
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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61 Chs

Come forward



The silence in the car is as dark as the night sky. Not a single word has been spoken by Julian or me. He knows better at this point to not push me when I'm in this state of mind. 

I watch the city lights from out the window as I fight the urge to burn the whole damn city down to mere ashes. 

"I want you to get Mia to collect all the names of the bartenders and waitresses that worked tonight," I state cooly. 

He glances my way and then back to the road, "Consider it done." 

I may have vile feelings toward Millie at the moment but it doesn't change the fact that somebody will pay for this. 

Sleepless night. 

I paced around the penthouse endlessly until I couldn't stand a second longer. 

Questions filled my mind to insanity. 

Was this on purpose? 

Was it an accident? 

Was it meant for her? 

Was it meant for someone else? 

Who was behind this? A waitress? A partygoer? A rival? 

These things need to be taken seriously. If it was a rival I need to be on guard, sleeping with one eye open at all times. The exact reason I didn't want to be in a relationship, collateral damage. Nothing more, nothing less. 

I want to drink myself into oblivion but I need a sharp mind, my rage fuels me and I don't want it tamed. 

I stand in the meeting room, radiating dominance through every pore on my skin. Workers are sitting on plastic chairs along the wall looking like frightened peasants as I stand before them. 

Julian, tank, stone, slim, Dani, Jade, and Nicoletta sit around the meeting room table looking almost as much on edge as the rest of them, except Julian, he's got a smirk on his face because he eats this kind of shit up. 

I cross my arms over my chest, "thank you everyone for coming," I announce, as if I gave them a choice. 

"Last night we had an incident, one of you motherfuckers roofied my girlfriend," I go straight to the reason. 

They all look at one another in shock. 

"She nearly died and I want to know who thinks they have the fucking balls to do that," I glare their way. 

Wide eyes, frightened ones stare back at me. 

I walk over to stand over them as they look up at me like little rats about to be prey by a hungry lion.

"Hmm? No one? No one has the big balls now to confess?" I ask snakily. 

"Was it you?" I poke my finger at some unknown guy's chest, he looks like a tool so I wouldn't put it past him. 

"N-no sir, I swear," he says with his hands up in surrender, a bead of sweat lingering on his temple. 

I move over to the busty blonde, "what about you? I saw you eye fucking me all night, did you drug her out of envy?" 

She turns beet red and quickly shakes her head, "No, I swear!" 

These fuckers are really starting to irritate me. I go to the head of the table and sit in my chair, crossing my legs at the ankle on the table and making myself comfortable. I pull out my pocket knife but don't reveal it to anyone yet. 

"C'mon you guys, somebody just take the fucking glory of what you did already," I say losing patience. 

They all look at me quietly, you can hear a pin drop. 

This is going nowhere. 

I plant my feet back to the ground and lean forward. 

"No one huh? Okay, well you're all fired then," I spit out. 

I drive my knife into the table causing everyone to jump in their seats, even my team. 

"Everyone get the fuck out and let me remind you, if you speak a word of your experience here to anyone, I won't be as gentle with this knife as I was with this table," I instruct, fumes radiating off of me. 

Their eyes somehow grow even wider if that's possible. Nods from some, frozen from others. 

"Go!" I scream out with fury. 

They all scramble out of the room fear-stricken. 

The only ones to remain in the meeting room are now me and my team. 

"Hell yeah man, nice job," Julian says. 

"Shut up Julian," I say annoyed, he always says stupid shit at the wrong fucking times. 

"Tank, inform our allies about the situation," I demand. 

He nods his head. 

"Slim and Jade, find out what you can about the rivals," I instruct. 

"Stone I want you to go through the security cameras," I tell him. 

"Dani and Nicoletta check the warehouse for anything out of the ordinary," I demand out. 

"What do you want me to do?" Julian asks like a child on Christmas morning. 

"Just find out what you can from Stephanie and make sure Millie is okay," I tell him. 

"You got it, man," he says to my requests. 

I am not letting this fucking go until the blood of whoever did this is soaked and dripping from my hands.