
chapter 23: a test of strength, and a bond blossoms

Author's comment: sorry folks for the delay in chapter,im trying to spend more time with my family so I played games with them.


-black bulls base,night time-

In the forest of the black bulls base a portal opened up as Arata, Yami and asta walked out.

"Damn kid,still I can't believe you learnt special magic." The captain says to Arata at which he responded with a nod.

"Captain yami! Where were you? I was going to portal you to the arena while I flir-" finral said before he was interrupted by yami," well good news Arata can comprehend special magic,so you get more freedom."

Finral upon hearing this looked at Arata in shock,"have I been replaced?!" He thought inwardly while Arata gathered the rest of the team,with Noelle sticking close to him.

"Everyone this is asta,he has no magic power,but he has a power possibly more powerful,the power of anti-magic" arata says to the black bulls who looked at the new recruit.

Yami who was listening to Arata spoke up,"well Arata considering asta was your recommendation,would you give him his initiation trial,because I'm gonna take a dump." Yami says before going to the bathroom.

Arata who nodded at Yami's request spoke," okay so asta I wish for you to spar with luck,since I'm pretty sure you need training against fast opponents,do you mind luck?"

"HELL YEAH!!!" Luck responded with his happy go lucky smile,at which Arata carried on," okay then asta I need to to try to follow luck's movements while he tries to attack you,follow everything he does,got it?"

Upon hearing Arata's request Asta smiled,"bring it!" At which Arata led the two to an open area of the forest.

" you both have ten minutes,begin!!"

As soon as Arata said begin luck went to work.

[thunder magic: boots and gloves of the thunder god]

and soon luck's hands and feet were covered in lightning and started bouncing off the trees. Asta while equipped with his demon destroyer sword was struggling to keep up,Arata who saw this sighed and spoke to asta.

"Asta,don't only rely on your eyes,feel everything around you,feel your opponents glance,his breath,his tensing of muscles,feel everything that luck gives off,and if you can do that…you can no longer be blind sided by fast attacks."

Asta hearing what was said closed his eyes and his breathing goes steady,and that was when he did something unexpected.

-Asta pov-

'So I need to not focus with my eyes and try to feel everything? It's confusing but let's try and do it'

Asta who was struggling to follow heard his fellow squad mate's advice on how to wield his sword decided to heed the advice and focused only on his breathing.

Asta while breathing thought to himself,'I wonder if Arata was taught by someone like fanzell.' And that was when it happened.

Even though his eyes were closed tightly,he somehow saw everything,luck was in front of him,but it got freakier.

Luck's skeleton and his organs were showing and he could see even the trajectory of his lightning,'WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!!!' Asta,freaked out upon seeing lucks organs and skeleton in front of him and everything is slowed down to a crawl.

Asta who was confused by this development suddenly had a realization,'what if this is what Arata meant by seeing the unseen!' At which Asta readied his blade for a strike.


Everyone watching saw asta's sword swing at luck's body creating a shockwave.

'What did we just see?!' Was in everyone's thoughts except Arata who just smiled knowing asta figured it out.

Luck who was hit wasn't moving,and his eyes were blank,"he was hit unconscious." Arata says to his squad mates who sighed in relief.

Yami who saw what just happened was shocked,and Asta who was surprised by this newly acquired technique run up to Arata with a huge sparkle in his eyes,"Arata! What was that?!", Arata who understood asta's question and yami's glance responded after some thought,"well asta what you just used was an evolved technique called the transparent world,it makes everything around you slow down to a crawl,and even lets you find weak spots in you opposition,it will be perfected afte we learn to feel qi but for now this is the best I can do for you."

Asta hearing he learnt a new and unknown technique was extremely happy," this is awesome!!" And Arata gave asta a fist bump,signifying the friendship blossoming between the two.

so yeah Arata is using his past life to teach useful techniques to his squad mates.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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