
chapter 24: sparring,moral corruption,and mission part 1/4

-black bulls base,morning-

"AAAAAAAAHHH!!! 9995!9996!9997!9998!9999!10000!!!" Asta screamed doing his morning exercises that has long become a ritual for himself,all to become the wizard king.

Watching from the background was Arata who was deep in thought,'soon asta and Noelle are gonna go on their first mission and encounter the eye of the midnight sun,so I need to teach asta about when and why he needs to kill', Arata who knew about asta's good streak knows that he would spare everyone for they can become good people,but there were a bunch who didn't heed him.'maybe…I should give him a moral push.'

" Hey asta! Mind sparring with me,I got a new gun transformation that has a blade function I want to try out!" Asta who heard Arata turned with a small smile," morning Arata,sure I won't mind!" At which he pulls out his demon destroyer sword from his grimoire.

Arata does the same.

[bloodsoul transformation magic: lionheart[


As Arata's gun finished transforming,asta was in awe of its form,"so coool!!! So it still has a gun function?! What do they do?!" Asta asks Arata with a sparkling to his eyes.

"This gun and blade hybrid weapon is called lionheart,and when I pull the trigger I can produce elemental blade beam attacks." At which Arata demonstrates by slashing a beam of lightning at a tree splitting it into splinters.

"Uhh… you arent gonna use that on me right?" Asta who just witnessed the attack was apprehensive about sparring with Arata,at which Arata responds," you're friend yuno has an attack similar to the attack I just used,so I'm going to use this spar to help you deal with those attacks,and besides you have transparent world,so you're going to be fine."

Asta now assured that this will be safe for him now readied his sword,at which Noelle walks out the base," hey Arata mind if I observe?" She asks the now ready Arata,who nods in response.

"WILL YOU STOP DESTROYING OUR YARD!!! I CANT EVEN TAKE A DUMP WITHOUT HEARING AN EXPLOSION!!!" Was Heard by the trio who saw yami looking out the window with veins sticking out his face.

Arata who knew yami's temper responds," sorry captain,we'll move this match to another area and train by there!" Yami upon hearing the apology just grunts and closes the window.

Magna who was followed by Gordon walked out to see the commotion and sees what was about to be a sparring match," so you guys want to find a place to spar? Then I know just the place!" At which magna pulls out his broom.

"Crazy cyclone!!" Magna yells with asta staring at the broom in awe," asta since you can't use a broom you're riding with me,Arata you take Noelle and Gordon can come along he might have some interesting ideas for you."

Arata now knowing he'll have to carry three people pulled out his grimoire.

[bloodsoul summoning magic: bloodborne raven]

Soon a summoning circle appeared at a gian bird came out,with feathers blacker than night,Noelle and Gordon were surprised by this new spell.

Arata got on and prompted the other two," don't worry it can hold all of us with ease,so hop on!" At which Arata hold out his hand for Noelle,who takes it with a small blush.

Arata now having Noelle and Gordon on as well followed magna deepe into the forest.


Authors explanation: now I do know that alucard has chants but I wanted to make the chants in the series realease the full power of his spells,and also I chose lionheart from final fantasy 8 as Arata's final gun.

Hope this series i good for you all,and many thanks for those who supported me in making this series.

hope you all enjoy.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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