
(42) I meet a dragon…wait did she say mate?

Well folks I never was clear on who you wanted as the dragon wife,and believe me I was torn between Tiamat(fate),ophis(milf version and not fbi bait),and Quetzalcoatl(fate grand order).

So I decided to do Quetzalcoatl,but I want to know,should I have the other two be in this world as well and make the dragons a near extinct race due to the devils leaving only three in existence?

But enough chatter,let's begin the chapter!


"Wooow,those fish look yummy❤️!!"

"I wonder if can fight a shark!!"

"So pretty."


As we got deeper into the sea everyone aside from Noelle were mesmerized at the sea life,but for different reasons.

Yami who was looking at everyone was chuckling to himself,he didn't think they would be so impressed by the ocean,but even so he understood why.

Alucard who was next to yami couldn't help but ponder how he could be so calm despite knowing that if Noelle loses control they all will die except alucard,who had several thousand sould within him.

(A/N: during his trainingwith Merleona,he's fought everything from bandits to wild animals.even a few spade kingdom mages)

"Hey yami,how can you be so calm?"

"I grew up fishing so the sea feels like home to me even as I grew older." He says before a shout from magna caught the attention of both alucard and yami.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!!" He yells pointing in front of us and as everyone looks where magna was pointing they all froze.

Everyone sees a giant serpent like head with teeth that looked not only razor sharp but reached up you yami's stomach.

It had a combination of scales and feathers and it had deep emerald green eyes,its body the size of a giant warship from alucard's past life,its scales deep vibrant shades of red and green,while the feathers were almost a golden yellow and orange.

It wings span was about half a kilometer in diameter,folded into its back.

Before any of us could react we all hear its voice,a deep but feminine voice that was unmistakable.

"You vampire in the red trenchcoat,fight me!!"

As it said that everyone turned their attention to me,as they all were wondering the same thing,'how the hell did he piss off a mythical creature?!!'.


(Alucard pov)

As everyone gathers around yami I walk forward,"sorry Miss dragon,but we're on a mission,and even if I could fight you,my team needs to at least be away from us." I reason,hoping the dragons of this world are not arrogant and will listen to reason.

A few seconds pass as I hear what sounds like someone snapping their fingers behind me,and turning around I see yami and everyone getting sucked into a purple votex and disappear in front of my eyes.

"Don't worry,I used a draconic version of your human spatial magic,and sent them to where I assumed you were going,now then…follow me." The dragoness said lowering her back to me and after some mental gymnastics,I get on its back and it swims downward.

"Just a question miss dragon,but who are you,and why did you seek me out for a fight?"

The dragon telepathically chuckled before speaking about why.

"I want to see if you are worthy,and considering you are the last of the vampire race,I wanted to fight you as it's a draconic ritual between the strong." She explains making me wonder if I somehow have something,or someone writing out my fate.

"My name is Quetzalcoatl by the way,and what is your name,oh hold on we're here." She says as we descend into a different underwater temple,this one devoid of people,and near it looked like a skeleton of a dragon buried under the sand.

As I got closer to the temple itself it looked…familiar,and like a hammer it hit me!

'Oh my god,this looks like the temple from fate grand order,but that can't be right,only one way to confirm.'

"Hey Quetzalcoatl,you wouldn't happen to have a giant golden axe and a club with razor sharp stones attached to it do you?" I ask praying to every diety i could think of.

"Yes,they are my weapons I can summon at will,why do you ask?" I hear her say but,where was she?

"Behind you." I hear her say and I turn around fast,and I had to do a double take.

Quetzalcoatl was in human form,she looked exactly like I remember,down to the emerald piercing below her lips,with a face that would make finral pull a sanji on fishman island.

"What's wrong,are you enamored by my looks?" She says as she summons her club,even that looked the same.

"Now then,what is your name?" She asked me as I try to figure out how to fight against something I was sure can solo the entire world.

"My name is alucard tepes"m,so do I fight you now?" I ask,making her smile happily.

"Of course!! Now…let's see if you're the perfect mate!!" She says as she swings her warclub,as I norrowly dodge her attack

'Wait did she say mate?!!' I think to myself as I frantically summon lion heart and using its blade to clash with Quetzalcoatl's club.

