
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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61 Chs

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It's been an extremely interesting last couple of days. 

I sit on X's lap wrapped in a light blanket on the balcony while we watch Julian and Slim risk their lives lighting off fireworks, the real Fourth of July. 

Although I hold my breath every time they bring a flame to the firecracker, the beauty of the lights over the ocean almost makes it worth one of them losing an arm. 

I snuggle into X's hard warm body, wishing to be cocooned into him forever. 

I'm a lot more at peace now, X sat me down and explained his talk with Dani which I appreciate him doing. She's still on my shit list though and I promise she'll pay. 

It's Friday evening and It's been two weeks since the Fourth of July.  I'm physically and mentally in a better place but I of course still have my moments. 

X and I have been in a much better place as well since our brawl that one night. 

"Oh my gosh, you guys! We need to discuss chapter 23!" Mia says fanning her face. 

Oh yeah, somehow in the past two weeks us girls have been getting together on Fridays to discuss our book of the week, kind of like a book club I suppose? 

Tonight we're at Steph and Julian's house while X and Julian are downstairs playing pool.

"Fuck me that was such a hot chapter!" Alina squeals and then takes a big gulp from her glass of wine. 

"I'm telling you guys, you need to role-play that scene! Julian and I did last night," Steph beams. 

I laugh and shake my head. 

"Oh c'mon, Mills! Can you just imagine X?! He'd play the role perfectly!" Steph tries to convince me. 

"We'll see," I say waving her off.

"I don't think George would be into it," Ellie rolls her eyes in disappointment. 

Ah god, George. Haven't met him, only heard and saw him from a distance at the party two weeks ago. Ellie's new guy, he's like sixty-five years old, rich as fuck, and spoils the hell out of her. Let's be real here…do I have to say the obvious? 

We all laugh, the image is seared in my mind of them doing kinky things, I'm pretty sure I just threw up in my mouth. 

"Oh shut up you guys, he's got years more experience than yours do," Ellie rolls her eyes. 

"Wait, he can still get it up?" Alina asks and Ellie pushes her over on the couch. 

"Yeah I was wondering that too but can we just get back to chapter 23 now?" Steph asks the group and we all obey, she takes her discussions quite seriously. 

We discuss the book, keeping Steph happy. 

It's nine o'clock now and the girls leave to work at the club leaving just Steph and I now. 

"Ugh, I'm sorry mills, I need to go to my office. Julian just texted me to book him and X a flight to Madrid for tomorrow, you can hang here or come with," Steph explains. 

"Wait what? X never said anything about going to Madrid," I say in confusion. 

"These trips can come up at a moment's notice, most of the time they're planned and sometimes it's last minute," she says standing up from the couch. 

"Oh, okay, well yeah sure I'll tag along," I say in disappointment. 

I don't want X to leave but I understand he's got work priorities. I just hope nothing serious came up.