
Chapter 92: Leyan and Yongyi

Luckily, Xiaoyun guess it right as he joined the other three in the shower.

After taking a much longer shower than intended, the four finally went out of the restroom.

The four laid down on Leyan's bed as they are too tired to go back to their room.

"Um, you guys is about to give birth right?" Xiaoyun suddenly asked as the three cuddled on Xiaoyun.

"Yeah, within a week or so... that why I had mom stay with us." Yuqi replied.

"Do you guys want to just stay in the hospital? Just in case something goes wrong? I can work in the office myself." Xiaoyun suggested.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." The three of them all agreed with Yuqi.


Two day had went pass without any trouble until today.

Right in the middle of the night, Leyan suddenly woke up and felt a uncomfortable cramp and as well as a wet liquid discharge at her entrance.

Xiaoyun woke up by Leyan's movement and realized what Leyan was having sign of.

Xiaoyun immediately carried Leyan into a car he borrowed from rescue team and drive her to the hospital.

After Leyan explained her situation, the nurses put Leyan into a room as several night shift doctor went inside.

As Xiaoyun waited outside the door, the four finally arrived at the hospital.

"What happening to mom?" Yuqi asked.

"Her water might of broke, I'm not sure. But she's under examination right now."

A nurse finally came out of the emergency room.

"Mrs.Leyan is going through labor right now, who's her relative?" A nurse came out asked.

"I'm her husband." Xiaoyun stepped up.

"Oh right um, Mr.Mayor you can follow me." Xiaoyun followed the nurse inside as the nurse handed him a sheet to cover himself.


Just as the sun was about to rise, Leyan was able to smoothly given birth to an healthy boy.

Leyan was transported back to a normal room alongside the baby.

"Oh my god, the baby is so cute!" All four of them moved over to see the baby.

"Mom c-can I hold it?" Yuqi asked.

"Sure, just be careful with it okay?" Leyan handed the baby to Yuqi.

"He look just like you! The nose and the eyes and everything." Yuqi gently boop the baby's nose.

"Hey it's my turn!" Yueyue protested.

"Fine fine." Yuqi handed the baby to Yueyue.

"Aww, I hope mine is just as cute as this." Yueyue gently patted its head.

"Me me!" Nami pleaded.

"Mom can Nami hold it?" Yueyue asked before giving it to her.

"Its fine, Nami won't hurt it." Leyan agreed to it.

Yueyue carefully gave it to Nami to hold it.

Lily moved closer to Nami to see the baby.

"Wow, the baby really do look like Xiaoyun." As Nami said it, Lily nodded in agreement.

"Am I the only one who don't see any resemblance? How can someone tell that already when the baby still look like um... I don't know how to describe it." Xiaoyun ran out of words.

"Whatever, you wouldn't understand." Nami handed the baby back to Leyan.

"You guys can go back home and sleep. I can stay here." Xiaoyun sent all of them out of the room.

"You don't have to stay here." Leyan suggested.

"Nah, I want to stay here with you." Xiaoyun sat down on the chair next to the bed.

"You remember the name we gave him?"

"Wasn't it Yongyi for boy and Jingxiu for girl?" Xiaoyun replied.

"Yeah... I guess he is named Yongyi then." Leyan patted on the baby's head.

Th two fell into silent until Xiaoyun suddenly brought something up.

"Is it just me or is the baby a little bit quiet?"

"He did cry earlier when the doctor held him. H's still breathing perfectly fine and everything... Maybe its a good child unlike the other three."

"Oh right those three... I still remember how much they cried at night and everything. That was such a nightmare." Xiaoyun thought back to Songming's memory.

"Hey honey... I think I'm just going to be a full time mom now." Leyan suddenly suggested.

"Wait what? Why? You don't want to go back to your nurse job or anything?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Nah, I think I'm good. Maybe when Yongyi can go to kindergarten I might go back to being a nurse... Beside, Qiqi and Yueyue's child going to need a mother to take care of them. You know those two aren't going to be stay at home moms."

"Well you aren't wrong... how about I stay at home with you?"

