her name.

"Okay Mr. Yan." Dara didn't prolong their conversation. Besides Dara didn't want to interfere Mr. Yan's job. Dara also didn't want to make Mr. Yan feel uncomfortable talking to her for too long.

Although Dara is not easy to get along with her friends on campus, she quite often greets security guards, cleaning staff, or campus administrative staff easily. Dara found it quite easy for her to mingle and chat with them compared to her friends. Dara has no experience greeting her neighbors. She tends to be shy. But her interactions with the staff on campus just flowed. Dara rarely sees them, but if they are required to interact, usually Dara doesn't hesitate to introduce herself.

Some of the staff knew Dara well enough, but some of the others were a little hesitant and reluctant to talk further with Dara. Just like Mr. Yan. Dara doesn't mind it. Dara also does not understand why such acceptance is difficult for her to apply when she is trying to get along with her college friends. She didn't understand what made the two situations different.


Dara ate alone in the canteen near the mosque as planned. In the middle of eating, Dara just remembered, she has no more schedules after that. She slightly regretted eating there. Dara often forgets something like this. The high pace of her life makes Dara's head always feel full.

Dara continued to finish her food with feeling a little irritated. She felt, she could save money and also save the toughness she had for tomorrow lunch alone again. Although she didn't know what the function of saving the toughness like that.

When Dara was about to pay, she met with administrative staff at her faculty. "Dara, are you eating here too? Why don't you eat on campus?" She asked kindly.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Lyra," said Dara politely. "After class I came straight here, after praying at the mosque, I ate here."

"Oh you pray in the mosque. Are you home after this?"

"Yes ma'am."

They talked for a long time talking about various things. Dara mostly listens to Mrs. Lyra talking about her child. This is not the first time. In fact, Dara did not know how to respond. But she just tried to listen carefully. Without her realizing it, communicating can relieve Dara's loneliness when she is on campus. Even though Dara doesn't really understand the topic being discussed. But that actually rarely happens. Today Dara met with 2 staff, but often Dara did not meet anyone.

Most of Dara's days are spent doing activities alone, listening to lectures, working part time once a week, doing assignments in the library, eating in the canteen near the mosque, and then going home. Dara is getting used to not talking to anyone during the process.

Dara came home riding her bicycle again. It wasn't even evening yet. Dara has no plans to go anywhere. Dara thought to herself, imagining her friends having activities together. Maybe they go to a cafe, mall, or watch a movie together. Dara is not too jealous, she doesn't really like activities like that. But Dara wants to be together with her friends. Maybe even though she doesn't like the activities she does, she can still enjoy the atmosphere because she's with her friends.

Arriving at home, Mama and Grandma have not prepared dinner. Dara usually comes home in the afternoon when her mother and grandmother are in the kitchen. Dara's mood immediately changed when she arrived home. After parking her bicycle, Dara immediately approached her grandfather in their family's small living room. Dara said Assalamualaikum then sat next to her grandfather who was reading the newspaper.

"Are you home? Usually a bit late," Grandpa asked affectionately.

"Yup, there are no more class, Grandpa. Have you had lunch?"

"Grandpa had eaten earlier with Grandma and Mama. You have eaten?"

Dara nodded while slightly pampering her grandfather. Her grandfather immediately understood that Dara was asking for his attention at that time. Grandpa closed his newspaper and then turned his full attention to Dara.

Papa often still plays with his cellphone when he talks with Dara, as well as Mama. But Grandpa, always listens to Dara carefully. Dara then told about her day on campus, what she learned, how she met Mrs. Lyra and Mr. Yan and also Dara never forget to show off that she is in a group with Rika and Hani.

Dara did not tell the unpleasant incident that happened to her. Dara never said anything about her loneliness. As much as possible, Dara mentioned the names of her friends so that her family would not suspect that she had no friends on campus. Dara doesn't want her family to worry. Therefore, when she has the opportunity to interact with her friends, Dara shows it off with pride. Although the story is certainly not like the reality she felt.

"Rika and Hani invite me to do homework in the library tomorrow, Grandpa," said Dara, closing the story.

"Would you like to invite them to our house?"

"It's okay Grandpa, we'd better do our homework in the library."

Of course, Dara didn't want to invite them to her house. Dara doesn't want her family to see how she interacts with her two friends. Their house is small, it's impossible for Dara to invite Rika and Hani to do their homework in her room, which looks full even though it only contains a small bed, 1 cupboard, and 1 table. They only have a place in the backyard, and of course the activity there is clearly visible from inside the house.

Grandpa thought of something else. He thought Dara was embarrassed to bring her friend to the house because of their family's economic situation. Like what happened to Nemma before. Even though Dara didn't think about it at all. She didn't even think their house would be a shame, she thought their house was unique even though the space was limited. The walls and wooden floors in their house make Dara comfortable living there. Dara did not know the type of that wood, but Dara was happy to see that shiny wood.

