
2nd choice reincarnation - into the onepieceverse

Finally getting over a pretty bad cold I had I decided to go mountain biking for the first time in my life. Why the sudden urge you may ask? well it was because the entire time I was sick the only thing I binged videos of is people riding down huge trails and dangerous routes on bikes. and it seemed super fun. I mean I also did other stuff like reading light novels but that's not as important since I had just took a break from a looong binge of my only entertainment being Light novels, web novels and manga so I was pretty burnt out on new stories anyway back to the point. While I was finally at the peak of the trail and ready to descend the cliché happen truck-kun decided I was next on its list. Then another cliché happened I was face to face with something akin to a god and deciding where I wanted my conscience to reincarnate into or if I wanted my memory wiped and a fresh start and like anyone who binges light novels and manga for most of their time I decided to go to my favorite fictional world The new world from Overlord...HAHAH not. maybe next time even though that's my favorite light novel no way I'm living in such a dark place where rape is pretty much expected to happen from nobility also I want to keep my humanity and not turn into a mass geocoding bone man. so I went with the next best option and my favorite mangaverse One piece. and although I'm not reincarnating with any huge chats i can choose the devil fruit of my choice without the side effect of not being able to swim and being bound by seaprism stone along with being able to choose how I want my life to start but i didn't want to dictate everything so i said "I want to be put into an environment that will train me to be the strongest since birth....also the same generation as luffy....and i want be able to use 2 devil fruits" With this I started my new life in The Onepieceverse. AU characters (some crew/mc) not adding any AU characters that would change the story in a drastic way like making another Admiral/Yanko Disclaimer: I do not own any on the characters of one piece they are all owned by Eiichiro Oda the only character I own is the MC

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Chapter 12 - Wolf's den

(Nico Robin POV)

After Catching up with Emma we both returned to the ship without saying anything, Emma because she was lost in her thoughts the entire way and me because I didn't want to interrupt her thinking at this moment.

Once we got onto the ship though I finally had to break the silence as it was becoming deafening so to lighten the mood by trying to take her mind away from what had just happened I spoke. "The information that we placed a bounty on information for two people should have spread a good distance by now, hopefully, we'll hear good news soon and meet them before making it to Swallow island."

Emma didn't say anything but just absent-mindedly nodded her head while still lost in thought. I couldn't handle seeing her acting like this, so different from the normally cheerful and upbeat person who is always trying her best to make me embarrassed. So I pulled her into my embrace, hugging her tightly, trying the only thing left I knew to do that might help her finally clear her mind.

After a few seconds of me holding her, she seemed to snap out of her daze, hugging me back and burying her head on me before I heard some muffled sniffling and my shirt became a little wet. I took one of my arms from around her and started to gently pat her head before I spoke in the voice Geina normally does in times like this. "It's ok, just do what you think you need to do whether that be laugh or cry and I'll be here with you."

Once I was done speaking Emma looked up at me and wiped away the tears in her eyes before responding with a shake of her head but a voice that betrayed what she spoke. "I'm really fine. I don't know why my emotions are so out of control right now, just hold me for a while longer and I'm sure it will blow over."

Looking down at the girl who was once again trying to convince herself that everything was ok I stopped patting her head and pinched her nose causing her to recoil slightly in surprise before looking at me with clearly fake anger in her eyes. "Don't lie to me, I can see right through all your acting."

Not letting her have the chance to deny my words, I continued. "Don't think I don't know you jumped into the Calm Belt to not talk about what was bothering you while we were locked inside the ship. I just let that slide because you went so far as to avoid talking about it. This time however you're not allowed to run away, so cry, laugh or whatever you have to do but do it honestly."

Slowly realizing that I was serious and not letting her wiggle her way out of this situation she decided to bury her head in the same spot it was before starting to silently cry while I was gradually tightening my hold on her.

After Emma finally calmed down she surprisingly separated from me on her own accord and with a tear-stained face but now holding a genuine smile asked. "We never got to eat, why don't I make something for the both of us"

Nodding to her idea I was about to follow her into the kitchen and watch her cook so that she wouldn't be left alone but before I could she spoke in an embarrassed tone that I didn't know she could make. "You should probably change your shirt first."

Looking down at my shirt I just now remembered it was completely wet from the chest down causing me to chuckle a little bit and get glared at by a blushing Emma whos now making a hand motion at me to hurry up causing me to erupt in full-blown laughter before Emma finally had enough of me and dramatically stomped away.

Later that night while we were going to bed I noticed that Emma kept tossing and turning when she would normally have been in hibernation so I got up from my bed and slowly climbed into hers, at first it surprised her but then she quickly teased me. "Oh, Robin, I never thought you would walk straight into the wolf's den like this."

Ignoring her words though I wrapped my arms around her causing her to yelp in surprise at my actions before she had the chance to speak again I cut her off. "Shut up and go to sleep, I'm tired".

Realizing that I climbed into her bed to help her fall asleep, she cozied herself further into my embrace until she was satisfied and then quietly thanked me before slowly falling asleep with a smile on her face. Looking at the now peacefully sleeping Emma I couldn't help but have a similar smile form on my face before also falling asleep.

(Pietas R. Geina POV)

Quietly opening the door to the girls' cabin and peeking my head in, I looked over at Emma's bed to find both her and Robin sharing it while Emma is being cradled in Robin's arms, both of them having contented smiles plastered on their faces, my own now probably holding the same.