"Amazing!!! Every other person I've faced always die during the first attack,now let's kick it up a notch!!" She says as her club disappears and she gets behind me and performs a duplex,causing a crater to form on the ground.

"Oh my,did I use too much power? I hope he's still alive,otherwise this will be disappointING?!" She says before she gets lifted off the ground herself.

"Holy crap that was close!! I'm glad I've got extra lives,now then…i'm ending this!!" I say to her as I jump with all my might,taking us hundreds of meters in the air,sea? I never figured out what surrounds the temple,but it seems gravity is the same as it is on the surface as we begin our descent.

As we are falling,I turn us upside down and I use the momentum to make us both spin rapidly as I shout out a move from a great fighter from my memory.



If anybody was observing us from outside the temple they would see sand being thrown into the air fifty meters high.

As the dust settles a figure was shown still standing while the other was laying on the ground eyes open in shock.

"I win this fight Quetzalcoatl!!" I say as I look at the shocked Quetzalcoatl,before I hear her giggle,"yes looks like you did…now to give you your reward…my mate." She says with a smile showing shark teeth instead of her usual smile.

"Oh I do not li-"


Before I could finish my sentence,I find Quetzalcoatl's clawed hand piercing my body,destroying my heart,and I fall onto the ground,as I try hard not to bleed out.

laying on the ground hoping she'd leave thinking she won I see her pierce her own chest pulling out a heart,as another one grew in its place leaving her with no wound.

I watch as she comes closer and places the heart into my body and uses magic to heal my would with her heart inside.

Before I could ask what was happening I feel my body heat up to a painful degree,and the pain was only rising,as if I was bathing in actual magma.

"Holy fuck this hurts!!" I yell as I see her…cheering? I couldn't tell because the pain was drowning out my sense of hearing.

But I could feel my bones shattering and repairing itself in rapid succession,my muscles tear and explode before repairing.

Once,twice,five times? I lost count as I feel myself about to black out,hoping that my magic will make me feel…better?

As I was about to black out I feel the pain subside,the burning feeling dissipate,with only my muscles spasm all over the place.

I try to get up,but my entire is shaking,I felt like a newborn fawn,defenseless.

But before I can process what happened I hear clapping,and see Quetzalcoatl smiling happily as if she won the lottery.

"It was a success!!" I hear her say before she looks at me with a smile,and I'm guessing from my face she figured I was going to ask what happened.

"Well alucard,after you beat me,you became my mate as I became yours,but that was the first half of the ritual,you had to survive a dragon part being transplanted into you,so I chose a dragon heart as your new organ!" She says happily as she hugs me,making me blush and wonder how I'm going to explain this to Merleona.

But curious about how my body reacted to this new heart I took off my shirt and saw…a muscular torso that looked like it was chiseled from marble itself.

But the biggest shock came as I looked into my pants and saw…holy shit.

"Oh it seems your body made changes to compensate for your new power,id say your now 25 percent dragon now." I hear Quetzalcoatl say as she eyes my not so little soldier.

But before I could ask questions I sense Noelle and the others were in trouble.

How did I know,well it seems my eyesight got upgraded to the point I can see vetto breaking asta's arms!

"Crap,listen Quetzalcoatl!! My team's in trouble,so I have to go!" I say as she grabs my arm,"I'm coming to,I want to see my mate's new power in person!" She says as she makes a portal to where they were.

As I see my team all on the ground as they expended their mana,I look at vetto who had a third eye on his forehead,realizing I made it to the climax of the fight,I prepare for battle.


So I chose to make the draconic mating ritual to be a fight and if the challenger or the challenges won,they face a trail where they get a dragon part transplanted into them,and if they survive (which Quetzalcoatl will explain the ritual have a 98% mortality rate),they are now a married couple(mates)

But should I give alucard new abilities ow that he's part dragon? I want to say a massive increase in quality and quantity of his mana,but i feel like that should be given regardless.

So what should I add instead? Access to draconic magic,or something different.

But questions aside I hope you enjoy this chapter, caught my dad's cold and my mind is a mess,but I love you all for your loving support and I hope you do well,peace😁✌️

enjoy your day,and wash your hands so you don’t catch a cold like me.

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