
Chapter 91: Town's new look

After retreating back to the high school, the soldier got off the bus alongside the three.

"I think we should call it a day." Xiaoyun suggested.

"Why? It's only not even one o'clock yet." Gantian checked the time.

"We wasted a lot of ammo and we don't have a way to restock it beside back in town." Xiaoyun explained.

"Xiaoyun's right, lets start packing up. Let's wait for the two bus to come back first." Jixi agreed.

Eventually the two buses was finally back after waiting for ten more minute.

"Everyone get to their assigned bus, survivor please get on the two buses that just arrived." Xiaoyun got back onto the first bus with Jixi.


After Xiaoyun went onto the missions twenty more time in the entire month of March, he finally stopped and let the Gantian and Jixi led themselves.

Xiaoyun was back in the office for the first time. As he approached the administrative building, he noticed the store below had been completely removed and replaced with twenty booths.

As he walked inside the main office, he noticed almost every single cubicle has people working inside now. All with stacks of paper working.

When Xiaoyun entered Yuqi's office, he noticed the room has double in size, as well as five office table now, with as both Nami and Leyan inside the office.

"Finally you came back, there's so much work thanks to your city rescue." Yuqi didn't even looked at Xiaoyun as she continued to work.

"When did Nami and Leyan work here now?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"I don't have enough people that I can trust, so I called Nami to work here instead of the store.

Leyan has retired from her nurse position as she found a replacement that had more experience than her, and her belly is getting too big to work beside office job here." Yuqi explained.

"Hm, why didn't any of you guys told me about this? We still see each other every night..." Xiaoyun walked over to Yuqi.

"Why would I bring work into the bedroom? Anyway here's a stack of work for you to sort through." Yuqi threw an entire stack in front of Xiaoyun's new desk.

Xiaoyun carried the stack of paper to his desk as he stilled look completely stunned from the papers.

"Come on Xiaoyun, its time to start working." Yueyue noticed Xiaoyun being frozen at his desk.

"Y-yeah okay." Xiaoyun snapped back to reality and started working.

As Xiaoyun worked, he learned that the town had grown over to six thousand people, almost tripling the size of the town in a single month.

Leading to two completely new zones just for residential area massive expansion further toward the forest to built massive amount of cabins as temporary housing.

There also three schools now, with new government store all over the town to supply goods.

The farms and factory has also massively expanded its production to keep up with the demand

Beside the massive growth, there's also a small food shortage coming soon.

"Yuqi, do you want me to go create more food?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Not yet, the next farm harvest should be enough to cover it. But the raw material has been running low now."

"Okay I'll go there right now." Xiaoyun left the office and walked toward the storage room.

As Xiaoyun walked on the street, there were many new faces that he had never seen before.

After walking for ten minute, Xiaoyun finally arrived at the storage room.

Although called storage room, it should be call a massive warehouse now as it held the extra foods and raw material to the stores, commercial sectors, and factories.

Xiaoyun dismissed the five militia standing guard and started cloned the raw material without bothering to make it to appear to be transported from the outside.

After two hours, Xiaoyun finally finish cloning it.

"Don't ask question." Xiaoyun gave a head up to the five militia and left the warehouse.

When Xiaoyun arrived back at the office, most people had left for lunch break.

This didn't include the four who is still working inside Yuqi's office and eating at the same time.

"Xiaoyun, I want you to pause the rescue mission for a week." Yuqi asked.

"Why? Is it too much people?"

"No, they are just using way too much ammo. The factory can't keep up... don't go try to clone the bullet, its nowhere near enough even if you clone all night. Cloning the raw material is enough." Yuqi stopped Xiaoyun from going to the armory.

"Okay, I will pause it when they come back." Xiaoyun folded.


When it got to five o'clock, all the soldiers were back from the rescue mission.

Xiaoyun stood alongside Yezi and Yiming at the training field waiting for Jixi and Gantian leading everyone back inside.

"Hello everyone. I have an announcement to make before you are all dismissed." Xiaoyun stood on the podium.

