
30 days to get married! sub series: THE BLACK PRINCESS!

30 days to ge married! Sub series: THE BLACK PRINCESS! This volume tells the story of Sophia and Rain's adventures in their young age. Sophia becomes a respectable leader when she solidifies the control in the organization, and was later known as a “Black princess” The two of them deals with love, friendship and betrayal when someone close to her is bound to betray her. "I've known you for a long time!" Sophie said calmly. "But why?" "We are just in opposite side with the same goal, they used you in a wrong way!" The war between friendship and responsibility! This is an original novel @ll right reserved.

XiaoXinYue · General
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170 Chs

Escape Route [1]

"We have to calm down, kailangan muna nating esekreto ito sa pobliko to protect them!" 

Suhestion ni Rain sa kanila.

"But why did you put a tracking device to my grandson? Isn't it a violation against his privacy?"

Don Accuesta asked suspiciously.

Well, if there is Bloods and Roses to hunt down notorious criminals, there is also love and chocolate to catch a cheating scoundrels.

Why? Rain repeated again, in his brain. 

"You have to keep Zach on track!" 

Ani Sophia ng minsang ipinatawag siya nito.

"You don't trust your man, do you?"

"I trust him!" 

she glared at him deffensively.

"There is some pest lurking around him, she's the one I could not trust!"

Rain noted the word "She"

"I think someone wants to sabotage us and I can't put Zach's life in jeopardy!"

"Ah!" napapatango tangog tugon ni Rain.

But the truth is, he's not really convince with Sophia's alibi. The fact that she use the word "Pest" and "She", he's certain that there's another woman, involved.

Woman's heart is the most dangerous thing in the world! Rain noted it to himself.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Love and chocolate!"


Ani Rain na napangiwi ng maalala ang boses ni Sophia.

"It's for his safety!"

Ani Rain, it doesn't matter whether he convinced them or not, he could no longer provide a details.

Sophia will surely kill him.

"As I said, We have to keep this secret lalo na sa media people, use all your resources to block the news from getting out,Instead!"

"Right!" parang wala sa sariling sambit ni Don Sebastian.

"Lets proceed as plan—Im going to fetch them, now!"

Nakangiting sabi ni Rain sa mga matatanda at tila nabuhayan naman ang mga ito ng loob.

"Let's go men!" 

aniya sa mga tauhan ng makalabas sa building ng M&M 

"We got a long day ahead—got some rats to catch!"

Earlier. .

Unang nagising si Sophia and this time through the glimpes of light she found out that they were in an abandone house.

"Zach. .Zach!" 

Nakailang tawag pa siya sa lalaki bago ito sumagot.

"What?" anitong antok na antok pa

"What is what?—you!" She hissed "Open your eyes!" 

utos niya rito, bigla naman itong na tauhan.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know but we have to get out from here!"

"Its almost dawn—"

And they both confirmed it ng tumilaok ang manok.

"We have to rolled up, you go first!"

Nakatatlong ikot pa sila bago tuluyang nakawala.

"I'm going to check kung saan naka pwesto yong mga hinayupak!"

"I'll go it's dangerous for you"

Nakaisang hakbang pa si Zach ng umingit ang sahig at lumikha ng tunog.

"Stop! You're going to get us killed."

She signalled him to stop.

"I'll go, find some escape route just incase nasa baba sila"

Di makapaniwalang napatango nalang si Zach. Sophia is not just fierce but also tough.

Babae ba talaga ito?

"They were all downstairs!" untag ni Sophia sa kanya.

All those stupid goons were all in deep sleep para lang nasa slumber party ang mga ito. They're not professionals malamang batugan lang sa kanto ang mga ito ng madiskubre ng sinumang mastermind. she thought.

"We only have one exit point—itong bintana!" ani Zach na napangiwi.

He opened it, at dahil nga sa may kalumaan umingit ito. They both look in each other nang marinig nilang may gumalaw sa baba.

"Be careful!" she hissed again. "We're not her for picnic. One wrong move could probably get us killed."

Anyang tinabig ng bahagya ang lalaki. Zach was obvioudly doesn't have any experience like this, what do we expect in a prince like him?

Unlike her, she's always been sassy and mischievous. All she give to her grandfather was a lot and a lot more of headache.

Inikot niya ang paningin, they could possibly get down through the tree na nasa gilid ng bahay, all they have to do is jump into it.


napamulagat na bulalas ni Zach.

"Is there any way?"

"There is—maiwan ka dito!"

"No way!" mabilis pa sa alas kuwatrong sagot ng lalaki.

"Then choose—stay here or jump for your life?"

"Why don't we fight them?"

Nag aalangan paring tanong ni Zach.

Sophia rolled her eyes. "What if they have guns? Eh di mamamatay tayong pareho—well unless you're a superman!"

Anyang nawawalan nang pasensya.

"Besides you promised to marry me for real, I hold into that promised Zach!"

She had to incourage him, pushing him into his limits will make the whole thing worst, it was her diversionary tactics.

Saglit na natigilan ang lalaki, he promised her, indeed. But what if he missed out that darn tree? Eh di magiging imbalido parin siya.

He shook his head to dismissed his nonsense thought.

Sa inis ng dalaga she dragged him near the window.

"Climb up!" 

utos niya rito. 

"Haven't you got MAT back in colleged?" 

aniya ng makapatong na ito.

MAT stands for Military advance Training.

"Fuck MAT—"

Pero bago pa sya natapos basta basta nalang siya itinulak ng dalaga. He was so scared to even scream. He exactly landed on the tree at kumapit sya ng parang tuko. 

Di alam ni Sophia kung matatawa ba or magagalit sa kalampahan ng lalaki.

"Get down!" mahinang sigaw ni Sophia sa kanya.

Zach shook his head. "I don't know how!" 

Anitong nangangatog sa takot. Pinandilatan niya ng mga mata ang lalaki. She posistion her two fingers infront of her eyes and pointed on him, she then wave her hand in her neck in a manner of chopping it. 

It was a sign language for "Your dead, when I get you!"

Zach has no choice but slowly climb down, he's more scared to Sophia than those goons.

When he was already half way through Sophia jumped in, with out a warning she dragged Zach along with her and jumped off. They both landed on the ground with a loud thud.

but atleast Zach manage to put her arms in Sophia's head to protect her.

"Ano yong kumalabog sa likod?" 

narinig nilang tanong ng nagulantang na kidnapper, Zach was about to stand ng hinila siya ni Sophia.

"Meyoooow. .meyooow!"

Muntik ng bumulanghit ng tawa si Zach pero binatukan siya ng dalaga.

"Pusa lang pala!" anito sa mga kasamahan.

Hinila ng dalaga si Zach papalayo, nang bumalik sa normal ang paligid. Malayo layo na sila ng madiskobre ng mga kidnapper ang kanilang pagtakas.