"No, you still have the town to take care of. You can't spend too much time with me. I-I don't want to be a selfish women."

"Thank you babe... I can never repay you back for what you had done for me." Xiaoyun hugged Leyan.

"Remember what we said? No more saying thank you. Don't make it like we own it to each other. I'm doing this on my free will okay?" Leyan patted Xiaoyun in the head.

"You're right." As Xiaoyun looked at the baby, he felt something clicked inside of him.

The baby suddenly smiled toward Xiaoyun as they stared at each other.

"Hey little buddy. You know what's one plus one?" Xiaoyun suddenly asked.

"What you doing? How can Yongyi know what you are talking about?" Leyan looked confused at Xiaoyun.

"If it is two, don't smile." As soon as Xiaoyun said it, the smile on the baby disappeared.

"What?" Leyan looked confused at the baby.

"If you think one plus two is three, smile." Xiaoyun tested it again.

Yongyi smiled as the two both looked in shock.

"Wait third time the charm, babe you do it." Xiaoyun turned the babe around to look at Leyan.

"Two plus two is four, don't smile if you think is true." Leyan spoke out.

The baby kept smiling.

"Yeah just a pure coincident, anyway you can go home now. I really mean it. You still have work tomorrow." Leyan put the baby back down to her arms.

"Fine fine." Xiaoyun turned around one more time to look at the two, then left the room.

Xiaoyun walked to the front desk as a nurse stood there.

"Can I ask you for something?" Xiaoyun asked the nurse.

"Of course Mr.Mayor, what question do you have?" The nurse asked.

"I want you to pay extra attention to Leyan okay? If she needs anything, just give it to her. And if anything goes wrong, just call me." Xiaoyun gave her his phone number.

"Okay no problem, that is our job." The nurse took the phone number and pinned it to the desk.

Xiaoyun left the hospital and went home to sleep as the sun is already up in the sky.


When Xiaoyun woke up, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Xiaoyun made some food for himself and went to the office.

"Welcome back, how's mom?" Yuqi asked.

"She's fine. She's resting at the hospital right now." Xiaoyun sat down on his seat and started working.

As the clock slowly reaches the afternoon, all the workload that had been stacking up over a month was finally finished.

"Qiqi, you need to start giving some of the decision to the workers. If you keep managing all these you are going to break yourself over it." Xiaoyun suggested.

"But but... maybe you are right. I should rely on them more to make their own decisions and let them send a summarize reports... but I feel like there might be rampant corruption if I let it go." Yuqi still refused to budge.

"Yueyue help me convince her." Xiaoyun asked for support.

"Sis, Xiaoyun is right. As more people move into the town, sooner or later there will be a point where you can't manage all these yourself. It's time to drop the small things and focus on the bigger picture." Yueyue spoke up.

"You right I guess... I should let other deal with this." Yuqi folded.

"Anyway, let's go home now." Nami looked at the clock and noticed it is time to go.

"You guys can go home first. I'll finish all these." Xiaoyun stay back as they all went to go home.

As the sun slowly began to set, Xiaoyun was finally with the work.

Xiaoyun suddenly had a idea, so Xiaoyun stay even later to write out a new plan for the entire administrative division.

When Xiaoyun finished writing, it was already seven o'clock.

Xiaoyun left the office and went to the hospital first to visit Leyan.

After finish checking up on her, Xiaoyun drove back home with the car he left last night.

"Welcome back! What took you so long?" Yuqi opened the door and asked.

"Wrote a plan to lessen your workload. Tomorrow its going to be implemented, and no argument on it. It's for not just for your sake." Xiaoyun added the last part as Yuqi seem to want to argue back.

"Whatever, your the mayor anyway." Yuqi gave up trying to argue back.

Originally, this chapter had childbirth, like the whole process planned. I had to do a lot of research for this. (Thanks for ruining my search history)

In the end, I scrapped it. I thought to myself, bro why am I wasting time researching this? WHICH READER WILL HAVE THE RIGHT MIND TO READ THIS? So yeah, I spent some time to rewrite this chapter to be as simple as possible.

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