After closing the door and returning to my cabin however my expression changed to a serious one as I pulled out my den-den mushi and called Gauge who picked up as soon as I had called him, but before I could talk he shot out questions one after another.

"What's wrong? What happened? Are you all ok? Why did you call? I'm on my way ba-" not letting him go on anymore even if the rapidly changing expressions of the den-den mushi were amusing, I cut him off before he returned and ruined our plans.

"Everything is fine now thanks to Robin." After saying that I started to explain everything that has been happening since we separated before his panic rose any further. Starting from us not having any luck on the hunt for the two girls we are looking for to what happened today with Emma and the pirates.

Once I was done with the explanation he went silent for a minute before responding in a tone seething with anger making the mushi narrow its eyes."You let them die too easily, you should have made them experience something that even Impel Down wouldn't put their prisoners through." sighing to his rage I responded.

"I would have if I wasn't so concerned about Emma witnessing something like that after her experience today." After another minute of silence Gauge then sighed and spoke in a more relaxed tone.

"Robin helped us both out with this one, If she wasn't there to comfort Emma then it could have ended in a completely different direction than the both of them cuddling to sleep." nodding my head at that statement and appreciating the good job Robin did consoling Emma for a moment I then started to mention the only good news that came out of visiting this island.

"After I left the marine branch with the reward money for the pirates and was heading back towards the ship someone approached me to pass on a message, apparently on the closest island north of this one there will be an old lady waiting at the docks in three weeks and she'll tell us the location of the girls we are looking for then." With incredulity clear in his voice Gauge warned me.

"There is no way this isn't a trap, it's too convenient to be true". Laughing at his concern with a smile again forming on my face I responded.

"Even if it is a trap it's not like anyone could hurt me or the girls in this part of the sea, besides we are headed there anyway so we might as well see what they have planned. Who knows it might be true since the messenger wasn't completely lying."

"YAYAYA, I know you won't do anything dangerously stupid as I would so it must not be a problem. Still though you have to make sure to be safe".

"Don't worry about us too much, now tell me about how things are going on your end." After our discussion about Germa 66 ended I left towards the girls' cabin to check on them one more time before going to sleep myself.

(??? POV)

"Do you have to work today Sis?" Looking up at me in hope while grabbing onto one of my pant legs my little sister stopped me before I could open the door to leave.

"Just because you ask this every time I leave doesn't mean you'll get a different answer, you know I have to stop by her house every morning to see if she needs help or not." Putting my hand on the head of my now pouting little sister then ruffling her hair I continued.

"Make sure to study while I'm gone. I'm going to quiz you when I come back today and I expect you to get everything right." responding with a confident smile she spoke.

"Don't worry you know I'll get a perfect score like always." This caused me to ruffle her hair again laughing at the slight annoyance she had on her face at her hair getting so messy before I walked out the door.

Making my way towards old lady Shetani's house I had to cover my face with a cloak so as not to show myself to anyone. After arriving at her house I knocked on her door 5 times in a loud, quiet, quiet, loud, loud pattern and after a few seconds, I heard her voice from inside.

"Come in, breakfast is ready dearie." taking her response as a positive to having a job I opened the door and made my way to the living room where I found her sitting in a chair with a coffee table across from her and sitting on it were three pictures.

In the picture on the left was a woman that had long dirty blonde hair tied into a ponytail with emerald green eyes. In the picture in the middle was a girl that looked like a child version of the woman but with lavender color hair, and finally on the rightmost picture was a girl my age with long black hair and light blue eyes.

"Three people means Three paydays right." Looking at the old woman and asking a question that wasn't a question I spoke.

"You know I won't skimp on the pay, but you need to report to me immediately after you finish this one and not take your time looking through their things like you normally do". while ignoring the scowl I had on my face she continued.

"They will be at the docks in the next week or so, they'll be sleeping on their ship the entire time they're here and they should stay for at least three weeks but the sooner you finish the job the sooner you can spend time with that little sister of yours without worry". Getting angry at what she said I almost grabbed her by the neck before quickly calming myself down and then speaking.

"Don't ever mention her again, she has nothing to do with our business, as far as she knows I help you in your old age and it better stay that way." sending a murderous glare at the now laughing woman in front of me I felt my anger rise again before she spoke.

"Don't get angry, I won't mention her anymore. Besides if you were to kill me then the only way you would be able to keep that current lifestyle up is if you were to sell your body and I doubt you want that right?." Looking back at me with her glare I couldn't do anything but give up this argument and hope she stays true to her word.

"I'll report back as soon as it's done." Saying this I left her house in a hurry before I exploded and went back home deciding to start checking the docks for their arrival starting tomorrow. Opening the door to my home my little sister rushed up to me and exclaimed in joy while hugging me.

"Yay! You didn't have to work today, now we can play." Patting the head of the over-excited child I adopted a serious tone to talk in.

"Just because I'm home early doesn't mean that you don't need to study." After saying this the joy left her eyes at a visible rate before she hung her head in disappointment.

"Don't be so sad, come let's go study together". Pulling her hand I guided her to the couch and sat the now beaming girl down on my lap before reaching for one of her picture books and starting to read it aloud.