
37 Days

Millie is caught in between her old life and new. She stayed in an apartment to be nearby her drug addict father until he passed. Although she is devastated by her father’s passing, she has a new found freedom. She’s leaving her old life behind in San Diego and now getting a do over in L.A where she’ll have a fresh start, career and a new apartment. The only problem is there’s 37 days between her old lease and new. Millie’s best friend Steph offers a place to stay with her, all is good and fine until she finds out the truth about where she’s actually staying. The mansion, previously a hotel is owned by suspected drug traffickers that are not to be messed with. Millie finds herself falling for one of them, which stirs up a lot of trouble. Will she be strong enough to handle the challenges ahead that come with her new love interest?

marissa_inserra · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs




What is he doing to me?

He just walked into the bathroom to shower and holy shit my eyes have never seen a sight so overwhelmingly attractive.

I feel my heart beating fast, it's pulsing through my ears. I was not expecting him to come in here, take off his shirt, and then throw the intoxicating of a smell, shirt at me which is currently sitting in my lap.

He looked so ungodly sexy standing there before me. He knew I was checking him out, and I hardly even cared until he called me out on it. His body is literal perfection, even more so now that I've actually gotten to look at him without a shirt on. Tattoos filled his arms all the way up to his shoulders, his abs looked like they were out of a magazine, and his skin was sun-kissed tan and so smooth looking, I just wanted to touch. I completely understand the obsession every girl has over him because I'm hopping on that train now too.

Right now, that man is fully naked with water running down his amazing body and there's only a wall in between us, I've never hated drywall so much in my life. I can't seem to get my thoughts under control right now, I want this man so badly, but he doesn't have sex with anyone but Adria.

Shit.. Adria.

That girl is going to kill me, probably literally.

I hear the shower turn off and start to panic, I take my phone out again and try to stay busy so when he comes out, I don't look up at him again while I'm in this aroused state of mind. I text Steph.

Me: hey Steph, can I come to hang with you today if you're not busy? I'm back in the house staying in the penthouse to be exact.

Steph: you're here?!? in the penthouse?? holy shit we need to talk. I'm working today, but come down to room 321, that's my office and we can talk while I work.

Me: okay I'll be down in 20 minutes

Oh no…I hear the door handle jiggle and then open, he's coming out. I try to keep my phone down looking busy even though I'm just scrolling through Apps and on autopilot, not actually paying any attention.

I feel his gaze on me and I use all my willpower to not look up at him. I can smell him from here and oh my god it's making my body tingle just by the scent. He comes walking over to the bed slowly, I'm still not looking his way, and he grabs my phone out of my hands and tosses it on the bed.

Holy shit, please go away before I pass out from your presence.

"Look at me, baby," he says in a husky voice.

"No," I say quietly with my head down.

He tilts my chin up to look at him and I look into his stunning green eyes and his damp brown hair that looks darker now that it's wet and I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing. My eyes betray me and look down, he's only in a white towel and the contrast of tanned skin against the white towel is too much for me, this man is a god. If I don't move my eyes immediately, I'll die at the sight, so I start to look back up and he's looking down at me in the sexiest way.

Looking up wasn't any better of an idea.

He leans down and puts his soft full lips on mine, I'm almost positive he can hear my heart pounding from inside my chest. He takes the kiss to another level, he slips his tongue into my mouth, claiming it, and tangling it with mine. He lightly bites at my lower lip and the feeling is so overwhelming, I'm on fire right, I'm so full of lust.

He breaks the kiss for a moment and I catch my breath the best I could and notice the large bulge poking the towel up just wanting to be freed, he's hard right now, and I did that, it's driving my confidence up.

He follows my eyes down to his dick but doesn't say anything, I trail my eyes back to him and his eyes are equally full of lust and want for me.

He lays down on the bed and positions my body, as though I'm the weight of a feather, on top of him. I can feel his hardness on my ass and I slightly push back against it for friction.

"Fuck baby" he grits through his teeth and pulls me back down to kiss him. We kiss each other as if we don't need oxygen to live, his kisses are the hottest I've ever received in my existence.

I break the kiss and move my lips to his neck, taking it into my mouth, sucking and gently biting, he takes his hands and grabs my ass with each one. He breathlessly whispers in my ear "I need to be inside you, baby"

Oh my god those words, those words are putting me into oblivion right now. He squeezes my butt like he's grabbing onto it for dear life. I want him in me just as badly as he wants to be in, but my thoughts get the better of me.

What happens if we do sleep together?

Will he just see me as a challenge completed and toss me to the side right after? I'm not ready to let go of him just yet, and then Adria comes to mind too. I release my lips from his neck and sit up on him.

He looks up at me with longing desire and I say "What about Adria?"

He exhales and says "fuck her." and drags me back down to his lips pushing his tongue to meet mine. We greedily kiss each other for another few seconds and I break away from the kiss again, whispering regrettably in his ear "X…we can't, not yet at least." he stiffens under me and closes his eyes and I can tell he's feeling defeated but trying to conceal it for my sake.

I sit back up and look down at him, he removes his hands from my butt and brings it to my waist instead. I'm feeling guilty and although I want this man as much as my lungs need air, I don't want to ruin anything just yet by sleeping with him too soon.

This is clearly new to him, I'm sure he's never been turned down by anyone before. I grab his face in my hands "Just not yet, okay?" I say quietly and he looks into my eyes and says "Okay" quietly too.

I climb off of him and he stands up off the bed holding the towel in place.

"I'm sorry," I say sincerely. He holds the side of my face with his palm, kissing me gently on the lips, and says "Don't be"

He walks to a nearby closet, grabs some clothes, and walks out of the room. I'm feeling full of regret for denying us both, what we really want.