
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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61 Chs

Flick you



I pull Dani outside of the door and close it behind me. 

I run my fingers through my hair in frustration towards Millie. I don't know what that shit was but this is obviously not working out right now. 

"Dani, look," I start off as she looks up at me expectantly. 

"Millie is not okay right now and I apologize," I say trying to be nice. 

"Look, X, it's fine. She's hurting right now and she needs someone to blame, it's okay, I understand it and I'm not taking it personally," she says being mature about the whole situation. 

"Thank you, but like I said, she's not okay. Something about you is triggering her. She may be out of line right now but she is my main priority. I'm not firing you but I need you to stay away from me. As for work goes, I need you to go to Julian for everything. As for a friend, I like you as a person I really do but I need you to not text me anymore or come here unannounced or at all for that matter. Millie is my main focus and I need to respect her feelings, I'm sorry." I explain. I don't know why I feel like I just broke up with her but it's necessary for her to leave us alone. 

"Of course, I completely understand X, I'm sorry for causing any trouble I really didn't mean to," she says and it's making me feel like a complete dick but the delusional, unhinged woman I love behind this door means everything to me and I'm not willing to throw that away for Dani's friendship. 

I offer her a small smile and walk back into the house. 

This isn't over yet. 

"Millie!" I yell out to her. 

She walks out of the room, arms crossed over her chest and if it was physically possible to steam from anger she would be setting off the fire alarms. 

"What?!" She asks seething. 

"What the fuck was that?!" I ask just as furiously. 

"I should be asking you the same thing!" She puts her hands on her hips. 

"What did I do now Millie?" I ask in discontentment. 

"Seriously? You genuinely need to ask that?!" She screams in my face. 

I raise my eyebrows to her. 

"You took her side X!" Her face is a fucking tomato at this point. 

"Oh my god quit the fucking drama, Millie, I'm not taking her side, you can't just accuse every person you see of being responsible for the other night, I'm pretty convinced at this point you're having a mental breakdown," I say informatively. 

Yup. She didn't like that…

"I could just kill you right now!" She screams again in my face, eyes darkening to near black. 

I hold my arms out bent at the elbow, "I'd like to see you try, go ahead," I antagonize. 

I've struck a chord, she's fuming, and she grunts loudly, "I'm going to…"

Something hits my forehead. Wait a fucking second, did she just violently flick my forehead with her..finger..?

"Did you just flick my head?" I ask unable to contain my smile at how off guard that took me. 

"Yeah, maybe.." she says trying not to smile herself. 

I don't know why that was so adorable, she's so innocent it's sickening in the best way. 

We're both uncontrollably cheesin' now, both of us losing our battles and I'm grateful for it.

We start cracking up at how that just went down, I know she really wanted to punch me but the flick? God that was good…

After we calm down from our laughing fit Millie asks, "Can't we just be on the same team for once?" 

Fuck I love her. 

"Yeah baby, you're always going to be on my team. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything. Dani won't be coming around anymore I promise," I say genuinely. 

She wraps her arms around my waist and we stay like this for what feels like forever until I hear her sob into my chest, I guide her down to the ground as I hold her in my lap. I decide to lose my hard edge and I too sob into the crook of her neck. We allow our pain to collide, comforting one another with the same intensity of heartbreak. 

I don't know how we got here today. Aggressive bickering, laughing and now sobbing. Our relationship is a fucking dysfunctional disaster but aside from all of that our love is unique, exciting and I've never felt more alive from one single person.