"I'm going to my room, Grandpa," said Dara finally. Grandpa nodded and smiled affectionately, then he resumed reading the newspaper.

Dara is quite tired. She wanted to lie down for a while while waiting for dinner. Her individual assignments have been completed long ago. Dara only had to do the group assignment that was just given today. But in the end, Dara didn't spend her time just sleeping. She started drafting for her group assignment. Dara is not used to being silent, even though she really needs time to herself. Dara doesn't realize that she is sometimes too hard on herself. Sometimes she feels guilty if she take a rest for a while.

Dara looked at the clock in her room, it was already 7 pm. Her father will be home soon. She smiled and immediately got ready to greet her father. Dara's guess was not wrong, her father's voice was heard from the front door which was located not far from Dara's room. Papa gave a greeting and then Grandpa who was still in the living room replied. Dara immediately came out and answered Papa's greetings too. The smile was still growing on her face.

"Papa brought your favorite food," said Papa when he saw Dara come out of her room. "Guess what?"

"Wow, Durian. Where did you get it?" Papa tried to hide the Durian he was carrying behind his body. But his efforts were in vain, the distinctive durian smell made it easy for Dara to guess.

"Ah, you guessed it. My friend is selling it," said Papa, looking a little disappointed that he failed to surprise his daughter. Dara immediately helped Papa carry the durians to the kitchen cheerfully. While Papa sat with Grandpa in the living room.

Mama and Grandma have finished cooking as usual. Dara could smell the food that was served on the dining table. Dinner time is just around the corner.

"Where did you get these durians?" Mama asked her.

"Papa bought it from his friend." Dara glanced at the dining table which only served 5 plates unlike usual. "Tity isn't home yet?"

"She says, there's an office dinner," Mama explained. Then Dara nodded slowly.

Nemma had often not been to dinner with her family for the past few years. Last year, Dara also heard rumors that Nemma would move out of their house. But that day never came until now. Dara guessed that Nemma's extravagant lifestyle made it difficult for her to save for the cost of moving.

At dinner time, as usual they chatted lightly while eating. They usually listen to Papa talk about his unique experiences with his taxi passengers. Sometimes Dara laughs at his funny story, sometimes Dara feels sorry for Papa who works so hard while serving customers who are not very polite. Dara really wants to help her family financially after she works. She wanted her father not to have to work too hard later on.

Dinner time is Dara's favorite. Even though Dara is having a hard time on campus, at home Dara gets lots of love. It was easy for her to forget the loneliness she felt.

Dara is in charge of washing the dishes after dinner. Mama and Papa usually just chatted together in their room. While Grandpa and Grandma were chatting in the living room.

"Dara, have you finished washing the dishes? Can you come with Grandma to the living room?" Grandma asked her suddenly.

"Okay, Grandma."

After washing the dishes, Dara joined Grandma and Grandpa who were watching TV in the living room. A small TV that Nemma bought about 3 years ago. Dara is very curious about what her grandmother will talk about. Her grandmother rarely talked to her. Dara waited for Grandma to speak before she dared to ask.

"How are you on campus?" Grandma asked kindly, holding Dara's hand. Dara felt Grandma's hand was so warm.

"Everything is fine, Grandma," Dara answered calmly, still waiting for Grandma to talk about what she wanted to say.

"Grandma wants you to have this." Grandma held out a ring from her hand. "Grandma and Grandpa's wedding ring, Grandma still keeps until now."

Of course Dara knew about the ring. Almost every year Grandma showed it at their wedding anniversary party. Dara was quite surprised. She was only 18 years old, she never even thought about marriage. Dara is very busy with studying.

For a moment Dara was silent and still trying to understand what happened. "I'm happy to receive it, but is it okay for me to receive a historical item like this?"

"Of course it's fine." Grandma stroked Dara's back while shedding tears. Grandma didn't look moved, but she certainly looked sad and devastated. Not only Dara who felt that way, Grandpa could also notice it.

"Your grandmother is a bit shaken. You don't have to worry," Grandpa said soothingly. Grandpa could see Dara was getting awkward, she didn't understand what to do in a situation like this. Finally she just kept quiet, waiting for Grandpa or Grandma to start talking.

After Grandma calmed down a bit, Grandma began to explain. "Tity doesn't want to accept it. Tity was immediately angry when I asked about marriage. I didn't mean anything. I just wanted to give this ring to her. I just wants Tity to wear this ring at her wedding. I'm not forcing her to get married now."

Dara is stunned. She was uncomfortable hearing that story from her grandmother. Dara knew that Nemma had been insecure about it for a long time. No one demanded her to get married soon. For a long time, Nemma had not liked to talk about the topic of marriage. Dara did not really understand the reason.

Dara doesn't know how to make her grandmother feel comfortable. Dara has difficulty expressing her feelings. Grandma is a gentle woman. Grandma is quite sensitive and easily touched. A little contrast with Grandpa who rarely cries. Unlike Papa, who is quite similar to Grandma, he is easily moved.

