
Chapter 90: Back to work

The Chinese New Year break soon fly passed.

Everyone was back to work as much as they want to continue the holiday.

Xiaoyun prediction on the rescue team was wrong as the outskirt rescue ended just as March was about to rolled around.

"We have nowhere else to search in the city outskirt. It's all cleared of survivor." Yezi explained.

"We will have to go inside the city proper to look for more survivor if we want to continue. I know you don't want to do this, but we will have to if we want to keep growing." Yiming argued.

"I know... I will allow it as long as there's enough firepower ready. Yuqi how many weapon do we have in stockpile? And the ammo amount?" Xiaoyun looked over to Yuqi.

"We have enough to cover every squad to have one RPK with two full mag, and MP-40 has been given to all of them." Yuqi replied.

"Very well then, you two can start planning how to enter the city. I'll be there later with you guys." Xiaoyun signed the authorization paper that Yezi asked for.

"We'll wait for you there." Yezi and Yiming left the room.

"I almost forgot to tell you, the MG-42 is having some production issue. It might take a week to be able to start producing it." Yuqi added.

"It's fine, those are mostly be used on the wall... anything else before I go?"

"Nope." Yuqi went back to work.

After sitting for few minute, Xiaoyun got up and left the office.

When Xiaoyun arrived at the security room, Yezi and Yiming were already there.

"You finally here, anyway lets talk about how to get inside the city." Yezi took out the map and laid it onto the table.

"There's six main entrance to the city. The closest one to us is the southern entrance right here." Yezi pointed at the map.

"However, its also the most populated part of the city. So I recommend we take the slightly farther south-west entrance right here." Yezi pointed to that entrance.

"Hm, seem pretty good." Xiaoyun didn't see any problem with it.

"This route is too risky." Yiming suddenly argued against it.

"Why?" Yezi looked at Yiming confused.

"There's a nearby military outpost there, we will be under their surveillance every time we go in the city.

We should instead take the south-eastern entrance over there. The military has no outpost there at all since its the opposite side of their forces." Yiming pointed at the opposite side of Yezi's idea.

"But that's almost twenty minute longer drive that can be spent on rescuing people. Beside, I don't see why we need to hide from the military. They already know us." Yezi argued back.

"Um, Yiming, can you tell him about the capital?" Xiaoyun gave Yiming the signal.

"What capital? What you guys talking about?" Yezi looked slightly confused.

"Well its a long story..." Yiming explained the entire thing to Yezi.

"Oh I see... so we might need to be worry of an attack from the military?" Yezi asked.

"Yes, if they one day want to turn us into a military town like the one in the north... I'm not letting that happen." Xiaoyun explained.

"Well then, lets do Yiming's path." As Yezi finish speaking, the three nodded in agreement.

The three of them then left the security room for the training field.

All the soldier were standing there already.

Xiaoyun step up to the podium to announce the plan, as well as the new weapons to the soldiers.

The soldiers were fully expecting the order to go to the city next as Xiaoyun announced, but didn't expect the announcement of new weapon at all.

Everyone went back inside their lockers to pick up their new weapons as distributed.

"Is everyone ready?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Yes sir!" All of them yelled back in ecstasy over the new weapons.

"Very well then. Everyone go to their assigned bus." Xiaoyun replied back to everyone as people started to go to their assigned bus with their assigned unit this time.

"Um, commander Xiaoyun, you are going on the mission too?" Jixi looked confused as Xiaoyun followed behind him.

"Yes, I want to see the inner city myself. Both of them already went there but I'm the only one who hasn't explore it yet." Xiaoyun sat down at one of the seat.

"Okay..." Jixi didn't argue back and signal the bus driver to start driving.


When the buses travel through the outskirt, there were still hordes of zombies standing around aimlessly.

After driving for almost thirty minute, they finally arrived at the city's south-eastern entrance.

After driving for a bit, Xiaoyun told the bus driver to stop, which lead to other buses to stop as well.

