
30-Night Journeys

In the land of trials, Gantlet, every night brings new faces of catastrophes in the form of monsters and nature. Renir Ennure was brought to this world, weak, forgotten, devastated, and dejected. Everything was unknown to him in the land of trials. How is he brought there and why? Is he the only one? But the dusks did not bestow him the luxury to think as what he needed to do was SURVIVE EVERY NIGHT! Journey with Renir to encounter why the stars gathered and wild around the moon. And how he will use his new given ability, provided by Gantlet: The power to Evolve.

JhiThan_Ser · Fantasy
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239 Chs

Pick Up

"I'm Rea, we have already met the other night... umm... I was ordered to pick you up."

"..." Renir just stared at Rea before saying, "Sorry, but what other night?" he frowned.

Realizing what she said, she waved her hands in denial, "Ah, sorry, no, that wasn't what I meant. Remember when you were... umm... captivated... you escaped and got into a fight? I was the girl you fought that night." she pointed at herself feeling so awkward for what she was saying.

But Renir's only reaction was, "I remember now." and made no further comments.

Rea then continued, "From now on, I was ordered to either pick you up or teach you how to drive a car, if you want."

Renir was a bit surprised but at the same time, he expected something like this to happen. Ernanfo wouldn't just leave him in Imee's apartment without saying anything.

"Well then," Rea then invited Renir into the car.