
Chapter 93: Yuqi and Lianrong

The next day, just as the two had fall asleep and Xiaoyun was about to fall asleep, the exact same thing happened.

Yuqi was having the exact same thing as Leyan, but this time it was much more severe for Yuqi as she can barely move at all.

Xiaoyun had to carry her all the way to the car, then drove to the hospital and carry her all the way to the emergency room.

But unlike Leyan, Yuqi was having trouble as more times passes and the baby wasn't coming out.

"Mr.Mayor... I-I need to ask this before I check if we need to have an emergency C-section, do you want the mother or the baby?" The doctor informed Xiaoyun.

"The mother of course! What kind of question is this?" Xiaoyun looked confused at the doctor.

The two went back inside the emergency room as the nurse continue to assist Yuqi trying to give birth naturally.


As the sun was already rising from the horizon, Yuqi was finally able to overcome the challenge as she gave birth naturally in the end.

It was a healthy girl as Yuqi held it in her arms.

"I'm never giving birth again. That was the worst experience I ever had."

Yuqi warned Xiaoyun as her bed got transported next to Leyan.

"M-mom how do you act like its nothing? This hurt so much! I can't imagine giving birth to three of us." Yuqi complained to Leyan.

"I don't know. It's different for everyone. For me it was perfectly smooth." Leyan shrug her shoulder.

"Anyway stop scaring Yueyue, she all afraid now." Leyan noticed Yueyue shaking as she listen to the two talking.

"I-I'm fine. I-I think Yuqi had issue because her b-body shape is a lot s-skinnier than both of us." Yueyue stuttered as she responded back.

"Hey! That's not my fault! Its a shame I only inherited mom's top part... mom's is so lucky to have a perfect body." Yuqi jealously stared at Leyan.

"You're fine darling. I love you all either way." Xiaoyun tried to comfort Yuqi.

"Chang that 'all' to 'me' and that would be more comforting." Yuqi turned her attention back to her baby.

Xiaoyun scratched his head as if he can't change his answer with everyone being in the room.

"Your baby is name Lianrong right?" Leyan asked.

"Yeah, since she's a girl, her name is going to be Lianrong." Yuqi patted her on the head.

"C-can I hold it?" Yueyue asked as sh moved closer to Yuqi.

"Sure, but Nami can only look." Yuqi warned as she handed the baby to Yueyue.

"Why! That's not fair. I won't hurt it." Nami looked a little annoyed by the decision.

"You know why."

As Yueyue gentle touched the baby's face, she noticed how similar it looked to Yuqi.

"Look like this baby inherited most of her mom's genes. It look so similar to Qiqi and mom." Yueyue handed the Lianrong to Leyan.

"Yeah it really does. It kind of looked like you too." Leyan commented as she let Yueyue hold onto Yongyi.

"Duh, that because all three of you looked so similar. If someone put all three next to each other, they will think all three of you are sisters." Nami pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah yeah, you aren't wrong." Xiaoyun replied as Yueyue switched the baby and handed it back to their mothers.

"I'm so tired... I'm going home now. Lily lets go." Nami yawned and left the room with Lily.

"Um, I'm gonna go home too. I'm need to catch up some sleep too." Yueyue yawned.

"You don't have to go to work today, I'll go to work myself. Just sleep in as late as you want." Xiaoyun reminded Yueyue.

"Okay." Yueyue left the room.

"Um, Xiaoyun the office re——" Xiaoyun interrupted Yuqi before sh can finish.

"Yuqi you stay in the hospital okay? I will do all the office work. Just don't worry about it. I'm not letting you go back to the office at least a month later." Xiaoyun raised his voice as he looked determined.

"Fine whatever, just more break for me." Yuqi turned all her attention back to her baby.

Leyan let out a laugh as she watched the two argued.

"Xiaoyun you might want to leave, work is about to start soon. You wouldn't want to be late for your offic reforms right?" Leyan reminded Xiaoyun.