"This is going to be the base of our operation headquarter, Yiming and Yezi already had planned out everything." Xiaoyun gave the plan to Jixi.

Jixi started reading over the plan.

As Jixi read the plan, Xiaoyun spoke through the Walkie Talkie to order Gantian's company to clear the high school first.

After ten minute, Gantian reported back with the school cleared.

Xiaoyun and Jixi's company finally got off the bus and entered the high school.

The two met up with Gantian in the middle as Jixi finished reading the plan and handed over to Gantian.

"Hm, I don't see any issue with the plan." Gantian didn't oppose the plan after reading it.

"Then lets get working."

Jixi and Gantian started ordering the platoon to building outside of the schools to clear and started directing assigning them areas to clear.

After clearing for a hour, almost fifty people were rescued. Most of them looked malnourished.

"A-are you guys the military?" One of the survivor asked.

"We are civilian militia with permission in the form of safety zone to operate rescue missions." Xiaoyun gave a vague answer to create an illusion that they are apart of the military to rescue people.

It seem to have worked as most survivor went inside the bus patiently without questioning it.

Xiaoyun ordered one of the platoon units to start driving some of the buses back to the town.

Just as the time was about to hit noon, over two hundred survivor has saved and transport to the town, with fifty of them standing at the high school wait for the next bus lift.

Suddenly an emergency was called by one of the platoon.

"What happen?" Xiaoyun walked over to two.

"The platoon is trapped inside a building. They couldn't create offensive push to get out as there were also five tanks mutant there." Jixi explained.

"All unit report back to the school, over." Jixi spoke through the walkie talkie and started packing up.

"How are you planning to save them?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Using the buses to lure them out first, then kit them with new firepower we have." Gantian nodded in agreement with Jixi plan.

"That not going to work in the city, if the buses get trapped between two zombies horde or got blocked by traffic, we will lose both the bus and the trapped platoon." Xiaoyun warned.

"What suggestion do you have then?" Gantian noticed Xiaoyun seem to have a plan.

"We concentrate all our forces into the street that the platoon is trapped in. With the new firepower we will able to create a gap between the zombies. We get the platoon into the bus, and we get out. We need to get it done fast as this will create massive amount of noise." Xiaoyun explained his plan.

"Fine, lets go with your plan. Platoon number ten, you stay behind to guard the survivor here." Jixi directed one of platoon to stay behind as rest of the platoon unit got on the bus.

After waiting for ten minute, the rest of the platoon units that was in other rescue mission had arrived.

They all got onto the bus as Jixi and Gantian directed. Then the bus started and drove toward the trapped platoon.

As the bus arrived on the street the trapped platoon is in, there were thousands of zombies and five tanks mutant as the platoon had described.

"Everyone get off the bus and start firing!" Xiaoyun directed.

All the soldiers got off the bus as Xiaoyun directed and started firing with their their rifles and RPK.

"Grenade out!" Jixi and Gantian directed as the tank mutants approached closer.

The soldiers threw their grenades, which was able to knock out three of the mutants.

"Again!" The soldiers threw their second one to finish off the other two mutant.

With the overwhelming fire, the zombie horde was practically all wiped on the street they are on.

"Platoon unit six, you all can come out now, over." Jixi spoke through the walkie talkie.

"Copy that." The sixth platoon unit responded back.

As th bus and soldiers advanced toward the building that the platoon was trapped in, the sixth platoon unit finally came out.

"Everyone get back on the bus!" Xiaoyun could see a zombie horde grouping in the distance.

All the soldiers rushed back into their assigned bus, with the some needing to crammed inside as two of the buses were still transporting survivor and on route to come back from the town.

The bus driver started the bus and drove away as the other buses followed.

100 powerstone, well one more bonus chapter... so close to finishing the bonus.

Combat scenes, actions! These few chapter is going to be that.

Bonus Chapter Counter: 4

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