
(41) new crimson lions captain and undersea mission…SHIT is that a dragon?!! part finale

Well folks here it is! The prelude before the fight with alucard's new lover,but sadly I could t decide on which dragon to have added in,luckily I chose the top five dragons I know.

So please just add a +1 to one of the 4 choices and we'll go from there.

1. Ophis (aged up to be milf-like and not be fbi bait)

2. Tiamat(dxd)

3.that one masochist dragon from arifureta(forgot her name)

4.lucoa aka Quetzalcoatl (dragon maid)

5. Leviathan (not sure if there is a leviathan in anime,but it is basically a water dragon.)

6.quetzalcoatl (fate grand order)(sorry someone suggested her,so I'm adding her the day after I post.)

I will await your choice for next week(unless something happens to say otherwise),now onto the chapter!


On raque beach the entirety of the black bulls were gathered near the entrance to the underwater temple,everyone was gathered around Noelle and alucard as alucard places his hand on her bare back,with only Venessa smirking at the blushing Noelle.

A few seconds pass and the see blood seep through alucard's palm and make a symbol reminiscent of an eye.

"Alright Noelle,I've used my magic to make a link to us both,so I don't have to keep my hand on you the whole way there." Alucard says to a blushing Noelle and removes his hand.

Venessa who saw the opportunity took it and walked over to the still blushing Noelle.

"Did his hand feel good Noelle?" Venessa asks her while snickering to herself,while waiting to see her face.

"Yeah…it was nice…wait!!!!" Noelle responds before realizing what she just said and her face looked like a tomato as she cups her hands on her face,shaking her head in denial on what she said.

Asta being asta went over and asked if she had a cramp,prompting a slap on his face knocking him out.

"Alright that's enough you brats!"

Yami who was waiting for everyone to settle down,got impatient and stomped his foot onto the sand,making a crater in the beach,prompting everyone to stop and look at their captain,well all except alucard who was looking at the ocean.

'I don't know why,but I think something bad is about to happen when we go inside the sea.' Alucard thinks to himself before noticing some killing intent coming from behind him,and finds yami about to grab his head.

"Oi,are you deaf?" Yami said as alucard begins to explain.

"Sorry yami I have a feeling something bad is going to happen during our mission,but I don't know why."I say to yami while yami is squeezing his head,but due to his training with Merleona he didn't feel much.

"Oh? Then that's good,they'll push past their limits big time." Yami says with a sinister smirk before letting go of alucard.

Messaging his head alucard gathered around his squad as Noelle begins her sea dragons lair.

(Alucard pov)

As the barrier was being made I remember that this would be the plot point that leads to asta's arms being hexed!!

Turning to yami who was lighting a cigarette tapped him on the shoulder,catching his attention.

"What,you want one?" Yami asks as he hands me a cigarette,making me chuckle at how dense my captain really was.

"No but I need you to promise me something,and it's with reason." I say to yami prompting yami to get serious,"what is it?" He asks as he saw the seriousness in my eyes.

"Well if what we are looking for is down there,then there will be a huge chance that the eye of the midnight sun you told me about will come knocking as well,so promise me you will stay on guard and don't hesitate to cut down their forces,swear on your homeland!"

Yami's eyes widened at my proclamation,he knew that if someone makes another swear upon their homeland,that means that they have to keep that promise,no matter what.

"Alright then alucard…I swear on the land of the sun that I'll keep that promise made between us ."

As he said that the barrier was fully made and we make our descent.

But little did they know that something was stalking them,but they were stalking one person in particular.

"I finally found you…my mate."


(??? POV)

It was another failed mating season,the quality of the magic in humans has really gone downhill.

I still remember the stories my father told me before his passing five hundred years ago,about two races that were beyond powerful in their own right.

The first ones were loved by the mana,but had more precise control of it than the second race,elves I believe they were called,they were a peaceful folk that loved each other like one big happy family.

But sadly,while I was asleep the elven race were massacred into extinction,the cause I don't know,but it was said to be a giant demon,but I never confirmed that.

Now the second race,that we're just as loved by mana,and they had way more power over it than the elves,vampires.

Now the vampire race were peaceful as well,and we're always helping the humans in secret by keeping the magic beasts population down,but due to fear the humans hunted them down to extinction by an unknown organization …iscariot I believe it was called.

(A/N: hey should I have the iscariot organization be allies with alucard this time?)

"Seriously why do humans ruin everything for us?!" I say to myself as I swim in my sea to calm myself down.

As I swim I look at the two rings that were given to me by my father,and his final words to me.

" when you find your mate,live your life happily,like I did with mine."

But as five hundred years have passed the quality of magic power within humanity had dwindled down,with few exceptions,sadly they were either old or they were women.

As I was about to go back I feel an ungodly amount of mana on the land near me,and it felt…vampiric in nature?

"That can't be right…I'll need to investigate."

So using transformation magic I enter my human form and swim to the shore.

And after a few minutes of wandering I managed to find the feeling,it was close.

Picking up the pace I half jogged to the general area the mana was and saw a group of, magic knights I believe they were called,and as I looked at each of them I lock my eyes on one in particular,a boy wearing a red trench coat and hair blacker than the night sky.

But before I could get closer I saw the silver haired female make a barrier and begin walking into the water to the temple in the seas.

But as I memorized his scent and mana,it made me realize,I found him.


Well here comes the fight between the dragon and alucard!

But I need to know,should I have alucard and the iscariot organization work together?

I had the idea that Anderson who will be head of the organization will meet alucard while out on a date with mimosa(Merleona give her blessing),and alucard tells him about the demon invasion,thus having them be Allies.

But I hope you all enjoy this chapter,it's very late and I need to be up early,so I'll see all you beautiful people later.


have a good night y’all!

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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