"Oh snap." Xiaoyun left the room immediately.

As Leyan and Yuqi sat on the bed looking at each other, the baby were also staring at each other.

"Hey mom... is it just me or is our baby a little odd?" Yuqi suddenly asked.

"What you talking about? They are perfectly healthy." Leyan misunderstand Yuqi's point.

"No I'm not talking about we being related to Xiaoyun... I'm talking about the aura that the baby gives off of. They are so quiet... its like the opposite of what you told us when we are a kid. It's calming isn't it?" Yuqi restated her question.

"Um, I guess? Its probably just probably some hormone that is affecting your brain when you are next to your baby. Don't overthink it. I seen a lot of baby who were just as quiet behaved." Leyan could feel the same thing but didn't think much of it.

"Maybe you're right..." Yuqi disregard her thoughts.

Suddenly both the baby started crying.

"M-mom what s-should I do?" Yuqi started to panic a little.

"They are just hungry." Leyan lowered her cloths and started breastfeeding her baby.

Yuqi lowered her cloths and started breastfeeding her baby as well.

Slowly the baby stopped crying as it started suckling on the tips.

"M-mom d-do you get turn on a little by this?" Yuqi nervously asked.

"It's normal, don't think too much about it. It's a human body part that has a lot of sensitive nerves." Leyan replied back.

Eventually, the two baby fell asleep as Yuqi was getting sleepy too.

"Mom where can I put the baby? I don't want to drop it on accident or crush it."

"Just press that button over there." Yuqi pointed at the button on the wall.

Yuqi pressed it and waited.

A minute later, the nurse came in.

"Mrs.Leyan do you have any issue?" The nurse asked.

"No, but can you bring a crib to Yuqi's side? She want to put her baby down."

"No problem, we will do that right now." The nurse left the room, then came back with a crib.

The nurse picked up the baby and carefully put the baby into the crib.

Yuqi was finally able to go to sleep in peace after staying up all night.


As Xiaoyun arrived at the office, everyone had just gotten to the office as well.

"Everyone to the meeting room. Including the people working at the booth and all the head of other departments. Tell everyone that works for civilian government in the office must attend and get here in a hour." Xiaoyun stood in the main office as he said this.

"Wait, don't call the agriculture department or the construction department, they are excluded in this reform." Xiaoyun added.

Xiaoyun then went inside Yuqi's office for a short nap on the sofa.

When someone knocked on the door, Xiaoyun finally woke up again as he still feel extremely sleepy.

As Xiaoyun opened the door, he could see the main office full of people.

"Never mind, the meeting room is too small. Everyone please go to the training field." Xiaoyun yelled out.

After everyone arrived at the training field, Xiaoyun got up to the podium.

"I'm here to announce the civilian reforms. There will be eight department total each with their own head and headquarter. This reform is to separate the workload of each individual mini-department to be their own departments.

Beside agriculture and construction department that will stay the exact same, there will be a trade department purely to work with outside trade.

Next is the store department that manage all the sales of goods in government stores. Then its the economic department that manage the commercial districts as well as the industrial district.

For education and health, they will be their own department as well.

Last department will be internal affair, which is the head department of all seven department. They will manage the resources directions as well as food stamps. They will still be in the main administrative building.

In total with the eight department, all of them will still be under the me as the mayor and co-mayor with Yuqi. We will be working as the internal affair department to ease the transition between everyone.

Due to some circumstance, the co-mayor will be back after a month or so. I will be working in the office for the next month." Xiaoyun finally finished the first part of the announcement.

"Now for promotion for each department...." Xiaoyun started announcing which people go to which department.

"All the department location is still the same beside trade and store, which will have their department moved to the commercial district. Thank you everyone for their cooperation." Xiaoyun dismissed everyone and left the podium.

After the next chapter, I can finally be finish with the bonus. The pain is over, I won! I beat it before chapter 100. (Totally didn't rigged it)

Bonus Chapter Counter: 1

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