"Due to your hard work, we have saved over four thousand people in a month. I thank you everyone's hard work." Xiaoyun gave a round of an applause to the soldiers.

"We had decided to give everyone here an one week break to relax. Don't worry, you will still be paid during the week off." Xiaoyun added.

The soldiers cheered as Xiaoyun announced the break and clapped in excitement.

"You all are dismissed." Xiaoyun walk back downstage to Yezi and Yiming.

"Look like people wanted a break for quite a while now." Xiaoyun commented.

"Yeah, its hard to go on a straight rescue mission for a month straight... By the way do you have any plan to expand the military more?" Yezi asked.

"Hm, we do have six thousand people now. We can definitely expand to two thousand." Xiaoyun acknowledged it.

"Before that, we should wait for everyone to finish militia training first. All these new people had been somewhat unruly in the training field. Its going to take some time to drill discipline to them." Yiming argued against it.

"Sure, we can do that too. we can recruit more militia while turning the current militia into soldiers." Xiaoyun thought of an idea.

Both of them nodded in agreement.

"If we are expanding to two thousand... that is a lot of officer position to fill." Xiaoyun suddenly realized.

"Its fine, we can have the current soldiers to fulfill the higher up position as a rank up, then fill their old position with the new recruits." Yiming gave his idea.

"I guess... how are we going to format the soldiers then?"

"How about we continue the structure we have right now and just keep going up? So we will have Battalion up next for every five company." Yezi suggested.

"We will only have one full battalion and two company missing in the other." Xiaoyun calculated it in his head.

"I don't recommend using battalion so fast... we should just continue using company as highest sizes possible as we don't have real officers to manage an entire battalions." Yiming disagreed with Yezi's idea.

"You right, we can just stick to company format for now... Anyway Yiming, can you open a military academy and be the teacher of it?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Sure, I can just start teaching them in the cafeteria. No need to build a new place."

"Good, they can spent thee break learning here as well. What a perfect timing." Xiaoyun realized.


Xiaoyun went back home after sorting out ironing out the next military expansion with Yezi and Yiming.

"Welcome home!" Leyan opened the door for Xiaoyun as she took off his jacket.

"You guys already at home?" Xiaoyun noticed everyone already at the living room.

"Yeah, look at the clock already. It's six o'clock." Leyan pointed at the clock.

"Oh right. Almost forgot the time." Xiaoyun and Leyan entered inside the house.

"Let's go eat dinner!" All four of them got off the sofa and walked toward the kitchen as Xiaoyun and Leyan followed behind.

After finishing dinner, Leyan decided to pull out mahjong to play.

As everyone one took turn playing, with the loser rotating out with the other person, Xiaoyun somehow manage to lost the most. Even more than Nami.

"Look like someone isn't god of gambler as they proclaimed." Leyan laughed.

"Yeah yeah, just unlucky today." Xiaoyun switched seat with Yueyue as he lost again.

Xiaoyun and Lily watched the four play until one of them lost. Allowing Xiaoyun to join back in.

After playing til ten o'clock, Xiaoyun manage to break even at the end while Yuqi was the biggest winner.

"I'm too sleepy now. I'm gonna go take a shower and sleep." Nami yawned as she and Lily left the dining table.

"Well, lets go take a shower and go to sleep as well. I'm kinda sleepy too." As Yuqi spoke out, the other two nodded in agreement.

Xiaoyun stay behind to put everything back into the case as the the three left upstairs.

"Hm, both showers are full... which one is it?" Xiaoyun realized both were occupied, but he doesn't know which one the three went inside.

"Is it Leyan's room or the outside one... It has to be Leyan's room right?" Xiaoyun had to made a decision.

Sike, there's no combat scene. Haha baited. Back to city building for Mr.Mayor's worst nightmare. Paperwork really are the most painful thing to process.

Hm, I should mention that uh, summoner pen doesn't do anything... I haven't set that up to release bonus chapter.

Also we reached 1000 Collection!!! What a milestone. Also pls no more powerstone. Just save it after I finish the bonus chapter count.

Bonus Chapter Counter: 3

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