
chapter 14:bloody massacre and Noelle’s watery breakthrough part 1/2

Just as luck and I were about to leave we head Noelle speak her mind,"wait Arata!please,at least let me go with you!!",

Hearing Noelle wishing to help even with her mana control problem,Arata couldn't help but admire her resolve,"Noelle…",Arata was about to say but as he glanced at Noelle he saw her eyes were ablaze,he couldn't help but hesitate.

"…okay Noelle,I'll take you,Luck I'm entrusting you to protect Marie and mimosa with nebra,we are going to make those bandits pay!"

"What! But I don't wan-!"

"Do it and I'll give you a one hour long sparring session."


After finishing the negotiation with luck I nodded towards nebra,"nebra please provide assistance to luck while we are gone…I'm trusting you.",upon hearing Arata's request nebra couldn't help but nod at the young boy…no this young man.

(A/N: Nebra's view of Arata is that of a knight in armor like in a romance novel she(in this series) like to read while resting)

"Noelle,I'm telling you now but you are gonna see a lot of blood,are you sure you still wish to come?"

Upon hearing Arata speak of what may come in the future Noelle hesitated,but wanting to stop feeling sorry for herself,she made her decision.

"I'm not going to let you fight them alone!", the young royal says while pushing her hair behind her.

Arata couldn't believe it,in the anime and manga he read in his past life she was never this brave,'I wonder if my sudden existence made a change in her personality'

"…let's go,we got a lot of bandits to Eviscerate."

—————————————————————lakeside cabin—

'Dammit! I can't believe I let these bandits get the drop on us!' Fuegoleon says inwardly as he stays frozen on the ground due to the bandit leaders smoke magic,glancing at all the unconscious children.

"Zeehahahahaha!!!",the leader cackled in glee seeing the unconscious children before him,"man I can't believe that we defeated all these magic knights so damn easily!!! So much for the so called elite mages!!!",the bald scar covered man shouted in arrogance and glee.

'Now that we have these kids we're rich! We can sell half of them to the diamond kingdom for experimenting! But we cam also sell the other half to those white robed people who gave us a deal!!!' The leader says inwardly as a huge cocky smile on his face.

"Hey Kaiser!! I just got in contact with those robe wearing freaks just now ! They want the whole stock!!" A skinny man walked up to the boss smiling ," they plan to give us a fuckton of yul!!"

"Excellent news gendo,soon we're gonna be ri-"


A booming sound spread throughout the area startling the birds in the area,as Gendo's head exploded before Kaiser's eyes,spraying skull and brainmatter everywhere.

"GENDO!!!" A lackey screamed before his head exploded. Panic setting in Kaiser shouted orders

"Men gather! We need to work togethe-"

*Bang* x 10

Ten bangs were heard before eight more of Kaiser's men exploded into brainy chunks

"Grrrrr!! COWARD!! WHO ARE YOU?! SHOW YOURSELF BEFORE I KILL THESE KIDS!!!", Kaiser screeched before using his grimoire to make solid Smokey swords appear above the unconscious children.

[smoke creation magic: blades of the ashened angels]


The whole forest became eerily quiet and cold,Kaiser couldn't make sense of what is happening due to his rage,then he heard a teens voice.

(Quick question,should I make thirteen be considered a teen age for this series,im doing it because Arata is thirteen right now)

"Upon the blood-soaked hand,where darkness lands, the ravens eye shows the devils brand!!!", Kaiser turned towards the voice and sees a black haired child,whose eyes shown an unholy crimson which pierced the man's very psyche.

"I release!!! Restraint.level.six.", as soon as the boy stopped speaking a five pointed star appears below the last surviving bandit,and as it formed the bandit leader screeched like a banshee,his eyes,nose and mouth bleeding deep black blood.

[bloodsoul illusion magic : Hells nightmarish embrace]


Author's explanation: so for Arata he shall have 21 levels of restraint in his magic,with restraint level zero being the final spell(unless you wish me to take some off that is)

Now the first 5 spells are body transformation/ summoning spells(I've decided to give Arata Cerberus as a summoning spell,so the rest I'll come up with in due time)

Spells 6-12 are punishing restraint spells based on the 7 layers of hell,and you can guess what spell six does.

Spell 13-18 are gun based spells (I've yet to decide on what the names of spells 6-18 will be,need suggestions)

And finally the last 3 spells 19,20,and 21 will be healing spells which target the soul,the body,or replace a persons blood is they suffered blood loss

Spell 19 is named bloodsoul sanctuary

Spell 20 is named blood of sacrifice (he needs to sacrifice a soul for another person for them to heal their body)

And spell 21 is named crimson regen

Please let me know if I need to take some out.

hope this fight scene lives up to your expectations.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts
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