
chapter 13: lakeside cabin trip,swimming and a nun(oh my) part 4/4

" well everyone please enjoy the waters there is a small changing area separated by gender,just remember don't go too far in,Miss Theresa could I trouble you to supervise the waters while I train Miss noelle?" Arata who was leading the kids to the changing area turns to ask the nun to supervise on his behalf while the children are changing.

"It won't be a problem,I'll make sure they won't go off too far,I got the black bulls squad as help too,so go help Noelle."

Upon hearing about Arata being separated from the others,an unlikely trio of nebra,luck and mimosa all shouted in protest.

"Hold on Arata! My little sister's training can wait a bit can't it?"(nebra)

"Arata at least enjoy yourself while you have time!"(mimosa)

"A secret training area?! Cool! I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go!!"(luck)

Upon hearing them trying to convince him to relax,the youth in question sighed before making a compromise.

"Okay I still need to train her before we have fun so how about you three come along as support?"

"Hell yeah!"(luck)

"Consider it done."(nebra)


Hearing them agree Arata gestured for them to follow him and he leads them to the waterfall area before handing each of them with a slip of paper showing a strange rune like symbol.

"What you see on this piece of paper is a special lock I made to keep my written journals and secret garden hidden,it also doubles as training,for you have to use your magic and manipulate it to form the symbol you see,observe."

After he explained the symbol the four individuals he placed his hand over the rock near the waterfall,and a crimson liquid poured out of his palms as he expertly manipulated the substance to form the symbol,unlocking and showing the secret room.

"Hold on Arata! Was that blood?!",noelle shouted shocked beyond belief while nebra forcefully took Arata's hand and inspected it for wounds only to find none,luck was laughing at the shocking sight "wow Arata! You really are surprising!"luck said through fits of laughter.

Arata in understanding explained the spectacle to the four people,"okay so what I was using was blood magic,blood has little cells that heal wounds on the body,I trained my blood magic to be used to heal people or enter another persons bloodstream to restrain them."

Upon hearing the explanation and the use of his creepy magic nebra and the two other royals sighed in relief,even Nero chirped with relief.

"Wow I didn't know our blood could heal wounds,and the fact you use this magic to heal people is quite impressive." Mimosa said in awe of the boy whom is the same age as her.

As they are about to enter they hear screams in the direction of the kids.

"Help! Bandits!!" A frightened Marie says while running to Arata.

"Explain Marie,what happened", Marie started to explain how bandits got the drop on the magic knights and restrained them,upon hearing that miss theresa got hurt trying to protect the kids arata's eyes started to blaze with an indescribable fury.

"…nebra,Noelle,mimosa… protect Marie and hide,im going to go for a walk with luck here,are you ready luck?" Arata says to the group making the girls blush,luck on the other hand was excited,"hell yeah I am!!" He says while Arata uses blood magic to create a trench coat,hat,and glasses,with his guns in hand," then let us both go for a walk!"


(A/n : shits about to go wild,but I want you guys to read the authors thoughts and give me answers on how to develop the four heroines this chapter and who will make the first romantically motivated move on Arata.

I have to say making this series is fun,now how do you want the four heroines to develop(nebra,Noelle,mimosa and Marie)? and who shall make a move first,find out on the next episode of black clover Z!!

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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