After a moment of silence, Dara dared to speak. "I really want to wear this ring, I really want to. But I also want Tity to wear it when Tity gets married. Maybe Tity isn't ready yet."

"Dara is right, we need to understand Nemma's condition. Nemma needs time, she didn't mean to hurt Grandma," Grandpa said.

Although Grandma still looked shaken, she seemed to agree with Grandpa and Dara. When Dara returned the ring, Grandma's warm hand accepted the ring back.

"Can I put the ring on Grandma's finger?" Dara asked suddenly trying to lighten the mood.

Grandma wiped away the remaining tears on her cheeks before answering. "Of course, dear." Dara is happy that Grandma can smile again.

"Wait, let's capture this moment. I'll bring my polaroid." Grandpa said looking excited.

"Wow, great idea," said Dara enthusiastically.

Grandpa walked slowly to his room and came back with a pink polaroid in his hand. Dara couldn't stop herself from chuckling every time she saw that camera. The Polaroid was a gift from Nemma too. When he was young, Grandpa had a polaroid camera, but now it's broken. Nemma replaced it on Grandpa's wedding anniversary a few years ago. Dara didn't understand what made Nemma think that pink would suit Grandpa.

Dara immediately posed to put the ring on Grandma's finger cheerfully. Grandma is also happier and smiles widely at the camera. After waiting for a while, the photos came out. Dara looked at the photo with pleasure.

"You can keep it," Grandpa said.

"Thank you. How about we take a picture together?" Dara asked excitedly.

"Good idea," said Grandma enthusiastically welcomed Dara's idea.

They take selfies together happily. After the results came out, Dara smiled widely seeing her beautiful face. It was quite important for her to always look good in photos. "Can I keep this too?"

"Of course," replied Grandpa.

Grandma and Grandpa look tired and sleepy. Dara finally asked for permission to return to her room so that they could rest freely before going to bed while watching TV together.

Dara returned to her room looking at the polaroid in her hand. She's happy. Her smile grew wide. Dara was getting ready to go to bed when Mama knocked on her bedroom door bringing warm milk for her. "May I come in?"

"Sure, Mama," Dara answered while keeping the 2 photos she was holding on the table. Every night Mama went to Dara's room to say goodnight and bring warm milk too. Sometimes they chatted for quite a while before going to bed. Mama always tries to take the time to pay attention to Dara every day.

Mama sat on the edge of Dara's bed as usual. Dara started to lie down and Mama helped cover her. "How was your day?" A question Mama was asked almost every day.

"Everything's fine." Dara then told about her day on campus. Not as detailed as the story she told Grandpa. Dara also told what happened in the living room with Grandpa and Grandma.

"I know it happened last Friday, 2 days before the Sunday party. Grandma is crying, Tity is crying too."

"Tity is crying too?" Dara asked clearly surprised. She hardly ever saw Nemma cry. Nemma is not an expressive person. Even Dara hardly ever saw her cuddling with other family members.

"Yes, Tity rarely shows her feelings. But that doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings. Grandma is sensitive, Tity is hard to accept that. They have different characters.

Tity once gave a cassette containing a song for mother to Grandma. The song that was popular at the time. Grandma immediately burst into tears, but Tity looked embarrassed and uncomfortable because of it."

Dara understands more about Nemma's character after hearing her mother's explanation. "Tity isn't home today?"

"Tity still doesn't feel comfortable going home. It's hard for us to understand Tity, but we need to give space for her. I don't know how she felt when Grandma gave her the ring. But obviously Grandma was disappointed. Grandma didn't understand that Tity felt uncomfortable. So there was a misunderstanding."

Dara is still trying to understand the situation. Meanwhile, Mama looks sleepy. "It is late. You better rest. Don't forget to drink the milk and brush your teeth before you go to sleep," Mama said as she straightened Dara's blanket. She hugged her briefly and kissed her forehead.

"Okay Mama, good night," Dara replied with a smile.

Mama left Dara to rest. But Dara did not immediately rest after her mother left. She was still thinking about the condition of her family that she had just discussed with Mama. But the mind was soon distracted by her college assignments.

Dara is used to studying and pursuing achievements. Sometimes she realized that her life was often too rushed and too fast. She had entered college at the age of 16 years, 2 years ahead of most of her friends. She doesn't really realize that she is still in the process of maturation, making it even more difficult for her to understand her circle of friends. No one is pressuring her for achievements. The whole family is very supportive of Dara's wishes. The pressure comes from herself.

Dara thought about everything that happened this day. She was a little afraid of losing her family. Dara wondered if she could still see the light of warmth and love from her family in the future after they were gone. Dara didn't want to think about it too much. She immediately shook her head.

Dara then drank the milk brought by her mother. After she finished checking her notes and preparing the things she would bring to campus tomorrow, Dara went to brush her teeth. Then she began to lay her body on her warm bed. She still felt the worry of a lonely future if she had to part with her family. She is the youngest member of the family, although death knows no age, Dara is a little worried about being alone after her family dies.
