
(40) new crimson lions captain and undersea mission…SHIT is that a dragon?!! part 2

Hey guys sorry for cutting the promised lemons short,but I don't have enough references to make it last three chapters,but I hope you can forgive me for this.


(Alucard and Merleona's cabin,3 days later)

It was an early morning and the birds were chirping,and at a cabin by the lake the smell of bacon and eggs was wafting through the air,and in the bedroom a sleeping woman was wrapped in covers,while the man was awakened to the smell of breakfast.

"Ugh! My back!" Was heard from alucard,who was in a world of pain from the past three nights.

'I thought she'd get tired on the first day,but what the hell kind of stamina does Merleona have?!' Alucard thought to himself as he remembered what she did.

She made him do

bondage,roleplay,even having his dick inside her as they slept,and while he liked a woman who knows how to take the lead,she went full femdom on me.

I got dressed in a pair of silk underwear,black pants,a black shirt with the usual crimson tie,with the trench coat and glasses,and walked out the door.

"Ah,morning master alucard,please take a seat,I've got breakfast ready." Eliza said while piling food onto plates.

"Morning Eliza *yawn* did anything happen while I was asleep?" I ask the live in maid,as I poured some fruit juice into a glass.

"As a matter of fact your captain came by and said they will be ready to go at noon,I took the liberty to make you and Merleona some swimsuits." Eliza said as she handed me a map showing the location they are going to.

"Thank you for the swimsuit,but I'm pretty sure Merleona has to go to the crimson lions today." I say as she places some toasted bread onto the plate.

"I know,but that doesn't mean she won't take you to the beach,now does it?" Eliza says with a wink.

Not long after I poured some hand squeezed juice did I hear a stir in the bedroom,Merleona still half asleep walked out in her underwear and sat down next to me and began to eat.

"Morning master Merleona,I took the liberty to make you and master alucard swimsuits." Eliza says as she places bacon on her plate.

"Oh right…your mission is today? Well just stay safe,and don't seduce anybody else,okay?" Merleona says before digging in to her breakfast.

"Cmon Merleona,what do you expect me to do,seduce and marry a dragon on my mission?" I jokingly say as Eliza just giggles at what I say.

(A/N : oh alucard,if only you knew what i have planned for you)

As I finish my breakfast I walk back into our bedroom with Eliza in tow,preparing to dress me.

"You know you don't have to dress me Eliza." I say as I put on my dress shirt.

"I know but you should be warned,dragons do exist and they can be…unpredictable and very clingy,so try to stay away." Eliza says as she straightens my tie,"alright you are ready to go,here are the Coordinates to the raque beach." She says handing me a map with the place marked down with a pen.

After memorizing the coordinates I hand the map back to Eliza and pull out cassul.


Using my gun to make spatial magic I open a portal and find…yami taking a dump.

"You're dead." I hear him threateningly say before I ask him something,"hey do you need some toilet paper?" I ask as I remember yami takes a while on the toilet,making me think he needs a whole roll per dump.

"Actually…yeah if you could be so kind,also make another portal with the same coordinates,but about twenty yards to your right,the brats qi is near there." He says before I hand him a roll,and he nods in appreciation.

After shooting the portal shattering it I follow yami's instruction and make a new portal,as I see asta running along the beach,using the terrain as training,making me chuckle.

"Oh asta,never change man…never change." I say as I walk through the portal catching the attention of Venessa.

"Oh hey alucard sweetie! Would you be a dear and get some sun lotion on my back?" She says holding a bottle of sun lotion while I look at her swimsuit.

"Uh Venessa…why are you wearing only strings?" I say as I grab the lotion.

"Oh don't worry kiddo, I'm wearing this just to tease you and asta,see everyone else isn't interested."she says pointing to luck and magna,who were locked in to their fight to notice me,gouache was too busy making a sculpture of his sister,his nose bleeding.

I look over and see finral try,and fail to flirt with the women on the beach,while I also notice a bunch of women looking at me while blushing.

"Fair enough,but where's Noelle?" I ask as I rub lotion on Venessa's back and legs,as I hear her give a slight moan in satisfaction.

"Glad you could make it kid,and to answer your question,Noelle's over there trying to extend the timespan of her seas dragons lair to last 30 minutes,since it will take us at least 30 minutes to get to the underwater temple."

Yami who was finished taking a dump walked over to me and pointed to Noelle in a yellow bakini,which looked good on her pale skin.

"Do you mind lending her a hand alucard? She seems to do better when you're with her." He says before a stray lightning bolt and fireball nearly hit him,and I could practically feel his bloodlust taking the form of an oni as he runs towards luck and magna.

So taking his advice I go over to a separate part of the beach as I see Noelle struggling to keep her magic up.

And a minute later I see her water barrier dissipate and I see her panting,"damn it,only 22 minutes." I hear her say between gasps.

"Her Noelle,how's your training?" I ask which makes the royal yelp,"alucard?! When did you get here?!" She says pointing at me like how the tsundere she was.

"Captain yami asked me to help you out,so I figured I'd help you make a good barrier,so what's the problem?" I ask as she starts squirming.

'Dammit why did alucard have to show up now of all times?!',noelle who was having her chibi self panic,was taking a few breaths before she began speaking.

"Well it's around the 22 minute mark when I ran out of mana,so I'm trying to do the exercises you gave me years ago,but it's not improving as much as I like." She says while blushing in embarrassment for what she said to her teacher.

I chuckle at my student's demeanor before I get a little serious.

"Okay then how about we try this in the water and see how you fare then? I'll observe to make sure you aren't hurt."

Noelle hearing this nods her head and does as instructed,walking into the gently waving water and starting her seas dragons lair again.

And after the 24 minute mark did her spell come undone,and she's panting again.

Realizing she was having trouble focusing,her mana was also running out due to continuous usage of the spell.

"Well Noelle,looks like we're going to do this,you focus on the spell,I'll help supply you with my mana to keep you going,but I'll need to touch your back,got it?" I say as she registers what I said.

Nodding with a small blush,we soon gather everyone and we begin our mission.


Hope you all enjoy this chapter,im planning on doing the final pet to this chapter arc before commencing the fight between tiamat and alucard,but thank you all for enjoying my series,it means a lot to me.

So stay safe,and keep on trucking,peace😁✌️

have a good day.

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