
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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61 Chs

Desperate decisions



I can't believe she just kicked me out like that. It was kinda fun fucking with her and watching her get all heated up to make me leave, especially since she invited me over.

What can I say, I love a psycho.

Was she embarrassed to be seen with me around Mia?

Ahh fuck it, I got my girl back and I don't give two shits what anyone thinks, Millie though, does. Don't know why..but she does.

When I get back to my house, everything just seems lighter, I don't know how to describe it, it just effin does. The dark cloud that lingered over my head, over my house, and everywhere I went feels as though it has vanished and everything now seems…better? More vibrant I guess?

I walk into the house and this time I don't hate everyone's face. Well, I don't hate their faces as much as I did previously.

When I make it upstairs to my place, I go into my office to call Marco.

He picks up after a few rings.

"My man," he says through the line.

"Yo, Marco, any update on a replacement? I really need someone, or two actually," I say.

I've been on Marcos's case about finding a couple more reliable people to work for me, ya know since Ghost has, I don't know..become a ghost and Adria is…probably a fucking ghost now too..nah probably a demon or some shit.

"I'm trying man, but you're so picky," he says clearly blowing smoke out of his mouth on the other end.

"You blame me, dude?" I ask.

"Nah man I get it," he says.

"Well there is this one chick, she used to work for me, she was reliable and worked hard, moved back to the States recently actually, I can call her," Marco suggests.

"A girl? I dunno man, I can't do that shit again." I say not liking that option.

"Xavier, your options are limited, why don't you just come to Madrid and take your pick, I have plenty more options here." He says knowing my answer already so I don't even know why he's even fucking suggesting it again.

"Nah, I already told you I can't leave the States right now," I say getting frustrated.

"Because of your lady?" He asks disappointed.

"Yeah, I'm not leaving her, things are still too fragile, I'm not traveling until we're in a solid place again," I explain for the hundredth effing time.

He grunts through the line.

Whatever, I really don't care what he thinks about that.

"Must be serious, huh? First Julian and now you? Who woulda ever thought you two were capable of being tied to one woman?" He asks me with a chuckle.

I roll my eyes at the phone, "fuck off Marco,"

He laughs again.

"You got some pretty big balls talkin' shit from a whole other continent away," I say now chuckling myself.

Fuckin Marco, I tell ya he talks a big game, and don't get me wrong he's a powerful dude but physically put that guy in a fight, and it would be embarrassing.

Marco, god I love the man 50% of the time but god did not bless him physically. The guy is like 5'6 and has probably never lifted weights.

Does it stop him from getting the ladies? Hell no, they flock to him wherever he goes.

Money..power.. doesn't matter what you look like or who you are as a person, the women or sexy little gold diggers just eat that shit up.

He's not scrawny, just not built..at all. Decent lookin dude, spends way too much time in his appearance with high-class name-brand everything. Gucci, Versace, this, that, dude looks like he can swing the other way at any time now.

And Millie thinks I act rich?

"You know it, bro," he says laughing even harder now.

I laugh too, mostly at him and not with him.

After he chills with his laughing he gets back to business.

"Well if you're not coming to Madrid, my options are limited, it's the girl or you gotta wait till I find someone else." He says.

Great…just fucking great…

"I'll take the girl," I say already regretting my decision.